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Managed to get a quick hands on experience with the Nikon Z9 (no photos to share as it was very much speaking with a friend who handed it over willingly and without any force or threats of physical violence....honest)

I'm so glad there is a such a long waiting list, it meant I still had money in my account and I'm not currently looking at ways to sell my kidney on the black market. 

The auto tracking is superb, had it tracking my mates pet dog as it ran through some tall grass and on a burst of shots (about 20ish in general) not a single shot missed, all focusing on the dogs eye (only looking at the back of the camera....may be different once on a monitor).  I've never been a huge fan of a mirrorless camera, mainly due to the blackouts when burst shooting as it makes it hard to keep track of the subject.  However the last time I tried one was a good 4/5 years ago, and the technology has moved on so much it's unreal.  

Thankfully the waiting list is so long I can start saving now and by the time stock is available I will not need to sell the kidney.....I hope.




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Assuming you mean the Black Isle? Didn't they almost get wiped out a few years back, poisoned or whatever? I was at Tollie RSPB a couple of years back and it was pretty poor although they seem to be recovering.
Aye, I believe they accidentally fed poisoned meat to them at the feeding station.
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Unbelievable that. I just assumed it was persecution. 
I'm not 100% on this, however I recall reading about it on another forum.
Everyone was in uproar about persecution then it all suddenly went quiet when it was discovered.
A quick Google doesn't confirm this though.
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Managed to get a quick hands on experience with the Nikon Z9 (no photos to share as it was very much speaking with a friend who handed it over willingly and without any force or threats of physical violence....honest)
I'm so glad there is a such a long waiting list, it meant I still had money in my account and I'm not currently looking at ways to sell my kidney on the black market. 
The auto tracking is superb, had it tracking my mates pet dog as it ran through some tall grass and on a burst of shots (about 20ish in general) not a single shot missed, all focusing on the dogs eye (only looking at the back of the camera....may be different once on a monitor).  I've never been a huge fan of a mirrorless camera, mainly due to the blackouts when burst shooting as it makes it hard to keep track of the subject.  However the last time I tried one was a good 4/5 years ago, and the technology has moved on so much it's unreal.  
Thankfully the waiting list is so long I can start saving now and by the time stock is available I will not need to sell the kidney.....I hope.

I’m in the market for a new camera, this would be my dream unit but I can’t afford it. I’ve decided I probably can’t afford to go mirrorless just yet and I’m not sold on the z6/7 models. I think I’m going for a D850. Hopefully glass will come down in price as the years go on and and open up new opportunities for affording quality lenses. I’m a bit anxious about making the investment into old tech but I think the camera would meet my hobbyist needs well for the next decade.
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2 hours ago, jamamafegan said:


I’m in the market for a new camera, this would be my dream unit but I can’t afford it. I’ve decided I probably can’t afford to go mirrorless just yet and I’m not sold on the z6/7 models. I think I’m going for a D850. Hopefully glass will come down in price as the years go on and and open up new opportunities for affording quality lenses. I’m a bit anxious about making the investment into old tech but I think the camera would meet my hobbyist needs well for the next decade.


Have you got Nikon gear already? If so just ignore all this waffle...

The D850 was a real winner 5 years ago, especially as a  landscape camera, but has been overtaken by Canon and Sony mirrorless. A Canon R6 mirrorless (only  released in 2020) will actually cost you about £2400 against £2800 for a D850. The downsides are: only 21Mp against 45, and the cost of the new RF lenses. There is a Canon adaptor for about £100 for the old Canon EF lenses which are a decent price secondhand on MPB. Canon have about 47% of the market so there's more Canon gear on the used market than anything else so it tends to be cheaper. @Stevo Fife will be along in a minute to pour water on this but unfortunately he's a Nikon fanboy and can't get beyond "Canon are shit mate".

I'm using an R5 which I've had for a year. It has 45Mp but I was fairly happy with 20 before 😎. The thing with mirrorless is the eye tracking which is fantastic. I'm in a club where people were moving away from Canon to Nikon a few years back, but recently they've moved to Sony or Olympus 4/3 or back to Canon. I just stick with Canon as it all comes round in circles anyway.

Edited by The Mantis
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Have you got Nikon gear already? If so just ignore all this waffle...

