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The Official Former President Trump thread


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Trump is using a Melania body double. Great story this.

I went in to this thinking "there's people in the world who would be fooled by Clark Kent" but after falling into a conspiracy hole I'm now 200% convinced it's a double".
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8 hours ago, TheProgressiveLiberal said:

Didn't mean it to look bad. "They signed up for this" is a common way of saying that somebody like a soldier or firefighter was brave. If Trump did say it to this lady I can't imagine he meant it any other way, and I can't imagine you could take it any other way unless you were trying to be offended. Does anybody really think he called up the pregnant widow of a dead soldier and was rude to her because she's black?  It's a laughable opinion to hold.

No, I think the fact that Donald is both unintelligent and in the early onset stages of dementia meant that, as we have seen multiple times when he speaks publicly and says things which weren't written down beforehand for him by someone else, he tried to say something similar in sentiment at least to what Obama said there but couldn't.  He couldn't manage four sentences of being a vaguely empathetic or coherent person. tbh I can see why you're pretending you would cream yourself over him practicing free throws with kitchen paper after some life-altering natural disaster, his personal attempt at comfort would probably be him saying he could make a lot of money by building a Trump Tower where the family home used to be.

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12 hours ago, Cerberus said:

The NFL couldn’t enforce them to stand.
That would be challenged in court the very next day.

I can’t understand anyone who is pro 1st amendment not liking people kneeling during the national anthem.
Unless it’s crazy racism.

Aye okay Columbo

Speaking of which, from the only news source which Donald (and his supporters) trusts:



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1 hour ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

Aye okay Columbo

Speaking of which, from the only news source which Donald (and his supporters) trusts:



I thought Fox couldn't get dumber than O'Reilly.  Then they found your man Hannity, and sunk even lower with Tucker Carlson.  But Tomi Lahern really is incapable of even remotely lateral thought.  Because she doesn't understand something, she projects onto sports people who are ten times smarter than she is.   Of course, despite the Wotsit buffoon pretending otherwise, Fox News has never been about presenting news.

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Trump makes George Dubya look like an intellectual colossus. About 2hours 11 minutes in. No idea why my bet has appeared here and it seems to be impossible to delete. In case anyone is daft enough to take it as a tip, I swapped Huntly for Deveronvale.





Edited by welshbairn
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Mental how many Trump supporters can't see a thing wrong with what he does and says. They seem to believe that he literally makes no mistakes and will defend absolutely everything he says and does.

It's an insane attitude. Did I support a political party I would still criticise them if they made some blunder. There are folk on here who are supporters, or even members, of political parties yet still call out things and criticise when they see fit. Trump fans just blindly refuse to do so. They're no different to supporters of Kim Jon Un.

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4 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

Mental how many Trump supporters can't see a thing wrong with what he does and says. They seem to believe that he literally makes no mistakes and will defend absolutely everything he says and does.

It's an insane attitude. Did I support a political party I would still criticise them if they made some blunder. There are folk on here who are supporters, or even members, of political parties yet still call out things and criticise when they see fit. Trump fans just blindly refuse to do so. They're no different to supporters of Kim Jon Un.

Spot on; it's like Brexiteers who won't admit that they were lied to and that it's going to to be an unmitigated disaster.

Trump had promised the family of a soldier killed in action a personal donation of $25k back in June, he never sent the cheque.

He has now (supposedly) done so after been called out about it by the media.  The White House accusing the media of an anti-Trump agenda.  Pointing out he's a liar and a shyster isn't an agenda.

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4 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

It comes down the list of qualities of how I judge the individual with probably the most power and influence in the world.

The Bush presidency seems like a golden age now compared to the Trump presidency. At least his media gaffes were funny whereas Trump just says idiotic things because he is an imbecile devoid of empathy or any sense of appropriate behaviour.

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Just now, Richey Edwards said:

The Bush presidency seems like a golden age now compared to the Trump presidency. At least his media gaffes were funny whereas Trump just says idiotic things because he is an imbecile devoid of empathy or any sense of appropriate behaviour.

There are two differences.

Firstly W had political 'experience' and was a member of a heavily politically involved family.

Secondly (probably related to the first part) he had expert advisers who he listened to.

Add to those the fact that Trump may clinically insane* then anything will look good in comparison.

* That's not a jibe, he has a severe personality disorder that could be legitimately described in such terms.

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4 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

There are two differences.

Firstly W had political 'experience' and was a member of a heavily politically involved family.

Secondly (probably related to the first part) he had expert advisers who he listened to.

Add to those the fact that Trump may clinically insane* then anything will look good in comparison.

* That's not a jibe, he has a severe personality disorder that could be legitimately described in such terms.

Yeah, in seriousness that is a good assessment of the difference.

I don't think Trump is a sane or mentally competent person. He does not appear to understand the role of President or how the political systems work.

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Just now, Richey Edwards said:

Yeah, in seriousness that is a good assessment of the difference.

I don't think Trump is a sane or mentally competent person. He does not appear to understand the role of President or how the political systems work.

If he gets his tax 'reform' relating to inheritance tax through it will all have been worth it.

Ego aside, I'm beginning to think that's his aim.  Anyone looking at the system in the states realises only a tiny, tiny percentage of ultra wealthy folk will benefit from it.


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Yeah, in seriousness that is a good assessment of the difference.
I don't think Trump is a sane or mentally competent person. He does not appear to understand the role of President or how the political systems work.

He never expected to be President though.
He stood as an ego boost and for the publicity never really believing he'd get the nomination, never mind actually getting elected.
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He's started hugging himself when he gets a tricky question instead of spread crotch, knees and hands. As someone who knows nothing about psychiatry I can assure you that he's about to have a total mental breakdown and hide in his room watching Fox News with the fake Melania double.

Edited by welshbairn
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