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The Official Former President Trump thread


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25 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Beginning to suspect that Trump is deliberately honing down to his core deplorables to the exclusion of all others, to ensure he loses the election but has a guaranteed audience for his new TV collaboration with Breitbart and Infowars...

He's trying to win and this kind of stuff actually worked for him last time around. What he does is he says stuff that a lot of less sophisticated Cletus the slack-jawed yokel types amongst the potential swing voters will agree with that isn't actually overtly racist only suggestive of it. Many Democrats and journalists then proceed to make a lot of noise about it, which said swing voters find bewildering. The resulting furore winds up pushing enough of those swing voters into his camp that he gets to win in rust belt states like Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania even though the last thing they actually needed was somebody taking away their health care coverage and pushing even more tax cuts for the rich.

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Trump won’t win next time around.  He scrapped by last time despite not winning the popular vote.

The demographic changes, his exposure as a charlatan and a more motivated opposition will condemn him to be a one term President.

If anyone other than Biden succeeds him I think he will be held to account.


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8 minutes ago, Frank Quitely said:
1 hour ago, doulikefish said:
I see the partner of the journo that broke the "email" is being touted as the new ambassador to Trumpland.You honestly couldnt make this shit up

Richard Tice, pot ugly lover of the very unlovable Isabel Oakeshit ?

And fervent Farage fluffer and funder. CEO of Brexit Party Incorporated (Panama). 

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Beginning to suspect that Trump is deliberately honing down to his core deplorables to the exclusion of all others, to ensure he loses the election but has a guaranteed audience for his new TV collaboration with Breitbart and Infowars. He's already started slagging off Fox which is unheard of. Mind you, that's what I thought in 2016. He did look a bit bewildered when he won then though.

We all thought this back in 2016 but forgot that the one thing Trump wants to be is a winner and seen as a winner. He was slagging off Fox because they’re giving airtime to his opponents instead of the usual of uncritically slaughtering all of his opposition 100% of the time. Mind his demand of Comey? “Honest loyalty.” He’s a dementia riddled moron who seems motivated by spite and obsession about his personal image.
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14 minutes ago, NotThePars said:


We all thought this back in 2016 but forgot that the one thing Trump wants to be is a winner and seen as a winner. He was slagging off Fox because they’re giving airtime to his opponents instead of the usual of uncritically slaughtering all of his opposition 100% of the time. Mind his demand of Comey? “Honest loyalty.” He’s a dementia riddled moron who seems motivated by spite and obsession about his personal image.


I could see him packing it in just before the Republican convention, saying the whole system's corrupt and rigged against him, and he can accomplish more for the country outside the White House, leaving the Republicans in the shit, which would be fun. The worry is that he'll stay on just to avoid criminal prosecution for another 4 years. I do think he'd be happier on his own TV channel with sycophants asking for his thoughts, and spending his time at MAGA movement rallies, on the golf course, and at Mar-a- Lago. Hang on.....

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Trump will stoke the economy so that any downturn doesn't happen till 2021, double down on the fundamentalist/redneck vote and accuse whatever Democrat candidate emerges of being part of the liberal elite/swamp - I wouldn't bet against him winning a second term.

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13 minutes ago, btb said:

Trump will stoke the economy so that any downturn doesn't happen till 2021, double down on the fundamentalist/redneck vote and accuse whatever Democrat candidate emerges of being part of the liberal elite/swamp - I wouldn't bet against him winning a second term.

The economy is key, depends on when the damage he's done to the global economy hits American pockets and jobs. Most of the tariffs haven't really taken effect yet, US companies and consumers will get hit hard. China is getting pushed very hard, they own much of American debt which if they put on the market would f**k American borrowing bigly. Europe are already trying to find a way out of the control of the US banking system to keep the Iran deal going. Trump has stoked the economy by massively increasing borrowing to cut taxes for the rich, and is furious about the Fed not fueling it more. Trump might be wise to run away to Trump Tower before the shit really hits the fan. 
















