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The Official Former President Trump thread


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Imagine being born into ludicrous privilege, to the point that you can't fail financially despite your rank incompetence, and becoming Head of State despite a singular lack of ability in any relevant area. Then imagine still being so insecure that you end up spending your twilight years in jail because you couldn't stop waving classified documents at randos so they'd think you were important.

No chance of the 'jail' part actually happening, but it would certainly be a new career high for America's premier horror-comedian.

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2 hours ago, Herc said:

Some laugh though. Chorying documents to show off to your pals at the golf club.

There’s not a single one of us that wouldn’t do the same tbh. There’s also not a single one of us that doesn’t wish we could post like this


The single greatest to ever do it.

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6 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

If you’re talking about Aileen Cannon she’s an absolute rocket.  Her previous ruling on appointing a Special Master was not only overturned unanimously on appeal but the appellate judges (justices?) were absolutely scathing about her ruling and condemned her at the time in their ruling in a way that is highly unusual.

The 11th Circuit Court that overturned her is one of the most Conservative Circuits, and it eviscerated her rulings in a reversal unlike any seen before. They took a sledgehammer to her arguments and rulings, reversing every last one.


Now, as for they wouldn’t elect him again…check this survey:


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4 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:

From what I’m reading, Trumpy boy might be in a spot of bother here.  Either way, Republicans should be the first to see he’s not suitable person for the office of president. 

He'll be a "political prisoner under commie oppression" in the eyes of redneck Royce and his chums. Don't be shocked if his ratings in the polls go up.

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In over a century of this law being applied, those charged all fell into two categories. They shared classified information either due to ideological conviction or due to financial reward. Yet the two men charged this year, Jack Teixeira of the "Discord leaks" and now Trump, they didn't share classified information for either of those reasons. They instead did so out of sheer stupidity. They're trailblazers in that sense.

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2 hours ago, Savage Henry said:

From what I’m reading, Trumpy boy might be in a spot of bother here.  Either way, Republicans should be the first to see he’s not suitable person for the office of president. 

They’re fruit loops; fortunately it will be ‘independents’ who will determine the result in 2024 and fortunately they won’t vote for Trump in sufficient numbers.

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2 hours ago, Savage Henry said:

From what I’m reading, Trumpy boy might be in a spot of bother here.  Either way, Republicans should be the first to see he’s not suitable person for the office of president. 

The great thing about this post is that you'll be able to re-use it unedited throughout his second term!

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On 10/06/2023 at 11:59, Savage Henry said:

From what I’m reading, Trumpy boy might be in a spot of bother here.  Either way, Republicans should be the first to see he’s not suitable person for the office of president. 

You wish. The Republicans started weaponizing stuff under Bill Clinton in the 90’s…conspiracies and such, driven to a great extent by the end of the “Fairness Doctrine” and the rise of Talk Radio. Rush Limbaugh, G. Gorden Liddy and his “Radio Free D.C., and all that claptrap that was targeted on the malleable portions of the Center and Right Wing voters. The steady drumbeat continued, even with Bush Jr., and amped up with the election of Obama.

At this point there is a schism in the electorate that may or may not be resolvable, and if it isn’t resolvable, I have no idea where this ends up. Until recently, even the most whacked out Republicans and Conservatives didn’t push the voter fraud angle other than occasional events, Trump took that and ran with it. It’s now a clear point where clearly and unequivocally false statements aren’t even called out by the “press” who lean in the direction of the liar. For example, Biden’s 1,850 boxes of records that Trump tries to suggest are equivalent to his boxes…except they are from Biden’s Senate Career, have no secrets, are not required to be maintained, belong solely to Biden (Senators aren’t covered by the Records Act), and their location is known (despite what Trump says)…but Fox and OAN gobble up Trump’s bullshit and regurgitate it.

Edited by TxRover
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The Republican talking points on the Sunday News interviews in repect of the Trump indictment appear to go along the lines of If they can come after Trump for hiding stolen secret documents in the shithouse, they will come after YOU for hiding stolen secret documents in the shithouse. Strange, but I would guess very effective with the base.

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A clip from Trump's speech yesterday:


"When I left, Venezuela was ready to collapse, we would've taken it over, we would've gotten all that oil, it would've been right next door".

So he's proud of what his regime did to Venezuela, of the extreme sanctions they imposed on the people there. Here's an excerpt from a Lancet report dealing with the early impact of the sanctions. The damage by now will be far greater as the sanctions have continued unabaited under Biden.


(Source: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(19)31397-2/fulltext ).


Contributing to that amount of social murder, 40 000 deaths, just for the hope that US oil companies can make more profit. As Trump's National Security Advisor, John Bolton, said in 2019:

"It'll make a big difference to the United States economically if we could have American oil companies really invest in and produce the oil capabilities in Venezuela".


It's galling that no American gives a single Big Mac about this. They only care that Trump potentially compromised US imperialist efforts with his leaking of classified information. It's that they want him jailed for and not the misery he helped inflict upon Venezuelans.

Edited by FreedomFarter
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4 hours ago, BTFD said:

Difficult to believe that the US would ransack Latin America for resources. Yet again.

Very pwoud that they learned so much from us.

Not an expert in this field but I think Britain mainly traded railways for bird shit.

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22 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Not an expert in this field but I think Britain mainly traded railways for bird shit.

Apparently the US was still claiming new territory in the name of bird shit as recently as the Nineties.

I'm not sure most folk appreciate the wonder that is poop these days.

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11 hours ago, FreedomFarter said:

A clip from Trump's speech yesterday:


"When I left, Venezuela was ready to collapse, we would've taken it over, we would've gotten all that oil, it would've been right next door".

So he's proud of what his regime did to Venezuela, of the extreme sanctions they imposed on the people there. Here's an excerpt from a Lancet report dealing with the early impact of the sanctions. The damage by now will be far greater as the sanctions have continued unabaited under Biden.


(Source: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(19)31397-2/fulltext ).


Contributing to that amount of social murder, 40 000 deaths, just for the hope that US oil companies can make more profit. As Trump's National Security Advisor, John Bolton, said in 2019:

"It'll make a big difference to the United States economically if we could have American oil companies really invest in and produce the oil capabilities in Venezuela".


It's galling that no American gives a single Big Mac about this. They only care that Trump potentially compromised US imperialist efforts with his leaking of classified information. It's that they want him jailed for and not the misery he helped inflict upon Venezuelans.

Why is it galling, because it’s not like it’s unexpected. The U.S. education system fails by every rational standard to properly educate students about anything beyond ‘Merica, and even then it generally fails to even do that. There is an insular thinking virus that seems to have infected the U.S. over the last few decades, perhaps driven by Vietnam.

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