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Junior football, what is the future?


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40 minutes ago, Robert James said:

Wow, I would love to see that theory tested by (say) an Angus club making an application to join the HFL !  

As part of the HFL becoming a direct feeder into the SPFL, they accepted the Tay Bridge boundary. There is no way they could not accept a suitably licenced club in their territory, were they to apply, without jeopardising their status. The lack of likely candidates who'd apply is the reason the HFL is called a 'closed shop', but it really isn't.

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I’ve already said I get they don’t like the overlap ffs

I don’t get why they can’t bring themselves to come out and say that they agree to the West coming in which so far they haven’t.

Maybe Burnieman can get John Gree oops!  his source to make a statement  confirming that?

They have said, on numerous occasions, they are happy for the West, North and Tayside league's to come in at Teir 6.


You know this, however often you suggest otherwise.


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2 hours ago, Kilbowie Benches said:

The nit picking over discipline suggests it.

Guess who brings it up at every opportunity? Take a wild guess?


I'll say again - why can't the SJFA come out and say that they are willing to negotiate full access to the Pyramid for the west region and will facilitate negotiations between the ERSJFA and the EoSFL to allow them to come to a merger arrangement suitable for all? This is what you and your club and all of the west clubs should be insisting of the SJFA. It is, after all, the SJFA who wish to join the Pyramid at this late date and who should, therefore, be willing to understand the parameters by which they can do so. Such a change in negotiating stance could probably even be achieved without renewing the SJFA's mandate with the clubs as "full entry" would already seem to have been diluted to "full entry minus the North Region" without any recourse to the membership.

In this way, the insurmountable issue in the east that is holding back the west is resolved leaving only the lesser problem of disciplinary alignment to be discussed and resolved and, if it can't be, then you can genuinely say that it's the EoSFL and/or the Lowland League nit picking.

Edited by Black & Red Socks
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39 minutes ago, Kilbowie Benches said:

I’ve already said I get they don’t like the overlap ffs

I don’t get why they can’t bring themselves to come out and say that they agree to the West coming in which so far they haven’t.

Maybe Burnieman can get John Gree oops!  his source to make a statement  confirming that?

They've said multiple times that the west isn't the issue. However, there has never been a proposal from the SJFA to bring the west in first while working on a solution for the east. If they'd come with that as a proposal, I'm sure the EOS would be happy with it.

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Let's keep a sense of proportion: it would not be "a big marketable occasion". It would be a play-off for entry to a league whose average attendance is barely into treble figure. The prize for the winner of that league, in turn, is the opportunity to try for entry to a league which is only marginally more attractive.
Apple, Coca Cola and Nike will not be queueing up to sponsor it.

Your right but there are sponsors at a lower level who will/maybe interested. It would generate local interest for clubs and give the fans a day out. It’s about economies of scale for events of this side doesn’t make it less marketable if done right.
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Let’s not lose sight of the fact that the Lowland League totally rejected the plan as well, probably their main reason being the SFA are not administering discipline for all leagues.

So the discipline administration is an insurmountable issue to letting the west in (which is my major concern)?

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1 minute ago, Kilbowie Benches said:

There you have it!

I rest my case.



You haven't rested anything, you've been thrashing around like a fish out of water for the last two days.

Time for you to admit the SJFA and SFA have completely ballsed this up, and they will need to go back to the drawing board and actually listen to the issues and start talking compromise. Otherwise, you wont be a Senior club next season, and it may already be too late for that.

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1 minute ago, Arthurlie1981 said:

So the discipline administration is an insurmountable issue to letting the west in (which is my major concern)?




It looks like it, and rightly so. 

The SFA should administer discipline for all leagues to ensure consistency, if they claim lack of resource then they will need to go out and find it, they are not a poor organisation and one fulltime member of staff would cover it.  It's a complete fail on their part so far and indicative of Maxwell's lack of understanding of the non-league scene.

However in reality the SJFA / TJ don't want this as it further reduces their reason to exist, hence their enthusiasm for taking the "burden" off the SFA, and the SFA are happy to go along with it thinking it wont be an issue.

They are going to have to compromise.

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36 minutes ago, Burnie_man said:


You haven't rested anything, you've been thrashing around like a fish out of water for the last two days.

Time for you to admit the SJFA and SFA have completely ballsed this up, and they will need to go back to the drawing board and actually listen to the issues and start talking compromise. Otherwise, you wont be a Senior club next season, and it may already be too late for that.

You`ve just contradicted what a lot of pro EoSL posters have been saying on here! :lol:

Argue amongst yourselves,its laughable it really is.



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6 minutes ago, Kilbowie Benches said:

You`ve just contradicted what a lot of pro EoSL posters have been saying on here! :lol:

Argue amongst yourselves,its laughable it really is.



Only on your head. Noone here is arguing. Only difference I have with Burnieman is actually Whitehill Welfares relegation everything else is the same but you seem to just look at anything for some unknown reason. Its the SJFA that are causing the problems. If anyone over their had any sense is to tell TJ to get to f**k and go it alone and the EOSFL would help them.

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7 minutes ago, Kilbowie Benches said:

You`ve just contradicted what a lot of pro EoSL posters have been saying on here! :lol:

Argue amongst yourselves,its laughable it really is.

I haven't contradicted anything, do you just hit random keys in the hope they make sense?

