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Birmingham Prison Riot


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16 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

If your public sector job is so bad that you're greeting about pensions and having to work till your 60 - resign and do something else.

Don't worry, I will be very soon once my health is restored and I've been able to build up a bit of time back.

It shouldn't be a race to the bottom and it's easy to have this view until it happens to you or a loved one my friend.

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Don't worry, I will be very soon once my health is restored and I've been able to build up a bit of time back.
It shouldn't be a race to the bottom and it's easy to have this view until it happens to you or a loved one my friend.

One parent and three grandparents work or worked in the NHS. I'd give them the same advice if they were complaining about their job.
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1 minute ago, Marshmallo said:


One parent and three grandparents work or worked in the NHS. I'd give them the same advice if they were complaining about their job.

That's fair enough. My difficulty though is that I genuinely love my job and put a lot of years into obtaining qualifications/ training etc. However this government has fucked it and conditions have contributed to a severe breakdown in my health. There are other things to consider which make me concerned for the future which I won't go into on here. I might never be able to work again- that's it in a nutshell.

Meantime, hope you don't need the assistance of a copper anytime soon- you might find there aren't many going around anymore. Or an Ambulance.. etc etc.

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The prisoners had no hot water to wash with- but this'll have been the last thing in a long line of frustrations and failings to cause the riot. That's the way these things work.
ETA: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/dec/16/hmp-birmingham-prison-disturbance-winson-green

Fucking right. I wouldn't even feed criminals.
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3 hours ago, RedRob72 said:


I'll wager Winson Green is a holiday camp compared to Maghaberry !!emoji47.png

Maghaberry was considered pretty user friendy (:lol:) when it was constructed, and paramilitary prisoners served their sentences in a fairly relaxed regime, as far as I know, albeit they were still locked up. There have been a few pretty critical reports in recent years about it, though, I don't think the funding is there any more as the troubes are (more or less) over.

Any prison I ever visited I was glad to get outside the gates as soon as possible.

Don't think I'd have fancied a prison officer's job all the same, despite the excellent pay and benefits. (Maybe the pay and benefits are no longer as excellent as they were.)



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Maghaberry was considered pretty user friendy (:lol:) when it was constructed, and paramilitary prisoners served their sentences in a fairly relaxed regime, as far as I know, albeit they were still locked up. There have been a few pretty critical reports in recent years about it, though, I don't think the funding is there any more as the troubes are (more or less) over.

Any prison I ever visited I was glad to get outside the gates as soon as possible.

Don't think I'd have fancied a prison officer's job all the same, despite the excellent pay and benefits. (Maybe the pay and benefits are no longer as excellent as they were.)



Think that might have been the case before the closure of LK JG, but seems a different picture now.

CIP for HMP Eng & Wales, Nick Hardwick said earlier this year that Maghaberry housed the worst prison conditions he'd ever seen and was THE most dangerous prison he had EVER visited!![emoji47][emoji47]

Suicide rates have gone through the roof in the past 12 months alone.

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If your public sector job is so bad that you're greeting about pensions and having to work till your 60 - resign and do something else.

Mentioned above but this is absolute race took the bottom material.

This country needs a strong rethink on how we connect as a society. The constant competitive mindset pish just makes everyone less happy.

Prison officers, like practically every other area of public service, have been squeezed, cut, sold off and given the corporate agency treatment.

The fact that so many people's response to this is 'at least you've got a job' is pretty fucking depressing (and clear evidence of how this has been allowed to happen).
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We've all been getting shafted pandarilla and I've seen it through private sector, public and also self employed/small businesses.

Yeah I know.

We have to find a way to campaign mire effectively for solutions - rather than snipe at each other in different jobs / industries.
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8 hours ago, Marshmallo said:

If your public sector job is so bad that you're greeting about pensions and having to work till your 60 - resign and do something else.

You really are coming across as a right thicko. Emergency services workers signed up to do 30 to 35 years on the front line....quite often risking life and limb every day and getting all sorts of abuse. The deal was you do your time then get the benefits you've paid heavily into.

For the government of the day to come along and pull the rug out and tell some of them they have to do more years for less pension and lump sum is just outragious.

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On a macro level I don't necessarily disagree with anything written so far.

For any individual you need to look after yourself.

What annoys me is the public sector attitude of no one having it as bad. Meanwhile the operation works at 40% efficiency in many areas while the maws of the organisation drink cups of tea.

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On a macro level I don't necessarily disagree with anything written so far.

For any individual you need to look after yourself.

What annoys me is the public sector attitude of no one having it as bad. Meanwhile the operation works at 40% efficiency in many areas while the maws of the organisation drink cups of tea.


Tell us more about this 40% stuff?

Edit to add: the whole 'you have to look after number one' is a load of easily-spouted and rarely-challenged shite.

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Tell us more about this 40% stuff?

Edit to add: the whole 'you have to look after number one' is a load of easily-spouted and rarely-challenged shite.

How much have public services had budgets cut versus drop off in services in the last five years? I have noticed no drop off in quality of roads, any hospital wait times when I've needed them are the same and my bin is never overflowing.

Meanwhile people are now retiring at 57 and eating less biscuits and 'it's reaching breaking point' .

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