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Oor Nicola Sturgeon thread.


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So on the one hand we have one government that presided over mass depopulation of the Highlands, which has not once in 300 years made any attempt to repopulate them, and sneeringly dismissed any suggestion of doing so.

On the other we have a government with actual Highlanders in very senior positions that will probably be lead by a Highlander in the near future which has published plans to repopulate the Highlands and which has put a lot of effort into revitalising Gaelic.

But they will both be exactly the same in their treatment of the Highlands.

I'm having trouble getting stuff in lockdown and you're clearly on top notch gear so is there any chance you could punt some my way?

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52 minutes ago, G51 said:

It's not my fight anymore because I no longer live in the Highlands, but the Scottish Government extracts resources, people and power out of the Highlands and relocates them to the Central Belt.

The Scottish Government builds infrastructure and supports a highly dispersed population you mean.

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4 minutes ago, monthefife said:

Forgive me, I'm not for/against either side of this 'debate' but is this not something that can be discussed after independence has been achieved? We're so close and this just reeks of shooting ourselves in the foot. 

This, although I doubt the Highlands independence issue is one that's a big issue amongst Rangers fans or anyone else. More worrying is that there are lots of people all over the forum saying they won't vote SNP because of one issue or another, because they're bound to win by a landslide anyway! So they want independence, but want to make a protest about a particular policy or actions of the Government. This is the most important vote since 2014, and some people are following exactly the path Unionists and others I don't understand on the wilder fringes of the SNP (Bath) are encouraging. Having been shielded for most of the last year I can't be certain, but just hope that this train of thought doesn't extend much outside P&B and other social media.

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2 minutes ago, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

Nobody suggested it was.

Wow you are just all sorts of confused here. This is fascinating.

Literally someone above you saying that Edinburgh supports the Highlands.

It's not a surprise you don't get it though, you've demonstrated you're a thick bigot throughout this thread today.

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1 minute ago, welshbairn said:

This, although I doubt the Highlands independence issue is one that's a big issue amongst Rangers fans or anyone else. More worrying is that there are lots of people all over the forum saying they won't vote SNP because of one issue or another, because they're bound to win by a landslide anyway! So they want independence, but want to make a protest about a particular policy or actions of the Government. This is the most important vote since 2014, and some people are following exactly the path Unionists and others I don't understand on the wilder fringes of the SNP (Bath) are encouraging. Having been shielded for most of the last year I can't be certain, but just hope that this train of thought doesn't extend much outside P&B and other social media.

Aye, seeing a lot of that. 

Personally the SNP have my constituency vote until independence no matter what, I can't wait to go out and vote for them, love doing it, its like sticking two fingers up at the people that have treated our entire country like shit for centuries and very empowering.


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Just now, G51 said:

Literally someone above you saying that Edinburgh supports the Highlands.

It's not a surprise you don't get it though, you've demonstrated you're a thick bigot throughout this thread today.

As in cheerleads for, not financially. 

Anyway you're a nutcase and this is crazy drivel shared by no voters at all, so we can safely file it in the amusing bin.

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14 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

This, although I doubt the Highlands independence issue is one that's a big issue amongst Rangers fans or anyone else. More worrying is that there are lots of people all over the forum saying they won't vote SNP because of one issue or another, because they're bound to win by a landslide anyway! So they want independence, but want to make a protest about a particular policy or actions of the Government. This is the most important vote since 2014, and some people are following exactly the path Unionists and others I don't understand on the wilder fringes of the SNP (Bath) are encouraging. Having been shielded for most of the last year I can't be certain, but just hope that this train of thought doesn't extend much outside P&B and other social media.

And its the trans issue tearing the SNP apart. Some might surmise by design, divide and rule and all that.

Everybody leaving is either because of transphobia (spoiler reader, there is no significant transphobia in the SNP and they have done more to push trans rights than any other party, transphobia is also not higher in Scotland than other similar countries) or the actions of the trans mafia in targeting and silencing people it believes to be transphobic (spoiler - they're nothing of the sort in almost all instances)

That's why its an issue we need to tackle head on and not bury our heads in the sand about

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Not quite getting all this tranny stuff.
Maybe I’m old fashioned.
If, say, a man thinks he’s in the wrong body and gets  surgical and chemical treatment, whatever, and becomes a woman, I’ve no problem.
If, however, a man suddenly feels female and goes out and about as a woman and goes into female toilets, then that is nuts .
He deserves everything that comes to him.
I know my wife and daughters would quickly tell a big hairy man in a beard to gtf.
There are two sexes - male and female - end of.
Dont know where all this multiplicity of genders come from?
Seems the SNP and Nicola with her wokerati of followers are in favour of this nonsense.
You don't have a wife or kids. You're almost certainly a crushingly lonely bigot who doubtless has to sign in at his local Police station on a regular basis. There is literally no point to your existence.
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I mean Nicola Sturgeon's own election agent said today transphobia is 'rampant' in Scotland

No trans person in Scotland has ever been murdered for their identity, and statistically transphobia is no higher here than anywhere else

These people just transphobia everywhere and cannot be reasoned with as they are so sure they're right and think they're good people.

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You'll notice that amendment was put forward by a Tory

The least socially liberal party in the UK, most small c conservative and the party that refused to even look at GRA reform

The amendment was a pile of nonsense, so was obviously going to get rejected

This was the intention, so 101's friend there feels 'unsafe' in Scotland and genuinely believes Scotland is being overtaken by a wave of transphobia, when it is not.

Therefore she now probably won't vote SNP and if she is a member will resign.

They can't win at the ballot box, so they are practicing the classic colonial tactic of divide and rule, and in the process making people feel 'unsafe'.

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Just now, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

And its the trans issue tearing the SNP apart. Some might surmise by design, divide and rule and all that.

Everybody leaving is either because of transphobia (spoiler reader, there is no significant transphobia in the SNP and they have done more to push trans rights than any other party, transphobia is also not higher in Scotland than other similar countries) or the actions of the trans mafia in targeting and silencing people it believes to be transphobic (spoiler - they're nothing of the sort in almost all instances)

That's why its an issue we need to tackle head on and not bury our heads in the sand about

You need to stop reading twitter and Wings m8. You think that the issue of women being terrified of trans people invading their private spaces suddenly happened because of something in the real world? It's a totally manufactured hysteria about something that's been a fact in society for thousands of years, and has never been subjected to the false accusations and spotlight it's now under. It's total bollocks and I'm astonished that you would even give any time to it, far less scour the internet for pictures and stories of trans people looking weird or behaving badly.

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1 minute ago, welshbairn said:

You need to stop reading twitter and Wings m8. You think that the issue of women being terrified of trans people invading their private spaces suddenly happened because of something in the real world? It's a totally manufactured hysteria about something that's been a fact in society for thousands of years, and has never been subjected to the false accusations and spotlight it's now under. It's total bollocks and I'm astonished that you would even give any time to it, far less scour the internet for pictures and stories of trans people looking weird or behaving badly.

No, it suddenly happened because a bunch of extremists have hijacked the leadership of a political party in government and convinced them their extreme views are actually mainstream and should be enforced through legislation, causing a natural backlack from society in general. Almost as if it was planned.....

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Once again reader, there is no significant transphobia in the SNP

NS was happy to have the woke Mafia sending thousands of death threats over the course of years to Joanna Cherry, people putting targets in their Twitter bio, to the point she required police protection.

NS did not say a word about this, not once. One of her own colleagues, an actual QC, and she had not a peep to say about this despite it going on for years.


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