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Oor Nicola Sturgeon thread.


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1 hour ago, ICTJohnboy said:


Pots and kettles and that.

I could say the same to you, with the way you follow me around threads.  It's a little unsettling, if I'm honest.

Plus, with the ^ thing.  You're doing it wrong.

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1 hour ago, Loondave1 said:

Permanent holiday would be best.

Best for whom?

It would leave us with either Colonel Davidson, Kezia or someone from within the SNP as first minister.

If anyone thinks that a Tory FM would do anything other than what the Tories in government at Westminster tell her then there's something very ignorant or self destructive about them - there is a very clear precedent in the action of our risible SOSS in his continuing volte face on the benefits of Brexit to Scotland and the brass-necked change of mind, in 24 hours, of extra funding for Scotland due to the Tories shabby deal with the DUP.

Then there's Kezia.  I'd almost take that just for the lolz.

So someone from the SNP it is.


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2 minutes ago, mjw said:


Maybe not even them though.

Davidson, for example, wouldn't do anything that would be for the betterment of Scotland without having to consider if, Theresa would approve, if it would cut short her career in the Tory party or whether it would affect the rest of the UK adversely.

Considerations that the SNP and Nicola Sturgeon do not ever have to ponder.

It's self evident that even yoons are better off with Nicola and the SNP at the helm.  They can never admit that though....cos...erm....the union.....errr......union flegs......etc...etc.....

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48 minutes ago, Shades75 said:

Best for whom?

It would leave us with either Colonel Davidson, Kezia or someone from within the SNP as first minister.

If anyone thinks that a Tory FM would do anything other than what the Tories in government at Westminster tell her then there's something very ignorant or self destructive about them - there is a very clear precedent in the action of our risible SOSS in his continuing volte face on the benefits of Brexit to Scotland and the brass-necked change of mind, in 24 hours, of extra funding for Scotland due to the Tories shabby deal with the DUP.

Then there's Kezia.  I'd almost take that just for the lolz.

So someone from the SNP it is.


I suspect it would be General if she ever got the FM gig...

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Maybe not even them though.

Probably not but I'm not sure they'd care.
Look at the survey during the week where hundreds of people said Brexit was worth them or their family losing their jobs.
Same mentality.
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3 minutes ago, mjw said:

Probably not but I'm not sure they'd care.
Look at the survey during the week where hundreds of people said Brexit was worth them or their family losing their jobs.
Same mentality.

I think that's true.

For some people it's more important to continue to convince themselves that they are correct rather than consider the notion that they may not be.

Now, I wonder where we'd find one of those chaps around here......


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On 28/04/2017 at 07:40, pandarilla said:

I could just about understand the absolute hatred for big eck - but it makes no sense here. Sturgeon is an incredibly incapable leader. Her political skills are non existent and yet the haters still hate. If I actually engaged my brain and listened to reasoned arguments then I'd have a more grown up discourse.

Fixed tha,t for you mate

On 28/04/2017 at 09:18, williemillersmoustache said:

She's the the cats pyjamas with those said pyjamas being manufactured entirely out of the bees knees.


Wrong 'uns despise her, not simply because of her supreme competence, charisma, intellect and principled leadership but, there's a real sexist & racist hatred going on in there too.


Of course they're quite happy with Maybot (or 'mummy' as the tory backbenchers call her apparently) as she's a woman agreeing with them.

The foaming at the mouth vitriol aimed at a woman not only challenging their ideas but, more often than not exposing these ideas as utter bollocks and handing the right wing their arses on a plate, pretty fucking enlightening IMO.



Oor Nic should be the first living person to be beatified IMO.





There's really no hope for you if you actually believe this pish, or are you just a paid blogger from Gordon Lamb House?

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Anyone else feel their sphincter tighten when they notice the latest 'Butcher Surgeon' headline on the front page of the Daily Mail/Express?

Always a split-second of "Christ, what are they accusing her of now?"

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