The LL and EoS object to different disciplinary procedures, that has been said consistently for the last few days. It's fairly simple.

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It looks like it, and rightly so. 
The SFA should administer discipline for all leagues to ensure consistency, if they claim lack of resource then they will need to go out and find it, they are not a poor organisation and one fulltime member of staff would cover it.  It's a complete fail on their part so far and indicative of Maxwell's lack of understanding of the non-league scene.
However in reality the SJFA / TJ don't want this as it further reduces their reason to exist, hence their enthusiasm for taking the "burden" off the SFA, and the SFA are happy to go along with it thinking it wont be an issue.
They are going to have to compromise.

I disagree with rightly so but I do agree a compromise could and should be found.
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7 minutes ago, Arthurlie1981 said:


I disagree with rightly so but I do agree a compromise could and should be found.

It isnt hard West come in. East either come in with us or stay out. Ideally south of Tay join EOSFL and Ersjfa run tayside league until SFA either move the line or they join the North JUniors and feed the highland league

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1 hour ago, Black & Red Socks said:

I'll say again - why can't the SJFA come out and say that.......

Therein lies the main problem in my eyes.

The SJFA don't appear to be telling anyone anything about exactly what the situation is. The West Region clubs are being drip-fed a line at their meetings of "it's happening this summer", without any official announcement being made by either the SFA or the SJFA.

I for one am extremely doubtful it will happen this summer, but I hope I'm wrong.

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Just now, glensmad said:

Therein lies the main problem in my eyes.

The SJFA don't appear to be telling anyone anything about exactly what the situation is. The West Region clubs are being drip-fed a line at their meetings of "it's happening this summer", without any official announcement being made by either the SFA or the SJFA.

I for one am extremely doubtful it will happen this summer, but I hope I'm wrong.

I hope it does for you guys but people like your man their from Clydebank is helping noone. But its because the SJFA arent clear on the position of teh East. Why should you be held back by the EAst especially as none of the south of the tay teams seem to want in the pyramid anyway

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Arthurlie, I think what Alan is trying to say (sorry Alan) is that your information and what you may be getting told or interpreting is not 100% accurate. 
The eosfl has clearly stated on numerous minutes and in various meetings they are happy to accept the ersjfa into their own setup (they accepted a few last year at this time) below next years Premier league (most likely geographically based conferences).
They have also clearly stated that they will not accept another feeder league covering the same geographical area as them..... Because that's just not reasonable or fair, as they are and have been the recognised feeder league in the east for a sustained period......
(It would have been a bit like the eosfl joining the east or west junior set up 5 years ago and playing at the same level as the old superlegues whilst getting the same perks with none of the cons, for free.)
The fact that the sjfa balloted their own clubs with a 2 option questionnaire is the sticking point, you cant demand concessions from someone else because you have failed to think about the bigger picture at the outset of your own ballot.
The west is and always will be an easy, come on in and slot in as the west feeder (the eosfl have offered and would probably still offer to set up and help run a West feeder league to the LL). The fact is they won't accept the east set up as is proposed and this is delaying the west.... This is really not of the eos leagues doing.... This is the position the sjfa forced to clubs to vote on, nothing to do with the eosfl, sadly. (As I think if the eosfl were spearheading this, all these different options would have been thought out and this would have been progressed by now.) 

Some very fair points made in here. As I said earlier it is always (especially on here) that opinions are the main drivers. IMO it doesn’t look like the EOSFL are wanting to negotiate. There seemed to be no real developments from the East Region and EOSFL meeting except that they will meet again.

I understand from what I hear the 2 question questionnaire was okey’d by the SFA (was told this by someone else so cannot confirm this)

I have said all along that there is enough fault to go around. I find it hard to trust the EOSFL/LL due to previous dealings with them. And by the way I have had plenty of fallings out with T.J. too but he is only carrying out the will of the clubs in this case. Also dealt with Ian Maxwell on a number of occasions and he is very knowledge on the juniors and I believe he only wants the best for Scottish Football and he looks to be getting as exasperated as me on this.
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7 minutes ago, Arthurlie1981 said:


Some very fair points made in here. As I said earlier it is always (especially on here) that opinions are the main drivers. IMO it doesn’t look like the ERSJFA are wanting to negotiate. There seemed to be no real developments from the East Region and EOSFL meeting except that they will meet again.

I understand from what I hear the 2 question questionnaire was okey’d by the SFA (was told this by someone in the sjfa so cannot confirm this)

I have said all along that there is enough fault to go around. I find it hard to trust the EOSFL/LL due to previous dealings with them. And by the way I have had plenty of fallings out with T.J. too but he is only carrying out the will of the clubs in this case. Also dealt with Ian Maxwell on a number of occasions and he is very knowledge on the west region juniors and I believe he only wants the best for Scottish Football and he looks to be getting as exasperated as me on this.



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6 minutes ago, Arthurlie1981 said:



Some very fair points made in here. As I said earlier it is always (especially on here) that opinions are the main drivers. IMO it doesn’t look like the EOSFL are wanting to negotiate. There seemed to be no real developments from the East Region and EOSFL meeting except that they will meet again.


You do realise that the EoS asked for a meeting with the ERJFA, they initiated it and there will be a further meeting later this month or next.  So to accuse the EoS of not wanting to negotiate is completely false.

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