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Infuriating Things Your Partner Does

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The lassie I mentioned above did this too. I got her into Stephen King and, when she moved on to his newer books that I hadn't read, she'd skip ahead to the end after establishing the premise.
Again, I've known other people who do this, and it's bizarre behaviour. I certainly don't miss the days of having to say, "hey, you want to watch this really good film called Seven? It's about this brutal puritan serial killer who turns out to be Kevin Spacey, only to cut off Gwyneth Paltrow's head and mail it to Detective Brad Pitt, who kills him as revenge...wait, having played it in my head again, I've changed my mind".

It was a big problem because often we liked the same books, so it was imperative I got to read them first.
That, and the fact I read really quickly, used to piss her off too [emoji1787]
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A complete disregard for the situation where anything might need replenishing before it runs out.

Followed by "we've no tea bags" for example. 

Her brain on discovering that there is only maybe 10 tea bags in the caddy fails to register "we'd better get tea bags". Only when we've run out do we need tea bags. 

Repeat ad nauseam for pretty much everything. 


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2 minutes ago, Trackdaybob said:

A complete disregard for the situation where anything might need replenishing before it runs out.

Followed by "we've no tea bags" for example. 

Her brain on discovering that there is only maybe 10 tea bags in the caddy fails to register "we'd better get tea bags". Only when we've run out do we need tea bags. 

Repeat ad nauseam for pretty much everything. 


I live by myself and I do this. Getting up in the morning to realise Ive left myself a tiny dribble of milk for my porridge, or that I had in fact used the last teabag the night before.

Otherwise I'm resourceful as f**k, but this does my box in 


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13 minutes ago, Trackdaybob said:

A complete disregard for the situation where anything might need replenishing before it runs out.

Followed by "we've no tea bags" for example. 

Her brain on discovering that there is only maybe 10 tea bags in the caddy fails to register "we'd better get tea bags". Only when we've run out do we need tea bags. 

Repeat ad nauseam for pretty much everything. 


Does she make you your tea? Or do you not drink tea?

My wife doesn't/very seldom drink(s) tea, so I'm responsible for the tea bags.

Similarly she's responsible for the coffee, but as there are 2 jars left over from when we were getting food parcels from the council/community association, and she won't drink that brand, I'm allright for coffee for a wee while, should I fancy some.


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Last Friday night we were driving to a hotel in Edinburgh from Dunfermline.  She is useless at driving in a big city and just stresses so I volunteer to drive.  I've driven to the airport and the gyle before but our hotel is at the Grassmarket. 

"Do you know where you're going?" she asked.

"No - after the Forth bridge go and load up the map".

Of course we end up going the wrong way and spending an extra 25 minutes driving.  Turns out that on Google Maps she doesn't understand what the lane indicators mean.

If you're not sure what I'm on about:

She didn't understand that the lane in white was the lane I needed to be in so we missed our first junction.  

This was of course my fault as I said I knew where I was going....


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1 minute ago, Jacksgranda said:

Does she make you your tea? Or do you not drink tea?

Oh she drinks tea alright. It's not just tea. It's pretty much everything.

I work away during the week mostly so I'm only home at weekends. If I see we're low on something, next time I'm out and about, I'll nip in to a shop and get it. Not her. In her world, we don't need anything until there is none. Ignoring the fact that if you replenish before there is none, you never run out. 

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13 minutes ago, Trackdaybob said:

Oh she drinks tea alright. It's not just tea. It's pretty much everything.

I work away during the week mostly so I'm only home at weekends. If I see we're low on something, next time I'm out and about, I'll nip in to a shop and get it. Not her. In her world, we don't need anything until there is none. Ignoring the fact that if you replenish before there is none, you never run out. 

Understand now.

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18 minutes ago, The Minertaur said:

Last Friday night we were driving to a hotel in Edinburgh from Dunfermline.  She is useless at driving in a big city and just stresses so I volunteer to drive.  I've driven to the airport and the gyle before but our hotel is at the Grassmarket. 

"Do you know where you're going?" she asked.

"No - after the Forth bridge go and load up the map".

Of course we end up going the wrong way and spending an extra 25 minutes driving.  Turns out that on Google Maps she doesn't understand what the lane indicators mean.

If you're not sure what I'm on about:

She didn't understand that the lane in white was the lane I needed to be in so we missed our first junction.  

This was of course my fault as I said I knew where I was going....


Well obviously it's your fault...

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My girlfriend has not long moved in. I made her a cup of tea the other day and thought nothing of it. Today, I was informed that "something had been bugging" her for a few days. I was then informed that whilst she was delighted with her cup of tea, I'd served it in her "milk mug" and not her "Tea mug" and if in future I could be sure not to confuse the two. I managed to catch some footage of my reaction:

Eddie Hearn GIF - Eddie Hearn Erm - Discover & Share GIFs

We've been going out for 3 years and this is the first time she's made it known that she is absolutely fucking off her tits. How do they hide this shit so well and what can be done about it?

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4 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

My girlfriend has not long moved in

We've been going out for 3 years and this is the first time she's made it known that she is absolutely fucking off her tits.

I see no correlation there  :whistle

My (soon to be ex) wife flipped out when I first stayed over and she caught me using a plate to eat a chicken pie on. TBF, apparently it's a thing that Jews keep a "milk" set of plates & cutlery for dairy, and a "meat" set for...well, guess. God gets pissed if you mix them. It's funny the things people grow up thinking everybody does.

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1 minute ago, BFTD said:

I see no correlation there  :whistle

My (soon to be ex) wife flipped out when I first stayed over and she caught me using a plate to eat a chicken pie on. TBF, apparently it's a thing that Jews keep a "milk" set of plates & cutlery for dairy, and a "meat" set for...well, guess. God gets pissed if you mix them. It's funny the things people grow up thinking everybody does.

I would happily accept that if she was fucking Jewish.

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50 minutes ago, Trackdaybob said:

I think it's the postman. He's a good looking fella. 

Sounds like she's pushing the envelope.

Re the teabags, its milk with us. Sitting on her arse all day in the house drinking coffee.  Pops out to the shop for 20 fags.  Comes back and texts me "oh we need milk, can you get some on the way home".

Unbelievable, Jefferson. 

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8 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

I would happily accept that if she was fucking Jewish.

There's bound to be some religion whose deity frowns upon the mixing of tea and coffee.

If you're lucky, maybe she'll offer to convert you.

Edit: sorry, tea and milk, not coffee.

Have you found her coffee mug yet?

Edited by BFTD
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11 minutes ago, BFTD said:

There's bound to be some religion whose deity frowns upon the mixing of tea and coffee.

If you're lucky, maybe she'll offer to convert you.

Edit: sorry, tea and milk, not coffee.

Have you found her coffee mug yet?

There's a coffee mug too?!?!

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22 minutes ago, BFTD said:

I see no correlation there  :whistle

My (soon to be ex) wife flipped out when I first stayed over and she caught me using a plate to eat a chicken pie on. TBF, apparently it's a thing that Jews keep a "milk" set of plates & cutlery for dairy, and a "meat" set for...well, guess. God gets pissed if you mix them. It's funny the things people grow up thinking everybody does.

Is it the same with having two sinks in the kitchen?

I worked in a house years ago and there were two sinks in the kitchen,  I was told the previous owners were Jewish.

Edited by Zen Archer (Raconteur)
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