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The Photography Thread

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On 12/06/2022 at 19:38, The Mantis said:

St Monans during and after a power cut, the Great Bear prominent in both.



Cutting St Monan's leccy off just to get a picture is a bit extreme but hats off for the dedication!

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38 minutes ago, derek_holmes said:

Cracking shot. I was on Skomer earlier this week but didn't get any in-flight shots. Plenty of portraits, though.


I got plenty half puffin flight shots and blue sky shots...

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31 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
On 15/06/2022 at 11:19, The Mantis said:
The Eyes Have It

Brammer of a rainbow too.

‘Tis indeed. Somewhere on these pages I’ve got an Osprey catching a blue trout. A genetic mutation of a rainbow and seemingly good fighters. Elsewhere I’ve got a real brammer caught by a Heron which couldn’t swallow it and had to give up.

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‘Tis indeed. Somewhere on these pages I’ve got an Osprey catching a blue trout. A genetic mutation of a rainbow and seemingly good fighters. Elsewhere I’ve got a real brammer caught by a Heron which couldn’t swallow it and had to give up.
I watched a heron "wrestling " an eel about 18 inches long in the Irvine estuary the night of the jubilee weekend. He had it by the head, tail and middle and appeared to have it half swallowed a couple of times only for it to cough it back out and try again. He eventually managed it using a head tossed back motion with the eel slowly disappearing inch by inch. Fascinating and grotesque in equal measure.
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Some cracking photos over the past few pages, there's a part of me that wants to get into landscape photography but honestly whenever I go out to try it just doesn't do anything for me and I struggle with finding any inspiration (I live in the bloody Highlands, it shouldn't be too difficult).

Thankfully, I keep myself going with the local sport scene.  I really think we should get into the habit of giving our photos titles.....I name this one "Ow!! My Face"


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The Eyes Have It

Not wanting to crap all over an absolutely stunning photo but was it a set up?
The rainbow looks deid in the pic.
Living trout's eyes look down when they're out of the water, chap them and they go like the eye on that rainbow.


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11 hours ago, Loonytoons said:

Not wanting to crap all over an absolutely stunning photo but was it a set up?
The rainbow looks deid in the pic.
Living trout's eyes look down when they're out of the water, chap them and they go like the eye on that rainbow.


Hahah, I have this argument every week with a grumpy old guy in our camera club... he only does still life and he has no idea how difficult this is.

Sure, it's set up at a fishery, taken from a hide. But it's a live fish OK.

It's a life and death struggle. The bird has to rotate the fish to fly with it. The fish is fighting for its life so it's probably mucho confused, being out of its element for the first time, and the birds often drop them in the struggle. I've been doing this for 5 or 6 years and if anybody uses dead fish for Ospreys I've yet to witness it. They use dead mackerel on Sea Eagle boat trips but they have to, because it's at sea. For Ospreys you need a small pond (or loads of luck).

Another thing is, search the internet for photos of the Osprey striking the fish. You won't find many/any, because it happens so fast, you can't predict where it'll come in. If it was a dead fish you could just focus on that all the time.

I think I've got more pics further back in this thread but this is the only time I've got it flying right at me. Usually they're side on or you only get their erse...

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