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The Official Former President Trump thread


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Guest Bob Mahelp
19 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

There will be a large portion of his base who will only see this spun version as they will not watch any outlet critical of Trump.


You have to remember who Trump is playing to when he wheels out this nonsense....he cares nothing about liberals in California or middle class voters in Chicago or NYC. They'll never vote for him and he knows that. 

He's playing to the lowest common denominator in swing states like Wisconsin, Arizona, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida. People who already see the media as the enemy and who are ready and willing to pour scorn on scientists, intellectuals and anyone from what they see as the 'establishment'. 

The more he comes out with these crackpot statements, the more they love him. 

Millions of decent people all over the States are shaking their heads in bemusement at this, but they would do well to remember how and why the Democrats managed to blow it in 2016. 

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You have to remember who Trump is playing to when he wheels out this nonsense....he cares nothing about liberals in California or middle class voters in Chicago or NYC. They'll never vote for him and he knows that. 
He's playing to the lowest common denominator in swing states like Wisconsin, Arizona, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida. People who already see the media as the enemy and who are ready and willing to pour scorn on scientists, intellectuals and anyone from what they see as the 'establishment'. 
The more he comes out with these crackpot statements, the more they love him. 
Millions of decent people all over the States are shaking their heads in bemusement at this, but they would do well to remember how and why the Democrats managed to blow it in 2016. 

Exactly. And despite not having much to offer liberals, there’s no question that Joe Biden is the Democrat most likely to swing enough votes in those very few swing states, which is all the Democrats need to win in November...

... Or should be, under normal circumstances. Wisconsin is evidence that the Federal government will try and weigh the scales as firmly against the Democrats as possible.
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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

There will be a large portion of his base who will only see this spun version as they will not watch any outlet critical of Trump.

Exactly. His fans will lap it up. You could compare him to a certain team winning a trophy by out and out cheating and their fans actually delighting in it.

It will be up to his opponents to get all the non-Trump voters into the polling booths.            We know how difficult that is.

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Just now, Jacksgranda said:

Maybe they should try that a bit closer to home.

Maybe so but whilst our government statements are misleading Trumps actions are on a different level.

On a serious note I think his actions have raised the credibility and accountability bar and made it easier for the likes of Patel to get away with her recent shocking statement.

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11 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Maybe so but whilst our government statements are misleading Trumps actions are on a different level.

On a serious note I think his actions have raised the credibility and accountability bar and made it easier for the likes of Patel to get away with her recent shocking statement.

I wasn't comparing Trump's carry on with the way our government(s) have performed, I was more alluding to the crtitical anaysis of their actions, there's seems to have been little of that (to date).

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Another example of Trump learning something new and then marvelling at it like it's man discovering fire for the first time.

Today - "People don't know about Lyme disease" :blink: 


Edited by RiG
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America's full of absolutely enormous people (height-wise as well as circumference). Anybody who's bought clothes there will have noticed that most stores routinely stock sizes that you'd never see on the high street here, and it's not out of some kind of political correctness.

I've seen theories that it's a remnant from the slave trade, and a side-effect of the amount of growth hormones they pump into livestock. That, and a diet high in red meat leads to greater growth; supposedly the average height in Japan increased by several inches in the decades following the Second World War after the American diet started to supplant the more traditional fish-based meals.

(I fully expect to see at least some of this debunked as urban myth, so knock yourselves out).

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15 minutes ago, get_the_subbies_on said:

Oh boy! Here we go again.


Withdrawing funding of the WHO as they (the USA) investigate them. At the same time he says “we all know what’s going on there”.


Blame is shifting....

Aye it’s everybody’s fault but Trump’s.  It’s a tragedy that the U.S. have the worst imaginable President at the time of their biggest crisis in decades.

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Surely this guy is impossible to re-elect.

Surely the nation will look at this tool and go 'hooooo boy, we made a c**t of letting him in. Time to vote the other guy'

This isn't even about party politics, it's now got to be a case of ending the reckless decision of letting a complete and utter fucking narcissistic, mentalist, incapable moron run a global superpower.

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Surely this guy is impossible to re-elect.
Surely the nation will look at this tool and go 'hooooo boy, we made a c**t of letting him in. Time to vote the other guy'
This isn't even about party politics, it's now got to be a case of ending the reckless decision of letting a complete and utter fucking narcissistic, mentalist, incapable moron run a global superpower.
You'd like to think so, but....
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Maybe, finally after three plus years governing via Twitter will be Trump’s downfall.  All of these thoughtless, spur of the moment brain farts will be used to expose his total incompetence and duplicity on this issue.


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2 hours ago, djchapsticks said:

Surely this guy is impossible to re-elect.

On the other hand, there are still arseholes who think Clinton would have been just as bad.  And arseholes who won't vote for Biden because he isn't Bernie Sanders.  Astonishing, I know.

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I truly believe Bernie was and is the only person who could've beat Trump in this election, as he formed a bridge for those in America disillusioned by the corporate corruption that the Establishment Democrats represent, with Clinton as its mascot. My American friends (all in their early 20s) absolutely loathe Hilary for being the epitome of corruption and the double-faced image associated with the establishment Dems. They view Biden as very much being cut from the Clinton cloth, and the fact that he appears to be suffering from dementia during every media appearance is not instilling in them any more confidence than they were already feeling.

Trump got voted in for three reasons. Reason one was because Trump promised change and people believed him. Reason two was that his message was simple and spreadable. Reason three was that he can play the media like a fiddle.

