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43 minutes ago, Glenconner said:

Airdrie Ludge hired the hall to Whinhall Flute Band.

Tbf to the Brothers, seems it's an old set of Facebook photos from the flute band's page. Maybe not the brightest family in Airdrie by the looks of it.

Clearly in very bad taste assuming it isn't a photoshop job but not sure why this is seen as newsworthy in what purports to be a "quality" newspaper beyond the very crude propaganda angle of linking the LOL (that will wind Kincardine up a bit) to the Nazis in some vague sort of way. It's not like this flute band are in any way influential in terms of wider society unlike this guy, for example:


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22 minutes ago, kilbowie2002 said:

Tbf to no one, if you're hiring out a licensed premise in Scotland a DPM or PLH has to be present, they should have stopped the function as soon as people arrived in costumes like that. Thats the only way they could be absolved of blame. I take none of the 'brothers' weren't present?

What are they?

There is no excuse for that sort of idiocy, no defence of it either, imo, I suppose you could say it's covered by freedom of expression or some such, but it's not clever or funny,  a wee bit of thought should have brought the answer "No, we'll maybe go as Mary Poppins instead".

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2 minutes ago, kilbowie2002 said:

Designated Premises Manager or Personal Licence holder, ie essential to be there if drink is sold.

O.K. T Y, Y L S E D, A A T B!

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It's a sad day when you can't dress up as Hitler and make fun of the holocaust without snowflakes getting upset.

This is the sort of freedom our forefathers fought the Nazis for!



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5 hours ago, Jacksgranda said:

What are they?

There is no excuse for that sort of idiocy, no defence of it either, imo, I suppose you could say it's covered by freedom of expression or some such, but it's not clever or funny,  a wee bit of thought should have brought the answer "No, we'll maybe go as Mary Poppins instead".

Hmmm,  Mary Poppins rising up into the sky wearing a blue coat??? Maybe a bit too close to themuns story for the Brothers. Wasn't it banned in some cinemas in the Wee Six or was that the Sound of Music? or maybe both.

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That's a truly bizarre series of posts since I last checked in here. I post that it is in very bad taste to do what was in the picture and then people start posting as if I was defending it in some way. Can someone explain what this was even doing in a thread about the DUP given it took place in Scotland rather than NI? The Orange Walk Scottish Cricket thread would have been more suitable.

Edited by LongTimeLurker
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10 hours ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Clearly in very bad taste well done assuming it isn't a photoshop job rampant, Rangers Media style paranoia but not sure why this is seen as newsworthy in what purports to be a "quality" newspaper attempting to downplay, bizarrely, the credibility of a respected paper beyond the very crude propaganda angle of linking the LOL (that will wind Kincardine up a bit) to the Nazis in some vague sort of way.if you read the article, you'd realise that's not what was being suggested It's not like this flute band are in any way influential in terms of wider society unlike this guy, for example:

prince_harry_nazi1.jpg        <<<<<< desperate, straw-clutching whataboutery



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^^^I put this nutter on ignore ages ago because despite frequently criticizing the DUP and the Orange Order on here he seems to have me pigeonholed as something I am not and posts complete gibberish like the above that has nothing to do with what I actually wrote.

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13 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

That's a truly bizarre series of posts since I last checked in here. I post that it is in very bad taste to do what was in the picture and then people start posting as if I was defending it in some way. Can someone explain what this was even doing in a thread about the DUP given it took place in Scotland rather than NI? The Orange Walk Scottish Cricket thread would have been more suitable.

Scottish newspaper having a dig at the main DUP supporters group in Scotland. Even Ruth Davidson types in the Scottish Tories must cringe. It goes from West of Scotland riddy story to these are the type of folks that support the DUP/Tories running the entire Uk in the greatest constitutional crisis facing Europe since Adolf marched into Czechoslovakia.

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so why post a load of auld whataboutery in the first place if you had no intention of defending the Brethren or the institution? why insinuate that the article may be a "photoshop job" and dismiss it as "propaganda" if you are 1. opposed to the Orange Order or 2. indifferent to it?

you're one of the strangest people I've ever come across online.

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3 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Now I am supposed to be upset, because that's what the stereotype I am supposed to be would be doing. Same old same old.

"seething", shirley?

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10 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

"seething", shirley?

That's definitely more like it on the terminology to describe the William Ulsterman stereotype I am supposed to be at this point.  Would love to know how people on here can discern that somebody in Airdrie is a DUP supporter when Labour or Conservative is clearly a lot more likely and a tactical SNP vote would have been far from impossible pre-Referendum given Jack McConnell was never exactly flavour of the month amongst people that are likely to wind up at a fancy dress party in an Orange hall.

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