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ABC retracting that story now. Flynn to testify Trump directed him to make contact with Russia during the transition, rather than before.

I asked the question months ago and I’m still not really sure if doing that is illegal or not. History suggests not but then maybe those Presidents either didn’t get caught at the time, or maybe more likely, there wasn’t an appetite to get them out at all costs.
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3 hours ago, Paco said:




ABC retracting that story now. Flynn to testify Trump directed him to make contact with Russia during the transition, rather than before.

I asked the question months ago and I’m still not really sure if doing that is illegal or not. History suggests not but then maybe those Presidents either didn’t get caught at the time, or maybe more likely, there wasn’t an appetite to get them out at all costs.



Which is in no way worth the exchange of life in jail for one to five years plus testimony.  Mueller is quite clearly making a much, much bigger case here.

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Just to add to the "Trump is simply thick as f**k" list, he's admitted to obstruction on Twitter. He knew of Flynn's crimes and has just admitted as such.

Yup. If he asked Comey to “let it go”, and that was why he sacked him, he’s just admitted to obstruction of justice. Too many lies, too many crimes.
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This new Senate tax bill would put up the deficit by $1.5 Trillion dollars, a lot of it depending on China continuing to buy US bonds. I'd have thought Bannon would be raging about it but not a murmur from Breitbart. Never mind, the rich will get richer in the short term, that's all they care about, f**k the grandkids.

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6 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

This new Senate tax bill would put up the deficit by $1.5 Trillion dollars, a lot of it depending on China continuing to buy US bonds. I'd have thought Bannon would be raging about it but not a murmur from Breitbart. Never mind, the rich will get richer in the short term, that's all they care about, f**k the grandkids.

It’s a strange change of course for many conservative Republicans.

I wonder how many genuinely believe the bullshit that there will be a significant offsetting as a result of economic growth.

I guess none.


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1 hour ago, Randy Giles said:

Just to add to the "Trump is simply thick as f**k" list, he's admitted to obstruction on Twitter. He knew of Flynn's crimes and has just admitted as such.


Never mind that he was on Turkey's payroll when he was arguing against supporting the Kurds in Syria and for deporting Gullen, without declaring it and while being National Security Advisor in the Whitehouse.

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Flynn, like Manafort, seems like your typical garden variety swamp creature who will use his position to enrich himself first. The interesting question for me is why he would lie about the conversations in the first place. The communications about the Russian sanctions seem pretty ordinary for an incoming administration, but all things being equal the Israeli lobbying  could have got him in trouble. I somehow get the feeling that particular avenue will not be investigated further.

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