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6 minutes ago, Leith Green said:

That sounded a bit silly, as did the flat nonsense - but there are aspects that seem more credible than others.

Hibs wanted rid and told him in December he would be leaving in Jan (and he and the others told to find new clubs were not training with the first team). This may have upset him.

If he was genuinely treated poorly by any of the coaching staff then that needs addressing.

Perhaps the reason they wanted rid of him and nowhere near the first team in training was due to some kind of conduct issue? We just don't know what the full story is here. But when you read a post on social media and it's full of nonsense such as "strange taxes" and describing his 2 bedroom, decent sized living-room apartment, 10-15 minute walk away from the stadium as a "prison cell", it's hard to take the more believable aspects seriously.

What is more believable is that he turned out not to be the footballing pioneer that he thought he was.

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Reading the back and forth about Hibs and Hearts here, is like watching two dwarfs argue about who's the tallest. 

Hibs and Hearts are both mediocre clubs in a mediocre league in a mediocre footballing country. 

Re: Bojang, this will be the same as it ever was with 'training ground unrest' and 'lost the dressing room' style stories. Some fault will be Hibs, some exaggeration will be the player's and some miss-sell will be on the agent. 

The much bigger issue, which is mercifully less of a problem on here than it is on .net and facebook; is the glee with which their fans (short for fanatics) and NOT supporters (those who support) can't wait to stick the boot in to our club.

There's no need, we have Jambo trolls to do that for us.

I remember an AGM during Mowbray's time where a shareholder pushed to ask a question. Mowbray's the manager remember, think of what Hibs were like on the pitch in that period. The supporter told the board including Farmer that the price of a nip in the behind the goals bar was a disgrace and that all the club cared about was fleecing their fans. The year was 2005 and he was deadly serious. His nitpicking attitude is not the exception and other clubs fans are not as toxic online as ours are, except the old firm who defy description. 

18 years on and the American owner has apparently bought the club as a plaything for his son and all they care about is fleecing the fans. Spot the pattern regardless of the custodians?

The same fannies by the way, that when they had the chance to get a meaningful shareholding in the hands of 'good and proper Hibees', declared it a fraud, ponzi scheme or they were too skint. 

I notice our pink chums in Gorgie just got it done. 'But their club was on the line' excuses on a postcard to nowhere in particular please

Woe betide anyone who tries to be positive or even objective towards the club's efforts, especially in the progress it has made under the current non Scottish ownership. 

As a 3rd gen Hibs fan responsible for passing the rot onto a 4th generation, I want nothing but success for us, starting with a win against the Mothers tomorrow.  I want it for me, for the club, and for the wonderful supportive legions I've met in over 50 years of supporting this club. 

If I supported a different club in Scotland, I'd want nothing for online Hibs fans than relegation followed by bankruptcy followed by being asset stripped by Budge. 

Forget corporate culture, examine socio-political fan culture instead.       

Edited by Tommy Tappin
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We're not sticking the boot into the club. We're sticking the boot into the owner and board members who are themselves sticking the boot into the club. But there's always some "true supporters" who will defend the ownership and board no matter what.

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Unconditionally defending the horrendous running of the club and an out of depth owner, charlatan CEO and under qualified “Head of Recruitment” doesn’t make you a better supporter than anyone else.

The fans desperate to “stick the boot in” will be around a lot longer than these clowns will be.

Hope this helps 👍🏻

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10 minutes ago, HeartsOfficialMoaner said:

Who are Rainbow FC? They are not in the top or second division in The Gambia.  

Hibs been conned into taking pub player on loan by agent. 

Aye, thats his home club but he was playing for someone in Portugal when we took him on loan.

He has looked like a lucky bag footballer from the first minute - so much so that even Lee Johnson refused to play him.

Rather than blame an agent (who was probably just doing his job) I blame the people who deal with our recruitment.

At least it was just a loan - we paid actual money for Harry McKirdy........................

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1 hour ago, Les Cabbage said:

Unconditionally defending the horrendous running of the club and an out of depth owner, charlatan CEO and under qualified “Head of Recruitment” doesn’t make you a better supporter than anyone else.

