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Your sense of humour

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What is your sense of humour like, and how important is humour to you?

I have been told that I have a very dry sense of humour. It consists mainly of sarcasm and can be quite dark at times. I usually say something for a joke and people think I'm serious and either think I'm a weirdo or an idiot.

I have spent most of my working life in mental health care and dementia care which can be quite difficult at times, and it definitely helps if you can see a funny side to things. Some of the things I've seen people do and say in my work have been hilarious, and a lot of people who have mental health problems or severe dementia still actually have a sense of humour. One of the best parts of my job is being able to have a good banter and laugh with the people I look after. My job would be absolutely dire if it wasn't for humour.

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21 minutes ago, throbber said:

It's awful, I had the worst case of the giggles when I was at my mother in laws house at Christmas time a few years ago and I had drunkenly text my friend who was in Australia about how I used to w**k straight into the bin when I was younger. I then woke up in the middle of the night and he had replied with "did you have a good shot?". This immediately sent me into a frenzy which really wasn't short of a panic attack and it was made so much worse by my girlfriend telling me to shut up and the more she got annoyed the more I laughed. Her mother and her man aren't the type of people who would understand or find it funny that I was having a laughing fit at that time of the night and they were obviously woken up by it as it is a small bungalow. It probably went on for an hour at least.


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4 minutes ago, smpar said:

Shooting your muck into a bin is one of the clattiest things I've ever heard. What a fucking rank thing to do.

Must take a bit of practice too as they're usually fitted quite high up on the lamp-posts.

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6 minutes ago, throbber said:

I don't see why you think i would require a big knob, it was just a small bin that I had in my room which I would position around my waist level and would just turn on my side and aim into it upon climax.
I don't want this to go any further
, it wasn't the point I was trying to make with regard to my sense of humour.

That's not going to happen, is it? :lol:

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