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Oor Nicola Sturgeon thread.


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12 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I’m willing to give the police the benefit of the doubt for the time being.  It’s just over two months since Murrell’s arrest and there appears to have been a lot of investigative work since then.  The only strange thing about the latest development is that it happened on a Sunday!

However if it drags on without any charges I’ll be more inclined to think that there are other motives.

Members of the SNP, like myself, and the wider Independence movement cannot be Trumpian in our approach.  If there’s been wrongdoing it must be addressed, but it must be addressed in a timely manner.


A cynical person might think the timing was more than a coincidence.

Personally, the sooner this is dealt with the better - if they don't charge soon it's going to look like a fishing trip by Police Scotland.

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The Police are in a bit of an unenviable position tbh.

The independence movement needs to let this run its course. Which involves waiting, any attempt to dismiss it or trivialise it just plays into Unionists hands.

Politically it's already been damaging but more so because Humza can't reset things. It's like the sword of damocles hanging over him.

I still think the Police have actually stumbled onto something else as the operation and resources seems excessive for the alleged financial crime. 

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1 minute ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

This is Christmas Day for Rangers Da's and all they can come up with are painfully unfunny memes and Jimmy Krankie photos.

Nice to see @Theroadlesstravelled has completed his journey thru ‘tedious arsehole that really wants to be on the cum town podcast’ to ‘actually @spongeheid15’ tho. 

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11 minutes ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

This is Christmas Day for Rangers Da's and all they can come up with are painfully unfunny memes and Jimmy Krankie photos.

The Bishop of Bath and that Murray weirdo are besides themselves that, like with Murrell, there’s f**k all to see here.  

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"Obviously, given the nature of this process, I cannot go into detail. However, I do wish to say this, and to do so in the strongest possible terms. Innocence is not just a presumption I am entitled to in law. I know beyond doubt that I am in fact innocent of any wrongdoing"

Last sentence here from her statement is a bit Trumpy.


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25 minutes ago, Trogdor said:

The Police are in a bit of an unenviable position tbh.

The independence movement needs to let this run its course. Which involves waiting, any attempt to dismiss it or trivialise it just plays into Unionists hands.

Politically it's already been damaging but more so because Humza can't reset things. It's like the sword of damocles hanging over him.

I still think the Police have actually stumbled onto something else as the operation and resources seems excessive for the alleged financial crime. 

It is trivial 

There, I've done it

That was easy

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22 minutes ago, O_Kahn said:

"Obviously, given the nature of this process, I cannot go into detail. However, I do wish to say this, and to do so in the strongest possible terms. Innocence is not just a presumption I am entitled to in law. I know beyond doubt that I am in fact innocent of any wrongdoing"

Last sentence here from her statement is a bit Trumpy.


Trump would never use any of those long words intentionally.

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1 hour ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

How fucking shite are these memes?

Particularly enjoying the "I hope THAT WOMAN! gets locked up with a convicted rapist" fantasies  :shutup

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