The fans desperate to “stick the boot in” will be around a lot longer than these clowns will be.

Hope this helps 👍🏻

And that's the problem, those fans will be around much longer. Can we get a transfer window for fans or better yet just napalm Leith and try again?

Also, could we pause a second to witness that a deca-multimillionaire just got called a clown by a clown, without any irony.

I presume your achievements in business precede you to a greater degree than Gordon's do to him?

I'll leave you with this. The business I own has a higher turnover than Hibs, albeit not by much. I know nothing about running a football club and Gordon may not know much either but his presence preserves us from Hibs online fannies taking charge. 

Actually, I take that back, they'd never be in charge. They'd never bother their arses enough to do what it took in the first place. 

Have at it Jambo hordes, posts like the one I've quoted above deserve all the shite you throw at us. 

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Ah yes, another one from the "fans are the problem" brigade.

We must be the most resilient fans in the world, continuing to throw money at something that forever punches far below it's capabilities, regularly being shown up by clubs that bring 50-100 fans to ER.

You're right though. The fans must be the problem if we continue to meekly accept this pish.

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4 hours ago, Tommy Tappin said:

Reading the back and forth about Hibs and Hearts here, is like watching two dwarfs argue about who's the tallest. 

Hibs and Hearts are both mediocre clubs in a mediocre league in a mediocre footballing country. 

Re: Bojang, this will be the same as it ever was with 'training ground unrest' and 'lost the dressing room' style stories. Some fault will be Hibs, some exaggeration will be the player's and some miss-sell will be on the agent. 

The much bigger issue, which is mercifully less of a problem on here than it is on .net and facebook; is the glee with which their fans (short for fanatics) and NOT supporters (those who support) can't wait to stick the boot in to our club.

There's no need, we have Jambo trolls to do that for us.

I remember an AGM during Mowbray's time where a shareholder pushed to ask a question. Mowbray's the manager remember, think of what Hibs were like on the pitch in that period. The supporter told the board including Farmer that the price of a nip in the behind the goals bar was a disgrace and that all the club cared about was fleecing their fans. The year was 2005 and he was deadly serious. His nitpicking attitude is not the exception and other clubs fans are not as toxic online as ours are, except the old firm who defy description. 

18 years on and the American owner has apparently bought the club as a plaything for his son and all they care about is fleecing the fans. Spot the pattern regardless of the custodians?

The same fannies by the way, that when they had the chance to get a meaningful shareholding in the hands of 'good and proper Hibees', declared it a fraud, ponzi scheme or they were too skint. 

I notice our pink chums in Gorgie just got it done. 'But their club was on the line' excuses on a postcard to nowhere in particular please

Woe betide anyone who tries to be positive or even objective towards the club's efforts, especially in the progress it has made under the current non Scottish ownership. 

As a 3rd gen Hibs fan responsible for passing the rot onto a 4th generation, I want nothing but success for us, starting with a win against the Mothers tomorrow.  I want it for me, for the club, and for the wonderful supportive legions I've met in over 50 years of supporting this club. 

If I supported a different club in Scotland, I'd want nothing for online Hibs fans than relegation followed by bankruptcy followed by being asset stripped by Budge. 

Forget corporate culture, examine socio-political fan culture instead.       


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4 hours ago, Tommy Tappin said:

And that's the problem, those fans will be around much longer. Can we get a transfer window for fans or better yet just napalm Leith and try again?

Also, could we pause a second to witness that a deca-multimillionaire just got called a clown by a clown, without any irony.

I presume your achievements in business precede you to a greater degree than Gordon's do to him?

I'll leave you with this. The business I own has a higher turnover than Hibs, albeit not by much. I know nothing about running a football club and Gordon may not know much either but his presence preserves us from Hibs online fannies taking charge. 

Actually, I take that back, they'd never be in charge. They'd never bother their arses enough to do what it took in the first place. 

Have at it Jambo hordes, posts like the one I've quoted above deserve all the shite you throw at us. 

Perhaps the most idiotic post I’ve seen in my whole time posting on Pie & Bovril.

The fans are to blame and every success we’ve had before is in spite of the supporters, Ron Gordon is merely failing due to the people who’s cash allows the club to exist.

