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Oor Nicola Sturgeon thread.


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32 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

This is an absolute body blow to the SNP but more importantly, Scotland.

I agree with a lot of your post except this bit. It's a shock to see her resign but I don't see it as a body blow as the next leader should/will also have the best interests of Scotland driving them, and the Yes camp are already convinced Scotland should be independent, so a new leader shouldn't really change that belief. The big challenge for the new leader, of course, is to build on indy support and keep building a better Scotland.

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2 hours ago, Aladdin said:

Would still think she would be involved in some capacity in any future independence referendum.  The lack of an official capacity didnt stop Gordon Brown chipping in to the last one.

Think it will be Angus Robertson who takes over.

She'll be living out of the country if that ever happens again

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Counting against Robertson is that fact that he’s been heavily featured in two general election campaigns. The first time the SNP failed to gain any seats and fell well short of their target, and the second time they lose more than a third of their seats including his own. They’ve done much better when Sturgeon has been more hands on.

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1 hour ago, StellarHibee said:

@Elixir ?

I'm not anti-vaxx, m7. I had the two original doses and the first booster to 'do my bit', despite it being largely pointless for people under the age of 50.

Hopefully you don't lie like this all the time.

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5 minutes ago, The Skelpit Lug said:

I agree with a lot of your post except this bit. It's a shock to see her resign but I don't see it as a body blow as the next leader should/will also have the best interests of Scotland driving them, and the Yes camp are already convinced Scotland should be independent, so a new leader shouldn't really change that belief. The big challenge for the new leader, of course, is to build on indy support and keep building a better Scotland.

And if we’re going glass is half-full, a new leader will have the press and the peanut gallery on their heels for a wee while; it’ll be a little bit before they can come to consensus about what trope/meme they can regurgitate endlessly to w**k over.

(Robertson will become a West Highland Terrier with his head photoshopped on due to name ‘Angus’ and Forbes perhaps ‘gratey Katey’ because of accent, if I had to guess now)

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I honestly can’t see any male standing being a popular choice with women at the moment.

Not sure if that’s enough to totally work against Angus Robertson getting over the line, but it will make it significantly harder / closer for him.

I think Forbes is a much more realistic possibility than some are admitting. 

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Genuinely surprised by this news.

Wasn't a great fan of her during the latter parts of Covid but she was leagues ahead of the vast majority of the dross that is UK politics.

Entirely understandable that one would have enough of a job that involved weekly interaction with Douglas Ross.

Reckon it will be Angus Robertson next, just because of age and experience. Don't reckon Kate Forbes will be interested having a young baby. Mhari Black is probably still too young for it (she would cause numerous cranial detachments amongst the perma raging though)

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I like Forbes but her (admirable, to me, anyway, so hate me) Free Kirk principles will get her torn apart in the press - not that the press matters much to the SNP as they have prospered electorally despite a universally hostile press.


My impression is that most of the SNP's other talent is at WM rather than HR.


My wavering attachment to Independence given the SNP's generally poor record in Government and the Gender Bill car crash has just been strengthened, though, by hearing an even smugger than usual Jackie Smugface Baillie on the radio. If the ScoGov, and any new FM, is rubbish, they're oor rubbish. ScoLab's commitment to the UK commits us to Brexit and the current Tory government, both of which are rubbish - but no oors.

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26 minutes ago, Elixir said:

If Forbes wasn't a God-botherer, she'd be a decent choice. Shame really.


18 minutes ago, Donathan said:

I assume her god bothering ways will appeal to the thinly veiled transphobia wing of the party? 

Persons of faith, particularly of Forbes' faith, seem to be the ones people are most keen to exclude in our new faux-inclusive culture.

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22 minutes ago, Donathan said:

I assume her god bothering ways will appeal to the thinly veiled transphobia wing of the party? 



6 minutes ago, KirkieRR said:

I like Forbes



4 minutes ago, KirkieRR said:


Persons of faith, particularly of Forbes' faith, seem to be the ones people are most keen to exclude in our new faux-inclusive culture.


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