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Ruth Davidson.


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Guest Bob Mahelp
11 hours ago, GTG_03 said:

Shes an absolute serpent. Hasn't won a seat, doesn't do her job and is being turned into some kind of loveable TV celebrity. It pays to be a Tory it would seem. 

She's about to become head of Project Fear (mrk 2) come the 2nd referendum. 

She's already planning it as her entry into the Lords. 

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8 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

You're making her sound awfy passive on all this.

Perhaps, but I mistakenly, and probably a bit naively, thought that she had something of a social and moral compass. I'm making a big assumption here, but I've always thought people who come from marginalised and stigmatised groups tend to be a bit more empathetic for other people in similar, but perhaps not identical, situations. I have a life-long diagnosis, that has helped me to empathise with other people with similar in my line of work, and I certainly think it gives me a degree of insight into the wider impacts that has on people's lives than I would have had otherwise. I suppose though that people who are shitebags at heart will always just act like shitebags regardless. I've certainly met a few people with conditions similar to mine who act like complete and utter shits to other people in the same boat.

Edited by Boo Khaki
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10 hours ago, Boo Khaki said:

I kinda knew her as an acquaintance before she became an MSP, and while I can't say I was overly drawn to her back then, I genuinely didn't think she was the type who would happily get onboard with utter scumbag policies and agenda like these. A perfect example of what party politics can do to somebody, and especially sickening when she's part of an ostracised, victimised demographic herself.

Yeah, me too. Her whole image drastically changed for the job, so wouldn't be surprised if her politics did too.

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1 hour ago, Boo Khaki said:

Perhaps, but I mistakenly, and probably a bit naively, thought that she had something of a social and moral compass. I'm making a big assumption here, but I've always thought people who come from marginalised and stigmatised groups tend to be a bit more empathetic for other people in similar, but perhaps not identical, situations. I have a life-long diagnosis, that has helped me to empathise with other people with similar in my line of work, and I certainly think it gives me a degree of insight into the wider impacts that has on people's lives than I would have had otherwise. I suppose though that people who are shitebags at heart will always just act like shitebags regardless. I've certainly met a few people with conditions similar to mine who act like complete and utter shits to other people in the same boat.

The history of Israel swung me away from that hope.

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21 hours ago, Boo Khaki said:


Says everything about both Labour and Tories that the worst you could say about Kezia is 'gormless incompetent', whereas Davidson is distinctly sinister and unpleasant.

Other than Independence/Union Dugdale and Sturgeon have exactly the same politics. 

Davidson is a careerist opportunist. She will say/do anything for a buck. Loads of people do shit like that for a living and rationalise it away - working for tabloids, tobacco, arms companies - but she has taken it to another level. 

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12 hours ago, MixuFruit said:

As if on cue



Why do so many of these Tory gonks have the exact same 'face you'd never get tired of stamping on' look about them?

It's enough to almost convince you there is actually something to Phrenology.

Edited by Boo Khaki
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Guest Bob Mahelp

Don't underestimate Buffalo Bob. 

As I said earlier, she'll be the (rancid, baw shaped) face of BritNatdom come the 2nd referendum, and even though she's a shallow opportunist, she's good on TV and there are people in Scotland who listen to her.

She's biding her time, waiting for a referendum that she knows will come. 

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37 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

Don't underestimate Buffalo Bob. 

As I said earlier, she'll be the (rancid, baw shaped) face of BritNatdom come the 2nd referendum, and even though she's a shallow opportunist, she's good on TV and there are people in Scotland who listen to her.

She's biding her time, waiting for a referendum that she knows will come. 

I agree with the 1st part, I've met plenty folk who were impressed with her when she was in charge. She'll be biding her time for a few years yet then, Boris Isn't allowing indyref2 and the SNP wont go ahead without 'permission'. It'll be 2025 at ths earliest.

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She's nowhere near as good as her fawning admirers in the North British press make her out to be.

The likes of Daisley and Massie will be astroturfing like f**k when she returns of course, but her record of supporting terrible WM policy, tacit acceptance of racists in her party and her ability to hide when the going gets tough, imo means she should be vulnerable.

Gloves off from the Yes campaign this time. In the event of Indyref 2, I want people with 'rape clause Ruth' placards following her everywhere.

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Any Tory, believing in the right wing bile spewed from the Blurt or Swiss Tony,and their cohorts is a fool and an enemy of the Scottish people.

While I firmly believe that to maintain a political balance and a fair democracy we do need politics from all sides, what we have in the present Scottish Tory party is not what our country needs.

However this vile tory right wing we have in Scotland, who control large sections of the daily and community print media, do not represent the every day Scottish folk and wholly, though disguised, have only the interests of big business, landowners and profiteers at the centre of and driving their policies. 

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2 hours ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

She's nowhere near as good as her fawning admirers in the North British press make her out to be.

The likes of Daisley and Massie will be astroturfing like f**k when she returns of course, but her record of supporting terrible WM policy, tacit acceptance of racists in her party and her ability to hide when the going gets tough, imo means she should be vulnerable.

Gloves off from the Yes campaign this time. In the event of Indyref 2, I want people with 'rape clause Ruth' placards following her everywhere.

Liberal Tories down south rate her. If she had any sense she would stick to that instead of retreading old ground up here.

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2 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

Liberal Tories down south rate her. If she had any sense she would stick to that instead of retreading old ground up here.

She's guaranteed a seat in the HOL regardless. She'll no doubt do whatever is more financially beneficial for herself.

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