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The Official Former President Trump thread


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6 hours ago, RiG said:

"The bible is my favourite book."
"What part do you like the most?"
"I'm not getting into that."



The guy knows nothing.  He knows nothing about anything.  He’s as thick as shit.

Not once has he allowed himself to be seriously and rigorously interviewed on the economy, foreign policy, defence, the environment or anything else.  To do so would show how totally vacuous he is.


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The guy knows nothing.  He knows nothing about anything.  He’s as thick as shit.
Not once has he allowed himself to be seriously and rigorously interviewed on the economy, foreign policy, defence, the environment or anything else.  To do so would show how totally vacuous he is.
Agreed, but that won't stop him weighing in any moment now in full and idiotic support of Bolsonaro's attempts to hasten the destruction of the planet. The fact that Europe is kicking up f**k will virtually guarantee it.
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15 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

Agreed, but that won't stop him weighing in any moment now in full and idiotic support of Bolsonaro's attempts to hasten the destruction of the planet. The fact that Europe is kicking up f**k will virtually guarantee it.

Wait and see if Europe actually does anything beyond posturing.

Europe said nothing when Dilma and Lula got screwed over to let Bolsonaro in.

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Wait and see if Europe actually does anything beyond posturing.
Europe said nothing when Dilma and Lula got screwed over to let Bolsonaro in.
That is a meaningless comparison, and I for one applaud Macron's intervention. As I recall, you were recently scathing about the EU/Mercosur trade deal so I would have imagine that it's potential scrapping would maybe represent Europe doing 'something', no ?
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12 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:
29 minutes ago, Detournement said:
Wait and see if Europe actually does anything beyond posturing.
Europe said nothing when Dilma and Lula got screwed over to let Bolsonaro in.

That is a meaningless comparison, and I for one applaud Macron's intervention. As I recall, you were recently scathing about the EU/Mercosur trade deal so I would have imagine that it's potential scrapping would maybe represent Europe doing 'something', no ?

I am sceptical that they will scrap it. If they do I will be surprised and pleased.

I don't think the comparison is meaningless. The coups against the Worker's Party are directly linked to this issue. Given that basically the first thing that Bolsonaro did was visit the CIA's headquarters in Langley he is very much NATO's choice of President.

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13 minutes ago, SandyCromarty said:

I'll say this again, Daft Donnie does come away with some shite but he is the first American President since Roosevelt who hasn't started or escalated a war. 

He fair likes his economic wars though, and along with wrecking international treaties including arms control, is increasing global instability. The mechanisms for dampening down potential for future conflicts are being deliberately undermined. Using the dollar and global financial domination to unilaterally enforce ill thought out sanctions and openly supporting megalomaniac dictators even when caught murdering American residents and citizens might be thought of as refreshingly honest, but it sends out a message that the rules based post war consensus is dead, and there will be no consequences for psychopaths in power behaving badly so long as they say nice things about Trumpy. 

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He fair likes his economic wars though, and along with wrecking international treaties including arms control, is increasing global instability. The mechanisms for dampening down potential for future conflicts are being deliberately undermined. Using the dollar and global financial domination to unilaterally enforce ill thought out sanctions and openly supporting megalomaniac dictators even when caught murdering American residents and citizens might be thought of as refreshingly honest, but it sends out a message that the rules based post war consensus is dead, and there will be no consequences for psychopaths in power behaving badly so long as they say nice things about Trumpy. 


He’s also been hyper aggressive in his dealings with Iran. He’s managed to manufacture the potential for military action there, coupled with the financial aggression he has demonstrated in tearing up trade agreements left, right and centre.


Also, see NATO, and the movement of US forces out of Turkey and towards the Iraq/Iran border.


The idea that Trumpy is a pacifist is a hard sell. He’s basically a 1920s isolationist, with a touch of 1700s racism added in for good measure. And he absolutely has escalated aggression on the home front. “Fine people of both sides” is about as inflammatory as you can get.


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