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On 18/10/2023 at 17:31, Savage Henry said:

The loonball right are getting an absolute kicking here.  So they’ll end up without their guy and keep voting the poor sod who does get the job out.     Hope nobody is expecting any governmenting anytime soon. 

The loonball right would be quite happy with a completely dysfunctional Congress under a Democratic President.

Really not sure what alternative universe you're living in where this farce is going to go down as a W for democracy never mind progress. 

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3 hours ago, Savage Henry said:

This has now been rejected by, presumably, the right.  Gym is running again!

I suspect they'll start the 3rd Jordon for Speaker vote at the same time as Biden's prime time speech to the nation just for lolz.

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6 hours ago, virginton said:

The loonball right would be quite happy with a completely dysfunctional Congress under a Democratic President.

Really not sure what alternative universe you're living in where this farce is going to go down as a W for democracy never mind progress. 

That’s what it’s been the last year and a half.

The difference is there is enough of a moderate Right remaining to do the necessary thing to avoid a shutdown due to inability to pass another temporary spending bill. I could easily see most Democrats and moderate Republicans voting together on sufficient powers for the Temp Speaker to move critical legislation. Even the progressive Democrats would be likely to go along because they aren’t getting anything anyway, but showing they can govern while the Reich wing flails will play well for reelection for all the ones working together.

Additionally, Trump’s fund raising numbers suggest his power is waning, as he no longer has the big money to support multiple Primary challengers….his campaign money on hand is $9 million less than he raised last quarter, he’s into his seed corm.

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^^^ utterly delusional nonsense.

Trump is likely to crush the primary and the steady progression of the Republican party has been for your beloved 'moderate' wing (i.e. 'traditional' hard-right economics, Christian Conservative fruit loops) being turfed out by the fascist right for failing to back their orange Fuhrer. He doesn't need money to support candidates - an endorsement is power enough among the party base to give his candidates a fighting chance across the board. 

There is no benefit to US democracy by having its representative assembly blocked for weeks on end. It simply adds to the sense that the political system is broken and enables a strongman leader to demolish as much of that as he can. 

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6 hours ago, virginton said:

^^^ utterly delusional nonsense.

Trump is likely to crush the primary and the steady progression of the Republican party has been for your beloved 'moderate' wing (i.e. 'traditional' hard-right economics, Christian Conservative fruit loops) being turfed out by the fascist right for failing to back their orange Fuhrer. He doesn't need money to support candidates - an endorsement is power enough among the party base to give his candidates a fighting chance across the board. 

There is no benefit to US democracy by having its representative assembly blocked for weeks on end. It simply adds to the sense that the political system is broken and enables a strongman leader to demolish as much of that as he can. 

The delusional nonsense is your condescending and utterly bunk-filled vomiting of forth of inane opinions, as always.

Trump's support level continues to fall in elections, with his endorsement now being actively avoided by a good number of candidates. Trump's endorsees actually lost more than they won in the 2022 Mid-term, and the polling and limited results are trending even worse. Your assessment of moderate Republican's is typical of wanna be overseas analysts who lack any real knowledge of the U.S. systems and public.

The really amusing part is you "dismissed" the post as delusional nonsense and then posted your own take that exactly backed up my post with regard to the adults in the room acting to unblock the House. It's a little early to be too drunk to comprehend, so I'll attribute it to sheer think-headedness.

Edited by TxRover
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Meanwhile, Trumpanzee Jordan pushed, and got, the third Speaker vote, and the "illusional" moderate Republican's that VT believes are doomed are sending a clear message to the Freedumb Caucus and Jordan by sending him to an even greater defeat than the first two votes. And this is after an impassioned speech by McCarthy in support of Jordan.

The fun thing was the laughter from the Republican side when McCarthy described him as a legislator, since Jordan has had exactly zero bills signed into law since 2006. And then McCarthy went on to attack others for only having a few bills passed...

Third vote: (429 voting, 215 needed)

Jeffries - 210

Jordan - 194

Scalise - 8

McHenry - 6

Zeldin - 4

Donalds - 2

McCarthy - 2

Emmer - 1

Garcia - 1

Westerman - 1


Note that the Democrats can get to 212 with solely Democratic votes, but 2 were not voting today. There is a fair chance they were paired with Republicans who were absent, since 2 Republicans also didn't vote. Pairing is when an agreement is reached because members need to be absent for a vote...the R and D leaders and whips will arrange to "pair" the non-attendees.


Edit: McCarthy after the vote..."8 crazy members led by Gaetz put us in this position"

Edited by TxRover
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That's another of Trump's codefendents in Atlanta flipped, Chesboro. 

P. S. Late news... I presume he agreed to testify against the others in exchange for avoiding jail time, but I don't think a deal has been announced yet. 

Edited by welshbairn
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3 hours ago, TxRover said:

The delusional nonsense is your condescending and utterly bunk-filled vomiting of forth of inane opinions, as always.

Trump's support level continues to fall in elections, with his endorsement now being actively avoided by a good number of candidates. Trump's endorsees actually lost more than they won in the 2022 Mid-term, and the polling and limited results are trending even worse. Your assessment of moderate Republican's is typical of wanna be overseas analysts who lack any real knowledge of the U.S. systems and public.

Thanks for playing anyway Wikibot but the reality is that Trump is the runaway favourite to win the Republican primary and already leads sleepy Joe in the opinion polls. Not least because Biden's approval rating is underwater. 

Still, I'm sure that another Middle East conflagration under Sleepy Joe's watch - following the debacle in Afghanistan - will not at all be used to eviscerate the doddery old clown in next year's election.

Still, best to keep the faith in your beloved Mitt Romney-style 'moderate' wing prevailing while the Republican party swings in the totally opposite direction. 🤡

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1 hour ago, virginton said:

Thanks for playing anyway Wikibot but the reality is that Trump is the runaway favourite to win the Republican primary and already leads sleepy Joe in the opinion polls. Not least because Biden's approval rating is underwater. 

Still, I'm sure that another Middle East conflagration under Sleepy Joe's watch - following the debacle in Afghanistan - will not at all be used to eviscerate the doddery old clown in next year's election.

Still, best to keep the faith in your beloved Mitt Romney-style 'moderate' wing prevailing while the Republican party swings in the totally opposite direction. 🤡

Thanks for showing, once again, your complete inability to read and comprehend a simple statement of facts. I said nothing about Trump’s ability to win the Republican nomination, I simply pointed out his fund raising is proceeding at a rate below replacement, and thus will reduce his ability to transfer any funds toward the primary challengers that he loves to threaten people with. Now, as for the polls, it’s far too soon to start throwing out that kind of shite, especially with trials to come and both leading contenders in the negative numbers.

As for your preoccupation with Biden’s dodderiness, surely that’s a transference of concern at your rapidly aging state and deteriorating mental acuity.

Finally, I expressed a belief that the moderate Republicans were sending a message with more steadily defecting from the Trumpanzee camp on each vote, so you can continue to believe whatever you wish as you look guiltily around before sneaking into your dank outbuilding to visit your shrine to whatever bitter and vindictive god it is you worship.

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Chesebro. Cheese. Bro. Just outstanding stuff. The parody will write itself in fifty years time.

Except the world will have slipped into deep fascism by then and our children will all have died in the nuclear fire, but it's nice to dream that this may all be behind the species someday.

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4 hours ago, welshbairn said:

That's another of Trump's codefendents in Atlanta flipped, Chesboro. 

P. S. Late news... I presume he agreed to testify against the others in exchange for avoiding jail time, but I don't think a deal has been announced yet. 

He will testify, or else:


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