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Oor Nicola Sturgeon thread.


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11 minutes ago, Highlandmagyar 2nd Tier said:

Wow! What a cracker of a deflection that is. As I don't read his comments then I have nothing to answer.

No one has answered his questions as none of you can. 

Perfectly legit questions for a no voter to ask imo. 

Edited by Glenanover
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 The snp would have found any excuse to have another referendum. There were untruths on both sides. 
We had one not long ago, once in a generation. A generation has not passed. 
We as a country voted to stay in the Union  As a nation we voted to leave the EU. I voted to stay in but accept the result. 
You cannot keep having referendums until you get the result you want. 
Do you think if we voted for independence the no side should have accepted the result ?
What do you mean by "A generation had not passed" by the way. Earlier you mentioned 20 years - how did you come up with that figure? A generation (which was never official policy anyway) can be taken to mean many things. Some might argue that we've seen the end of the European Generation of Britons and are about to embark on the Brexit Generation, if you want to go down a totally arbitrary length of time route. The facts of the matter are that the result was respected (no calls for re-counts, no calls for UDI regardless of the result, no calls for a re-run due to electoral fraud or a close result), the famous "vow" amounted to nothing, the "vote No to remain in the EU" has ended up being worthless and the SNP has returned to Holyrood as the biggest party and with them and the Greens both supporting Independence there is a majority in the Scottish parliament that supports that stance.
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2 points here:

1) A generation is only as long as you personally define it to be. Some people define it as a set of time, 10, 20, 30 years... etc. Others define it as a major political shift or change in social attitude.

2) "Once in a generation" isn't mentioned anywhere in the Edinburgh Agreement which was breached by Better Together anyway when they continued to campaign and make bribes (based on lies) within the final 2 weeks leading to the vote.

3) Yes, there's a 3rd point and perhaps most prevalent of all. Glenanover is a very shite WUM and if he isn't Malky, he certainly shares the same bed.

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17 minutes ago, Salvo Montalbano said:
1 hour ago, Glenanover said:
 The snp would have found any excuse to have another referendum. There were untruths on both sides. 
We had one not long ago, once in a generation. A generation has not passed. 
We as a country voted to stay in the Union  As a nation we voted to leave the EU. I voted to stay in but accept the result. 
You cannot keep having referendums until you get the result you want. 
Do you think if we voted for independence the no side should have accepted the result ?

What do you mean by "A generation had not passed" by the way. Earlier you mentioned 20 years - how did you come up with that figure? A generation (which was never official policy anyway) can be taken to mean many things. Some might argue that we've seen the end of the European Generation of Britons and are about to embark on the Brexit Generation, if you want to go down a totally arbitrary length of time route. The facts of the matter are that the result was respected (no calls for re-counts, no calls for UDI regardless of the result, no calls for a re-run due to electoral fraud or a close result), the famous "vow" amounted to nothing, the "vote No to remain in the EU" has ended up being worthless and the SNP has returned to Holyrood as the biggest party and with them and the Greens both supporting Independence there is a majority in the Scottish parliament that supports that stance.

I take a generation to be roughly 20 years. That is my opinion.

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9 minutes ago, BawWatchin said:

2 points here:

1) A generation is only as long as you personally define it to be. Some people define it as a set of time, 10, 20, 30 years... etc. Others define it as a major political shift or change in social attitude.

2) "Once in a generation" isn't mentioned anywhere in the Edinburgh Agreement which was breached by Better Together anyway when they continued to campaign and make bribes (based on lies) within the final 2 weeks leading to the vote.

3) Yes, there's a 3rd point and perhaps most prevalent of all. Glenanover is a very shite WUM and if he isn't Malky, he certainly shares the same bed.

Says the poster that thinks Sturgeon is a wid 🤢🤮

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The Scottish nationalists and the snp have not accepted the result.
If they had we would not be talking about it.
This needs to be put to bed - it's never been about not accepting the result - it's about not accepting that the only form of Brexit is the hard Brexit/No Deal that has been put on offer.

It's the tail of the Leave campaign that has been wagging the Leave dog - unfortunately the dog appears to be as thick as pigshit.
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Another take on this. 

If the UK had reached the point it's at right now in 2013, would the independence referendum of 2014 have unfolded in the way it did?

I'm not quite sure what Cameron, Miliband and Clegg would have been able to bring with them over the border in the days before the vote other than a huge trail of clusterfuck. 

"Hang in with us Scotland - we've got a bunch of hard right wankers ready to take the UK to hell in a handcart. Surely that's enough to convince you to stay". 

Unless you believe the result would have been the same then you can only acknowledge that so much has changed that there is sufficient reason to ask the people who voted overwhelmingly to remain in Europe whether they think it's time to let England do what it feels it needs to do, but do it on their own. 

I'm not for a minute thinking this will persuade the imbeciles spamming this thread - they're way too close to the flute and white gloves mentality. But a decent percentage of the 55% are brighter than that. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 20/09/2019 at 16:34, Glenanover said:

It's almost as if students are distracted by something else. Something that will ultimately make their lives more miserable. Something Scotland didn't vote for.

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