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We all thought this back in 2016 but forgot that the one thing Trump wants to be is a winner and seen as a winner. He was slagging off Fox because they’re giving airtime to his opponents instead of the usual of uncritically slaughtering all of his opposition 100% of the time. Mind his demand of Comey? “Honest loyalty.” He’s a dementia riddled moron who seems motivated by spite and obsession about his personal image.

It was actually worse than that. He actually demanded flat out loyalty from Comey, and Comey’s response was that he would be “loyally honest”, or “honestly loyal”.
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12 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Trump won’t win next time around.  He scrapped by last time despite not winning the popular vote.

The demographic changes, his exposure as a charlatan and a more motivated opposition will condemn him to be a one term President.

If anyone other than Biden succeeds him I think he will be held to account.



What odds are you offering here?


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Guest Bob Mahelp


There's every chance that Trump's disgusting dog whistle politics will see him re-elected.

As the article says, he only needs to concentrate on a certain amount of swing states.  He doesn't give a shit about the likes of California, Illinois or New York, he'll never win there. And he knows that he has the south and the bible belt in his pocket regardless of what he does or says.

It's  states such as Ohio and Pennsylvania,  Wisconsin and Michigan that the Republicans know will decide the next election. And they're predominantly white, industrial/farming states with a huge amount of conservative voters who are receptive to Trump's populism.

It's truly astonishing to anyone outside of the USA why people could (re)elect someone like Trump. But I suspect that they will, and maybe even in bigger numbers next time around. 






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It's been really interesting reading coverage of Pelosi faction democrats viewing AOC faction as a bigger threat than the GOP. They only pulled back from attacking the new progressive intake when Trump made those blatantly racist remarks about them going back to their home countries.


American politics is inherently conservative. AOC is hardly saying anything that would be out of place in the Labour Party, or even the SNP. Unfortunately, it’s incredibly easy for Republicans to paint her in a way that will be off putting to swing voters - even though she’s not running for president. So Pelosi is having to distance the party from her.


I think she’s an absolute star.


Edit: it’s all about the electoral college, which means don’t lean too far left and don’t offend the unthinking oafs who are soft Trumpers.

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25 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

It's been really interesting reading coverage of Pelosi faction democrats viewing AOC faction as a bigger threat than the GOP. They only pulled back from attacking the new progressive intake when Trump made those blatantly racist remarks about them going back to their home countries.

It's demanding that Dems start futile impeachment proceedings against Trump that is pissing off the old guard. Arithmetically they have zero chance of succeeding, and would play right into the hands of Trump. They should be bashing on and on about healthcare and the massive tax cuts for the rich, not making Trump even more the centre of attention.

Edited by welshbairn
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5 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

That's probably true, but I think the kind of thinking behind it (we just got elected in the midterms but there's another election in 2 years so don't do anything risky) is transferred to a lot of other things. Also whether impeachment actually works or not is to me beside the point.

Pelosi signalling no impeachment is encouraging Trump's racism. Pelosi granting funding for concentration camps and border walls is telling the GOP to take a mile.

If Pelosi had blocked the border funding the situation would be even worse for the asylum seekers. It's like closing down the Government because you didn't get exactly what you want in a funding bill, fine bit of virtue signalling but everyone loses.  Do you really think Trump would tone it down if impeachment proceedings started that he knew had zero chance of succeeding? He'd fucking love it, as would his base.

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33 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

I'd expect a democratic politician to treat not funding concentration camps as a matter of conscience and principle, yes.

Passing the bill should mean some improvement in conditions, blocking it would mean them getting worse. You have to fight on what's achievable.

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4 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

If it gets worse in those circumstances it's entirely on the consciences of the republicans, who I don't believe are to a person evil like Trump & his circle. You're rationalising boiling a frog.

The people on the border wouldn't care whose conscience it was on, the Democrats would get the blame, just like they managed to give Trump the blame when he closed down the Government. "Well we asked the Democrats to help the people on the border, they refused."

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