If I were you I would simply go along and watch the old firm, your values and beliefs clearly match those of those clubs.

Oh and also, Alan Sugar, Elon Musk and many other multi millionaires are also idiots, them having more money doesn’t make them supreme beings.

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31 minutes ago, Les Cabbage said:

Perhaps the most idiotic post I’ve seen in my whole time posting on Pie & Bovril.

The fans are to blame and every success we’ve had before is in spite of the supporters, Ron Gordon is merely failing due to the people who’s cash allows the club to exist.

If I were you I would simply go along and watch the old firm, your values and beliefs clearly match those of those clubs.

Oh and also, Alan Sugar, Elon Musk and many other multi millionaires are also idiots, them having more money doesn’t make them supreme beings.

Ever been this far out of your depth before?

1. The fans cash is insufficient to operate the club. If we were reliant on the fans cash alone, we'd be bankrupt. If you understood business, you'd know this. 

2. 'Go support the old firm' - the clarion call of the individual who cannot deliver reasoned debate and is out of intellectual ammo. Not only are you aligning what you've decided are my 'values and beliefs' with the most successful clubs in Scotland, strengthening my point; you're trying to infer it as an insult however and yet have the temerity to call my post idiotic. Allergic to irony? Don't answer, you won't understand what I've just written.

3. Any self made multi-millionaire is no idiot, which you'd know, if you were one. Are you?

Carry on, your go.

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1 minute ago, Tommy Tappin said:

Ever been this far out of your depth before?

1. The fans cash is insufficient to operate the club. If we were reliant on the fans cash alone, we'd be bankrupt. If you understood business, you'd know this. 

2. 'Go support the old firm' - the clarion call of the individual who cannot deliver reasoned debate and is out of intellectual ammo. Not only are you aligning what you've decided are my 'values and beliefs' with the most successful clubs in Scotland, strengthening my point; you're trying to infer it as an insult however and yet have the temerity to call my post idiotic. Allergic to irony? Don't answer, you won't understand what I've just written.

3. Any self made multi-millionaire is no idiot, which you'd know, if you were one. Are you?

Carry on, your go.

That’s not what I said though is it?

We of course rely on sponsors and many other parties to keep us afloat however the minute you take the supporters away, the people that you are calling “fannies,” you have an organisation that no one will invest in and we are no longer in business.

You should go and support the Old Firm as the beliefs of Hibernian FC, it’s supporters and it’s history don’t align with yours.

You should also considering joining up with the Conservative Party aswell while you’re at it, if you haven’t already, of course.

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1 minute ago, Les Cabbage said:

That’s not what I said though is it?

We of course rely on sponsors and many other parties to keep us afloat however the minute you take the supporters away, the people that you are calling “fannies,” you have an organisation that no one will invest in and we are no longer in business.

You should go and support the Old Firm as the beliefs of Hibernian FC, it’s supporters and it’s history don’t align with yours.

You should also considering joining up with the Conservative Party aswell while you’re at it, if you haven’t already, of course.

I don't call supporters 'fannies', which you'd know if you read my post this morning. Doesn't suit your argument though.

I call supporters, 'supporters'. I call fannies 'Fannies' or 'Halfwits'.

That's the other cliche 'You're not in love plucky failure and workers rights, you must be a tory' 

Come on, you must be able to do better, surely?

If not, I'll spell it out. The 'beliefs and values' of what you say are central to the whole club (they're not, we're a Leith based American owned sports business) are contributory to our ongoing mediocrity. Pretty sure our last four owners weren't big on socialism, workers rights or losing money, even though they mastered the art of the last one. 

You'll note that the entire western world (the place where we're based) runs on capitalism not socialism. Football is about winning. If we want to be a 'community club' why even bother being full time?

Sadly too many Hibees witnessed May 2016 and thought 'that'll do me for a few decades' and too many Hibees would like us to be successful; but not too successful. I have far bigger ambitions for Hibs.

The teams you think I should support keep winning. 

So, sport is about winning, we don't win much.

In that context, take as long as you need to reflect on who possesses the perspective of idiocy out of the two of us. 


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