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1 hour ago, D.A.F.C said:

The SNP cannot be criticised. I get it.
The noisy militant minority are shouting down any criticism or counter arguments and actually persuading more people to vote no with their belligerent attitudes.
If it was a no brainer to vote yes then why did Scotland vote no?
Well you see it's because the majority are stupid. Ok then. Keep dreaming.


The support for YES is higher than it has ever been.


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I'm basically at the stage of not knowing any no voters.

Back in 2014 my confidence in a Yes win was very low as a quick count of friends and family it was around 70% no. Even on the night of the referendum at 5s it was 6/10 no.

In 5 years 1 by 1 they've all woken up slowly and Boris has pushed the last few over the line. Hat tip to Brexit also for pushing many that way.

I'm not only confident of a yes win I'd probably bet heavy on 60%+ 

Edited by Gaz FFC
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Can't think of any 2014 No voters I know that would vote the same again, except some 'Union at all costs' bigot-types. 

Brexit has been the no. 1 catalyst for this. 

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On 01/08/2019 at 11:48, D.A.F.C said:

The SNP cannot be criticised. I get it.
The noisy militant minority are shouting down any criticism or counter arguments and actually persuading more people to vote no with their belligerent attitudes.
If it was a no brainer to vote yes then why did Scotland vote no?
Well you see it's because the majority are stupid. Ok then. Keep dreaming.

Perhaps because they were told they would be ejected  from the EU.  🤔

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I've got quite a Yes-heavy family and friends group.

I think I know 2 people who voted No (closely) I think one will definitely never change his mind, even though I know he is not a Tory and hates what is happening, so I don't bother talking politics ; the other is quite pro-EU and I think could be won over, although I'd not be surprised if he was of the Lib Dem pro both unions. Speak to him occasionally and the SNP vitriol etc is no longer there, so there may be hope.

Its more acquaintances etc who were/ are No. Although I know of 2 who have changed position :

I posted it somewhere (maybe in here) a few weeks back  - but two folk who were definitely No are now Yes who I know. One is your Internationalist/socialist/bring the world closer together type who voted No because he thought it would bring up further borders etc. He's very much pro-European and even after the Brexit vote he didn't quite switch to Yes, as he had some hopes in Corbyn etc. Time passed and he realised that the Labour leader is an incompetent fud and has next to no chance of delivering a socialist Britain, and he voted SNP in the Euros and when I spoke to him he said " England is going in a different direction, we need independence" tomorrow and regrets voting No - but then again he probably couldn't have seen Johnson, Brexit, May etc which has happened. 

The other guy - a friend of a friend type - aye, I know but is a real person. I'm thinking lobotomy or something as he's gone full-circle. Voted for Kirstene Hair (has fermer family) hated ''Krankie'' etc and I'd never bother talking about politics with him as I had him down as one of the 30% on either side who will never shift. He's against Brexit and maybe he's seen how useless his local MP is compared to Mike Weir plus the contempt that many Tories have for us, he's gone full SNP which honestly, is INSERT MIND BLOWN GIF - when I found out he voted SNP in the Euros etc I said I thought you were pro both-Unions so would vote Lib Dem ; he said he can't trust the "Fibs" and his words of "f**k it, if we make a tit of it it can't be any worse than Britain right now," 


Edited by Kejan
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I don't know anyone that's changed their mind either way. Looks like the result would be exactly the same.

22 hours ago, Gaz FFC said:

I'm basically at the stage of not knowing any no voters.

Back in 2014 my confidence in a Yes win was very low as a quick count of friends and family it was around 70% no. Even on the night of the referendum at 5s it was 6/10 no.

In 5 years 1 by 1 they've all woken up slowly and Boris has pushed the last few over the line. Hat tip to Brexit also for pushing many that way.

I'm not only confident of a yes win I'd probably bet heavy on 60%+ 

I predict the prospect of a hard border with England will completely overshadow any future campaign and make today's  polling numbers, never mind anecdotes about a few pals, completely irrelevant.

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15 hours ago, sparky88 said:

I don't know anyone that's changed their mind either way. Looks like the result would be exactly the same.

I predict the prospect of a hard border with England will completely overshadow any future campaign and make today's  polling numbers, never mind anecdotes about a few pals, completely irrelevant.


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