I do but thanks for the info, although I’m not sure I should be thanking you as you are creating doubt in my mind [emoji38]

I’ve already got a 200-500mm Nikon lens so I’m already kind of invested in them. Switching manufacturer would mean having to buy an equivalent for that lens as well as a new camera and I can’t really afford to do that. Going mirrorless would mean the same, and mirrorless lenses are not cheap just now. I’ve honestly spent so many hours looking at cameras, watching YouTube reviews etc and the general feeling I’m getting is that the D850 is still a superb camera in 2022 and would be perfect for both my landscape and wildlife desires. Many say that it’s possibly the best DSLR ever made. Unless someone can convince me that I’m making a terrible mistake then I’ll probably be going for that one!
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51 minutes ago, jamamafegan said:


Many say that it’s possibly the best DSLR ever made. Unless someone can convince me that I’m making a terrible mistake then I’ll probably be going for that one!


You’re probably right. The only exception is if you’re a pro doing sports. Then it’s the Canon 1DX MKIII but that would cost you.

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4 hours ago, The Mantis said:

Have you got Nikon gear already? If so just ignore all this waffle...

The D850 was a real winner 5 years ago, especially as a  landscape camera, but has been overtaken by Canon and Sony mirrorless. A Canon R6 mirrorless (only  released in 2020) will actually cost you about £2400 against £2800 for a D850. The downsides are: only 21Mp against 45, and the cost of the new RF lenses. There is a Canon adaptor for about £100 for the old Canon EF lenses which are a decent price secondhand on MPB. Canon have about 47% of the market so there's more Canon gear on the used market than anything else so it tends to be cheaper. @Stevo Fife will be along in a minute to pour water on this but unfortunately he's a Nikon fanboy and can't get beyond "Canon are shit mate".

I'm using an R5 which I've had for a year. It has 45Mp but I was fairly happy with 20 before 😎. The thing with mirrorless is the eye tracking which is fantastic. I'm in a club where people were moving away from Canon to Nikon a few years back, but recently they've moved to Sony or Olympus 4/3 or back to Canon. I just stick with Canon as it all comes round in circles anyway.

Canon fanboy alert 


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6 hours ago, jamamafegan said:

I’ve already got a 200-500mm Nikon lens so I’m already kind of invested in them. Switching manufacturer would mean having to buy an equivalent for that lens as well as a new camera and I can’t really afford to do that. Going mirrorless would mean the same, and mirrorless lenses are not cheap just now.

That's my biggest fear/reluctance going mirrorless, however the Nikon adaptor seems to be pretty decent.  Obviously it's not going to match the lens made for the mirrorless mount, but it's not far away.

Regardless, the D850 is still going to be a great camera that's still going to give great photos....and hopefully (as I still have/plan to use my D500) the second hand market of lenses become plentiful and cheap....

Edited by Mackie The Staggie
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10 hours ago, jamamafegan said:


I’m in the market for a new camera, this would be my dream unit but I can’t afford it. I’ve decided I probably can’t afford to go mirrorless just yet and I’m not sold on the z6/7 models. I think I’m going for a D850. Hopefully glass will come down in price as the years go on and and open up new opportunities for affording quality lenses. I’m a bit anxious about making the investment into old tech but I think the camera would meet my hobbyist needs well for the next decade.


I've got the D850 which I use for landscapes mostly and still one of the best DSLR's ever made. I'm starting to use it more and more and preferring it over the D500. With the battery pack your getting 9fps which is one shy of the D500. Colour rendering is stunning.

I'm with you. I've looked at the Z range and apart from the Z9 I'm not impressed. Going to wait a few years until things are a bit more established before considering a change. Nikon are still investing in DSLR and the D850 is a solid, quality camera.

I doubt glass will come down in price. More the opposite.

I can highly recommend the D850. You'll pick one up brand new for around 2k grey import or slightly less used.  

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My old Canon 550D has finally given up the ghost. OH is going to try and fix it at work as there's apparently only a small issue with its power supply but I'm not really sure what to do in the meantime.

I got this shot using his Nikon while we were on holiday but I'm not a fan of the Nikon SLRs as I find them really uncomfortable to hold for some reason. Not sure if the newer models are much different and I couldn't even tell you what model he has. 

Really fancy the Canon D90 but it's still well out of my price range at the moment even second hand. Really need new lenses as well as there's some sort of mould growing in my go-to wildlife lens.


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The plant I bought at the garden centre on Sunday came with freebees.

Bought a second hand Canon Eos 4000D to replace my goosed 550D. Will need to save up for the 18-400 lens I have my eye on and will maybe look into the 90D next year.


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