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Oor Nicola Sturgeon thread.


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10 minutes ago, git-intae-thum said:

The establishment party will always attract chancers.

This seems to have been the case with Labour in Scotland in the 90's / early 2000's, it's interesting to look at the SNP and wonder how many MSP's / MP's would have joined Labour in previous decades as being the party which offered a pathway to power

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12 minutes ago, moses1924 said:

This seems to have been the case with Labour in Scotland in the 90's / early 2000's, it's interesting to look at the SNP and wonder how many MSP's / MP's would have joined Labour in previous decades as being the party which offered a pathway to power

I remember the current MP for Edinburgh East when he was Assistant General Secretary of Scottish Labour.

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45 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Murrel was appointed in 1999 - I suspect there was always an element of control freakery going on - just not as noticeable.

Salmond also told them both that they couldn't hold the positions of Party leader and CEO. Murrell would have to step down. That was just after the Independece Referendum in 2014. They clearly thought they were untouchable and treated the membership with utter contempt.

Sturgeon should be shunned for the utter mess she has left the SNP in. Support for Independence is at stake and the drip drip drip of bad news will eventually start to impact support as voters start to question if you would trust the party to run an independent country. Omnishambles doesn't even touch it.

There needs to be mass resignations from the NEC. The sooner that happens the party can heal and reset. A reset is inevitable now, even for Captain Continuity.

The longer the report takes into the governance of the SNP the more this will be drawn out. That report won't be pleasant reading either, the party is a dysfunctional mess and hasn't been following the constitution for at least the last five years. It's going to make for painful reading and the buck stops at Sturgeon's door.

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18 minutes ago, Trogdor said:

Salmond also told them both that they couldn't hold the positions of Party leader and CEO. Murrell would have to step down. That was just after the Independece Referendum in 2014.


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40 minutes ago, Trogdor said:

Salmond also told them both that they couldn't hold the positions of Party leader and CEO. Murrell would have to step down. 


Is there evidence of this?

As far as I am aware Salmond's issues with Murrell and Sturgeon only got back to 2018.

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24 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:


Is there evidence of this?

As far as I am aware Salmond's issues with Murrell and Sturgeon only got back to 2018.

It’s a known fact that Salmond gave Sturgeon this advice and that she then pretty much closed the door on him. As soon as she became first minister she then completely froze him out. The clique she built around herself and Murrell then hated Salmond and saw him as a threat.

The trouble started with him telling her Murrell should go and when Salmond started planning a comeback crack at Mark McDonald’s seat after she threw him under a combine harvester they began their plot against him. 

This is common knowledge.

it is astonishing watching people still refusing to face the truth regarding Nicola Sturgeon.

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While I agree that having the party leader and party CEO being a married couple probably is a bad idea how would Salmond be in a position to tell anyone what they could do after he steps down as leader. He'd be in no position to make such demands unless he had already put it into the party rules.

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3 minutes ago, Thorongil said:

It’s a known fact that Salmond gave Sturgeon this advice and that she then pretty much closed the door on him. As soon as she became first minister she then completely froze him out. The clique she built around herself and Murrell then hated Salmond and saw him as a threat.

The trouble started with him telling her Murrell should go and when Salmond started planning a comeback crack at Mark McDonald’s seat after she threw him under a combine harvester they began their plot against him. 

This is common knowledge.

it is astonishing watching people still refusing to face the truth regarding Nicola Sturgeon.


Common knowledge?

So presumably you can back this up with press reports/accounts?

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3 minutes ago, Rodhull said:

While I agree that having the party leader and party CEO being a married couple probably is a bad idea how would Salmond be in a position to tell anyone what they could do after he steps down as leader. He'd be in no position to make such demands unless he had already put it into the party rules.

WTF? 😳 

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9 minutes ago, Thorongil said:

It’s a known fact that Salmond gave Sturgeon this advice


7 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

There will be some kind of record of it then I presume?


3 minutes ago, Thorongil said:

Go and look it up on the internet. Are you pretending you are unaware of this information?

I'm taking that as a no.

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