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The Official Former President Trump thread


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So Trump has brought in a man who has the potential to be even more unstable than he is.

I remember the good old days when he just rabbited on about building walls and mining ‘clean’ coal.


Edited by Granny Danger
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Tillerson might have come across as out of his depth his regards to the State Department, but at least he had some form of experience with respect to realpolitik. He knew how the world worked. McMaster, for all his ideological faults, was well respected and instilled a degree of professionalism that was obviously absent under Steve Bannon. 

With them both gone, we're down to who? John Kelly and James Mattis? They're literally (literally) the only two relatively sane voices left in the White House. And they'll probably be kicked sooner rather than later.


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There's a firewall that I'm not prepared to pay Murdoch to get through, but apparently this is John Bolton proposing a first nuclear strike against North Korea. On February 28th.


Edited by welshbairn
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Bolton’s arrival in the inner sanctum of the Trump presidency has been a long time coming. Michael Wolff revealed in his inside account of the White House, Fire and Fury, that Trump’s former senior counselor Steve Bannon had urged the president to hire Bolton.

So too did the late Fox News executive, Roger Ailes. “He’s a bomb thrower,” Ailes said last year, according to Wolff. “And a strange little fucker. But you need him.”

Trump seems now to have come round to that way of thinking.


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With Mueller homing in on Trump Incorporated and Kushner's stuff; the pornstar, playboy model and about 17 women accusing him of unwanted sexual attacks, and hiring nut jobs as lawyers or National Security advisors, it's really hard to guess which story he's trying to divert us from. Maybe he's doing a favour for his buddy Putin.

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2 hours ago, mjw said:

Biden and Trump had nine Vietnam deferrals between them.
Not sure they've got much fight in them.

Indeed. Trump telling Biden not to threaten him but mere characters earlier, erm, threatening him, really is something else. For most "politicians.

ETA: I see that Bolton is a regular on Fox News. I'm sure that had nothing to do with Trump hiring him...

Edited by RiG
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With Bolton brought in and big Iranophobe Pompeo installed as Sec of State, I'm beginning to think Trump's planning a Wag the Dog strategy to distract from the sex scandals and Mueller. Probably just international turmoil rather than actual war, hopefully.

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