Most of the time when a politician promises change, nobody believes them because in the public's eyes they see many more exceptions to that rule than evidence of the rule itself. Trump's promise for change was believed because Trump was a change from the standard politician. He wasn't the reserved, awkward intellectual who tried to grasp your attention with logic and carefully constructed messages. Trump is a man who speaks his mind, without regard for what is said about his views. While definitely not an honest man, his outbursts showed honesty that no establishment politician would ever dare to show for fear of the backlash. Trump had the benefit of people knowing his personality due to years of appearances in the media. His approach and style was so different to all of his opposition that it brought for many Americans an air of change, of someone different than every carbon-copy politician stood aside him. Somehow, the billionaire asshole was now the most relatable person in the room for many blue-collar yanks (particularly in the south no doubt), as he spoke his mind and kept his message simple. His frequent attacks and mocking of his opponents was also relatable, as he called them out for what he saw them as, and people lapped it up. His insults of Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, and Clinton are very memorable, and his average voter base would love every moment of it as it's what they wanted to do.

It is evident now that all of Trump's most outrageous claims while on the campaign trail were largely nothing-burgers, and were merely ways of riling up his core voting base (the white American south) during the primaries, before he turned to a more moderate and inclusive rhetoric in the later stages of the election, whilst also focusing his argument against Clinton. Let's talk about the wall for example, since Trump's campaign seemed synonymous with it. Many Americans don't like the thought of immigrants coming in and taking their jobs, it has been well established. Mexico is easily the biggest problem zone associated with this issue, and while there are many ways politicians can discuss their ideas about sorting out the immigration problem through diplomacy and sanctions and what have you, nothing is more striking and memorable than BUILD A WALL. Trump created these simple phrases that stuck in your mind and were easy to recall whenever you thought about the issues discussed. All good politicians can use simple slogans to build a successful campaign out of, and Trump was the best at it. From the promises to the nicknames (Lyin' Ted and Crooked Hilary are still used, as well as 'Fake News'), to the campaign slogan itself, Make America Great Again. Such simple messages are usually the most profound, and you can't lie and say you don't still remember at least some of them used. People are generally stupid and don't really think about politics, and usually only notice broad strokes and not the fine details. Whenever politicians like Hilary try to be clever, they end up saying lines that are overcomplicated and very unlikely to be remembered for more than a few minutes. Trump does this naturally because in some aspects he's a huge idiot, but he's also a genius at playing to the crowd.

As Eric Bischoff put it, "controversy creates cash", and Trump is the king of controversy. Trump knows better than anyone the way media loves to jump onto controversies, as they are naturally fascinating to people. People love to either really get behind him or to really get mad at him for the things he does and says. The reason that until the COVID-19 pandemic Trump had been on CNN almost non-stop for 5 straight years was entirely due to this. Regardless if you loved him or you hated him, you gave a shit about what he was talking about and it gave you a reaction. People who loved what they heard flocked to Fox News and other right-wing media outlets, and people who were appalled with what he said flocked to CNN and left-wing outlets to hear them lambast him. Trump was talked about so much during that last election, that barely any focus was held on any of the other candidates, even Hilary to an extent. His brevity and impactfulness also helped him on the internet, where I really think he one the election in. Meme culture was so advanced on the internet by 2016, and Trump was unbelievably memeable. Memes are the political satire cartoons of the age, and such outspoken political memes were created by those on the internet who promoted free speech and created with no filter, as well as embracing chaos (e.g. alt-right folk on 4chan). Meme culture is a massive source of propaganda now, and the alt-right rule the roost in that area.

If anything, the American public is even more sick of establishment politicians in 2020 than they were in 2016. People still want change because they always want change. No serious Democratic nominees aside from Bernie even remotely looked like changing anything, and in turn were all symbols of the establishment. The reason I think Bernie would beat Trump is because Bernie is the closest to Trump in terms of believability. People who think Biden will beat Trump are the people who only focus on how much they hate Trump. People who think Bernie would beat Trump are thinking about the change that society wants, but at a different angle. Bernie's Medicare For All promises were the same as Trump's Build a Wall. I'm not saying Medicare For All wouldn't have been implemented under Bernie, but it's the same as the wall as it's something important and memorable to his core audience. Bernie doesn't sound like an establishment politician, he speaks in his own unique manner and captivates his audience. Bernie is controversial in much the same way that Trump is in the media, but in the inverse direction. Both men are seen as mavericks who are looking to upset the establishment and bring something new. If you read any of Trump's discussions on both the 2016 and 2020 Democratic primaries, he consistently states that he's much more worried about facing off against Bernie than Hilary or Biden. This is because Bernie's approach resembles Trump's far more than the others, and this approach has made him similarly very popular on the internet, where the majority of vocal left-wing support are Sanders supporters. Many alt-righters and undecideds (including many of my American friends), were supporting Bernie the whole way through both elections. Now he's out again though, they're upset and at least some will either vote for Trump or a third-party candidate. Biden doesn't inspire hope in them near as much as Bernie does, and the real crux of this election, much like the last, is who people hate the least. Many people hate Trump, but more people hate the establishment, of which Biden is essentially just a puppet for. All hope is lost etc.

Sorry about that. Intended to write a short thing but ended up rambling about my entire philosophy about Trump and how he's likely to win again. Thank f**k things are simpler in Scotland, only one party worth voting for imo.

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