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Later today the Supreme Court will start to hear arguments about the rights of Congress to subpoena a sitting President’s tax returns.  Trump has lost at every court level below the SC, this will be a test of their partisanship.

There’s a suggestion that they may dodge the bullet by claiming it is a political decision not a legal one, but I don’t see that happening.

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Fauci testified before a Senate committee today and has contradicted Trump on a few COVID-19 related issues whilst saying they have a good working relationship.

That will be him gone soon.

Edited by Granny Danger
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Trump's Lawyers Just Told the Supreme Court That He’s Completely Above Criminal Law
This is bound to end well.

I’m not quite sure why this is such a big issue for either side. At worst it will show that he paid the most minimal taxes, surely? And who would be surprised by that?
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1 hour ago, Savage Henry said:


I’m not quite sure why this is such a big issue for either side. At worst it will show that he paid the most minimal taxes, surely? And who would be surprised by that?


They may show where money is coming from - although one of the idiot sons who I'm sure he only keeps around in case he needs a transplant went on record to say the organisation was in receipt of vast amounts of Russian funding prior to Trump saying he had no interests in Russia. Also there's a reasonable paper trail to show he overvalued properties when looking to raise capital from them and magically depreciated them when it came to tax time, which is potentially mortgage fraud/tax fraud/both. 

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1 hour ago, Savage Henry said:


I’m not quite sure why this is such a big issue for either side. At worst it will show that he paid the most minimal taxes, surely? And who would be surprised by that?


It’s a big deal, moreover there’s an even bigger point of principle of Presidential power and rights that is at the heart of the defence argument.

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11 hours ago, Baxter Parp said:


Trump's Lawyers Just Told the Supreme Court That He’s Completely Above Criminal Law

This is bound to end well.

Probably because nobody knows more about criminal law than he does.

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12 hours ago, Savage Henry said:


I’m not quite sure why this is such a big issue for either side. At worst it will show that he paid the most minimal taxes, surely? And who would be surprised by that?


Could be some juicy stuff if Deutsche Bank are forced to give up their records about their dealings with Trump, which I think is one of the cases they're looking at.

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14 hours ago, Savage Henry said:


I’m not quite sure why this is such a big issue for either side. At worst it will show that he paid the most minimal taxes, surely? And who would be surprised by that?


People spent months invested in an impeachment process that was doomed from the start and a Russia investigation that was never going to give even a tenth of what the morons like Louise Mensch insisted it would uncover. It's just theatre.

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I've always wondered what they expect to see in his tax returns too. Surely the whole point of filing tax returns is to show that you're legit, or you at least have found a way to present yourself as legit on paper. 

At worst it may be embarrassing to have his finances aired in public, but some seem convinced it will show mob loans or a monthly salary from a Mr V Putin.

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People spent months invested in an impeachment process that was doomed from the start and a Russia investigation that was never going to give even a tenth of what the morons like Louise Mensch insisted it would uncover. It's just theatre.

There was more than enough uncovered by Mueller to have him removed from office, though, under any circumstances where the GOP hadn’t sold its soul for twelve pieces of silver. The Russian findings would have been scandalous had it been Obama.

There’s absolutely nothing that could show up on his tax returns that would change that. Unless there is, which would be the only reason for him to hide it. It has been shown that even if he received a direct payment from Putin himself, toadies like Ted Cruz and cowards like Susan Collins are just going to tut quietly while counting their fistfuls of Trump dollars.

It’s very odd.
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8 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:


There was more than enough uncovered by Mueller to have him removed from office, though, under any circumstances where the GOP hadn’t sold its soul for twelve pieces of silver. The Russian findings would have been scandalous had it been Obama.

There’s absolutely nothing that could show up on his tax returns that would change that. Unless there is, which would be the only reason for him to hide it. It has been shown that even if he received a direct payment from Putin himself, toadies like Ted Cruz and cowards like Susan Collins are just going to tut quietly while counting their fistfuls of Trump dollars.

It’s very odd.


Pure theatre then because they were never going to remove him from office and Biden clearly isn't going to pursue charges. A total waste of time and resources that could've been better spent elsewhere.

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Trump first lobbed this conspiratorial charge at Scarborough in November 2017. The president is referring to the 2001 death of Lori Klausutis, a 28-year-old aide who worked for Scarborough when he was a Republican member of Congress representing Florida’s 1st Congressional District.

The circumstances of Klausutis’s death have spawned conspiracy theories, but authorities never suspected foul play. Her death is not an unsolved mystery or a cold case waiting for answers. Klausutis’s death on July 20, 2001, was ruled accidental and the police concluded there was no reason to further investigate. A police investigator told The Post in 2017 that authorities had left “no stone unturned.” PolitiFact has given Trump’s claim its worst rating, “Pants on Fire.”

The medical examiner, Michael Berkland, determined that an abnormal heart rhythm caused Klausutis to lose consciousness and fall, fatally striking her head. She was discovered in Scarborough’s office in Fort Walton Beach, lying on her back with her head near a desk, according to a police report.

The Fort Walton Beach police report from Aug. 6, 2001, noted that the medical examiner had determined that Klausutis died as a result of an acute subdural hematoma. The police report cited a letter from Berkland, stating that the injury was the result of trauma from a fall as she lost consciousness from “a probable cardiac arrhythmia secondary to valvular heart disease.” The day before she was found dead, Klausutis told a colleague she was not feeling well, according to the police report. She also told a mail carrier she was not feeling well.

Trump in his tweet asked why Scarborough had left Congress so “quickly and quietly,” implying a connection between Klausutis’s death and Scarborough’s resignation. In fact, the death occurred almost two months after Scarborough announced his resignation. Klausutis was looking for a new job when she died, and Scarborough was in Washington.


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The Mueller report was a joke. It concluded that no Americans colluded with Russia and made the people who banged on about that for three years look like fools. 

I expect Trump will attempt to play up the Obama DOJ spying on him and sabotaging his transition closer to the election. 

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It really can't be said enough that Donald J. Trump is a sociopathic piece of shit.

He’s full into the Infowars/Zero Hedge/Global Research loonball conspiracy movement. He still thinks that the Ukrainians “stole” a server, and the Democrats murder researchers for Wikileaks. He’s patently unfit for office.

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2 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:

He’s full into the Infowars/Zero Hedge/Global Research loonball conspiracy movement. He still thinks that the Ukrainians “stole” a server, and the Democrats murder researchers for Wikileaks. He’s patently unfit for office.


I'd be amazed if he actually believes it; it's presumably an excuse to settle an old score (because everything is with him), and give his support a distraction to chew on. No doubt this woman has living family who now get to turn on the TV and find out their president is still using their daughter/wife/mother's corpse as a prop to promote his own ambitions. Disgusting.

You'd like to believe there's a special place in hell waiting for him and shit like Alex Jones. Unfortunately, there isn't. You can only hope they get to experience the kind of pain they inflict, but they'd need to have human emotions first.

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