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Oor Nicola Sturgeon thread.


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Maybe I’m looking at it simple here, I get why some individual pupils are upset at getting downgraded and some have clearly slipped through the cracks. But this is why the appeal process is free this year (it should be free anyway in my opinion) so this should be rectified.

But there will no doubt have been some schools that have tried to improve their standings by increasing their pupils grades...which is why it needed moderated.

It was never going to be perfect, but the alternative was delaying exams until the summer and that was never going to happen.

The best outcome now is to allow those to appeal who feel they have a case, and put in a plan for if this ever happens again.

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Maybe I’m looking at it simple here, I get why some individual pupils are upset at getting downgraded and some have clearly slipped through the cracks. But this is why the appeal process is free this year (it should be free anyway in my opinion) so this should be rectified.

But there will no doubt have been some schools that have tried to improve their standings by increasing their pupils grades...which is why it needed moderated.

It was never going to be perfect, but the alternative was delaying exams until the summer and that was never going to happen.

The best outcome now is to allow those to appeal who feel they have a case, and put in a plan for if this ever happens again.

Wrong. This is a classist assault on the downtrodden children of Scotland. Vote Labour /s
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7 minutes ago, SweeperDee said:

Wrong. This is a classist assault on the downtrodden children of Scotland. Vote Labour /s

Coward's move to signal sarcasm. Give everyone a chance to misinterpret your tone and have a head's gone.

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7 hours ago, Detournement said:

The teachers were assessing on the basis of work done so far not trying to guess who would have the best study period in the lead up to the exam.

Then the teachers were too thick to understand the task actually set for them by the SQA, which was to predict overall course performance - both coursework and exam - based on both the available evidence and their school's historical pass rates. Which is why the qualifications authority had to intervene to bin the fantasy island grades that piss-poor/piss-taking schools and local authorities submitted in the first place.

That so-called professionals could not grasp this utterly basic task is a damning indictment on the Scottish education sector and the teachers responsible should probably have their own degrees ripped up while we're at it.  

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Hello it's me the "who gives a f**k what the SNP want to do after independence" gnome. I am summoned every time you imply post independence = eternal SNP government
Can I be Indy gnome please? It would make the drudgery of all the short jokes worth something.

I promise I will whip yoons with my fishing rod.
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On 05/08/2020 at 10:58, sparky88 said:

It will be interesting to see the reaction in a few weeks when the English results are out- I would imagine the exact same thing will happen. 

We're about to find out:

Nearly 40% of A-level result predictions to be downgraded in England


Coronavirus in Wales: Exam results lowered after 'generous grading'


My guess is that it'll be water off a duck's back but the Scottish MSM & unionist community will be pleased that they managed to force their kids down to George Sq and keep the outrage going so long.

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Guest Bob Mahelp

This a political kick in the nuts for the SNP, and Swinney...a man I've got no confidence in....should have seen this coming like a train hurtling down the tracks. 

Of course, the general principle is that there as no easy way out of this. It's impossible to believe that schools that have a 60% success rate for the last 10 years or so now have a massive 90% pass rate...it looks very much like teachers are letting pupils down by marking them up. 

Nicola Sturgeon was just on TV...her answers are completely valid...'how is the Scottish government meant to accept the validity of results that differ so much from the norm ?'

However, it's hard to believe that nobody could have seen the political consequences of this coming. Unbelievable. 

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38 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

This a political kick in the nuts for the SNP, and Swinney...a man I've got no confidence in....should have seen this coming like a train hurtling down the tracks. 

Of course, the general principle is that there as no easy way out of this. It's impossible to believe that schools that have a 60% success rate for the last 10 years or so now have a massive 90% pass rate...it looks very much like teachers are letting pupils down by marking them up. 

Nicola Sturgeon was just on TV...her answers are completely valid...'how is the Scottish government meant to accept the validity of results that differ so much from the norm ?'

However, it's hard to believe that nobody could have seen the political consequences of this coming. Unbelievable. 

Not sure what they could have done to avoid it, you've just got to hope that the SQA have enough manpower to do the individual appeals assessments quickly, and the colleges and employers hold off on final decisions.

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Employers will be holding off on nearly all hiring decisions for the foreseeable future anyway so I wouldn't worry about that. Any perceived shortfall can of course be easily made good through the college system; that some students won't get to swan through to the (probably horrendous) graduate jobs market by 22 is really not some life-ending injustice.

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This is a no-win situation for the SNP. Either:

"OMG the SNP have failed all our kids by not interfering in the work of the independent SQA!!!!1111"


"OMG the SNP are interfering with the work of the SQA to make our kids' results look better to boost their separatist cause!!!!!11111"

They're just going to have to ride this out, correct the usual MSM hysterical bullshit and nonsense TV interviews with facts, and point out that this is entirely in step with what is going on elsewhere, not to mention the availability of the appeals process. IF teachers really have been massively boosting grades with bullshit "estimates" then they need to take some responsibility. 

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