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Ruth Davidson.


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12 hours ago, Ned Nederlander said:


6 hours ago, mizfit said:

Absolute minter for an elected MSP.

But then again this is exactly what you’d expect from her.


11 hours ago, DublinMagyar said:

Lying scum is lying scum.

A shocker to be sure.

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Ruth Davidson:


She said: "The UK government has acted to reduce the tax burden on working families. It has honoured its promise to do so. Raising the income tax threshold has reduced taxes for millions of UK workers and has taken thousands out of taxation altogether.

"But the UK government has a choice to make.

"And, if that choice is between extra spending on the NHS or introducing further tax breaks beyond those already promised, I choose the NHS."


Also Ruth Davidson:


The Tory leader said discussions on tax should "begin right now", as she made clear: "I am opposed to all current basic rate tax payers paying more in income tax."


So Davidson is against tax rises and tax cuts yet is clamouring for more money to be pumped into the NHS. Just where is this going to come from? Oh, on a continuing a theme over the last few days, she didn't let the media interview her after her speech.


Edited by RiG
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10 hours ago, RiG said:

So Davidson is against tax rises and tax cuts yet is clamouring for more money to be pumped into the NHS. Just where is this going to come from?

The share issue. Duh.

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Maybe it’s the circles I move in, but I’ve never met anyone who bought into the Colonel Cosplay love-in. Where is this army of fans?

Grampian with the exception of my own Aberdeen North. Tory c***s
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Ruth Davidson was to be included in the Vogue guide to Britain's most Influential women.

The Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson is a ridiculously brazen person, someone who can habitually lie to the public at ease.

Who could forget Ruth Davidson's brass necked photo shoot in a disability mobility vehicle during the 2017 General Election campaign at the very same time as her beloved Tory party were stripping 800 mobility cars per week from disabled people up and down the country?

Who could forget Ruth Davidson's pretending to be an opponent of bigotry and sectarianism, then sitting by and doing absolutely nothing as Theresa May lobbed a £1 billion bribe at the sectarian DUP bigots to prop up her government?

Who could forget Ruth Davidson allowing a pair of revoltingly bigoted Tory councillors simply slide back into the party after the fuss had died down?

And who could forget her completely disregarding longstanding rules and conventions about politicising the armed forces by cosplaying as a soldier for the cameras?

Who can forget the false claim that she had been hounded by a man shouting Indy slogans along with a barking dog, video footage showed this as a complete lie and the small Jack Russell dog never made a sound either.

The lie that burly blokes were turning away voters if they didn't support the SNP.

The lie she claimed her 2 sectarian councillors had been sent to an Anti-Sectarian organisation "Nil By Mouth" which was exposed by the same organisation

The lie condemning the SNP on National TV about NHS performance figures which were exposed as a document talking about NHS England's failures which the Tories control down South

The lie on National TV and I quote "the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors said the real problem facing investment and jobs in Scotland was [Nicola Sturgeon’s] threat of a second referendum” was exposed as data from representatives of around 270 firms, of which just 15 were in Scotland.

Fact-check website The Ferret has also pulled Davidson up personally on numerous occasions – including immigration, the rape clause and literacy figures – on top of her party’s general habit of truth on the economy.

Since being elected as the MSP for Edinburgh Central more than two years ago, the number of constituency surgeries Davidson has held can, as far as we can establish, be counted on the fingers of one hand. When the average for other MSPs is 150 but she has the audacity of talking about others getting on with the day job.

While she’s never short of time to appear on Have I Got News For You or The Great British Bake-Off, or write books, or be a pretend soldier, or trot down to London to talk about independence (while simultaneously demanding that everyone else must STOP talking about independence) or attend a wacky photo opportunity, she seems to find it rather harder to get round to replying to letters from the people she represents.

Just consider the arrogance of Ruth Davidson's lies. And just think about how little regard Ruth Davidson must have for the people she's attempting to convince with them.

She obviously sees potential Scottish Tory voters as a spectacularly gullible bunch of barely literate knuckle-draggers if she thinks they'll be won over by lies so blatant that they actually contradict themselves.

Still, given all the damage the Tories have inflicted on Scotland and the Scottish economy over the decades, Scottish Tory voters must be either absolutely riddled with gullibility, or be such servile and self-hating lowlifes that they actually get some kind of warped kick out of being lied to and mistreated by their merciless (and mainly English) Tory overlords

The only thing Ruth Davidson excels at is vanishing when her Westminster masters pass a law that she knows won't go down well in Scotland, and the state-run British media don't pursue her either.

Wish I could give this 10 likes. The best piece of writing on Davidson. A total shambles who hides it with wonderful PR from her old pals in the media.
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It's not an anti-Conservative appeal.   Politics can be tribal whereby you depart rational to champion your party/cause, my Davidson disdain isn't fueled by this.   McLetchie was a good egg; I was sad to see him go.   Annabel Goldie would easily slip into my top 5 Holyrood politicians.    

Mind when Ruth said of Kez Dugdale "She hasn't laid a glove on Nicola Sturgeon" the press loved this, blissfully ignoring that Ruth has had 2 or 3 questions at FMQT for over 7 years is utterly schooled every Thursday.    
Would agree on Goldie. The only politician at Holyrood who ever truly tested Alex Salmond. Probably would have made a very good First Minister herself had she been in a different party.
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