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Massive fire at high rise flats in London

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8 minutes ago, pandarilla said:


It really is.

I'd be one of the many families who refused and just stayed put.

Surely they could take precautions. Fire extinguisher in every house. Even a volunteer on patrol through the night?

The chaos caused by this decision is ludicrous.


Your suggestions would be even cheaper than mine. Someone on patrol could alert the emergency services in an instant if they had a direct number to the fire station.

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35 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Panicky councillors worried about getting blamed for an incredibly small chance of another fire while the work's getting done. Risk assessment gone mad when it's too late.

You just can't leave people in there. A fire and it's on your consicence forever. 

Though ironically, I'll bet they didnt do a fire risk assessment on the hotels they've moved people to.

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5 minutes ago, whiskychimp said:

You just can't leave people in there. A fire and it's on your consicence forever. 

Though ironically, I'll bet they didnt do a fire risk assessment on the hotels they've moved people to.

They should have thought of that before they approved the cladding and cut the maintenance budget. They'd save save more lives by banning golf for a month in case of lightning, probably.

Edited by welshbairn
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5 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

If the building regs allow it, suppliers, designers and contractors will use it. Not a lot of morals further up the food chain in construction/building (bottom line is everything in housing). There are plenty test houses out there (no idea if this product was BBA approved) but it comes down to whether the regs allowed it as the test houses will test to pass/fail criterion. Interesting to see how the contract worked on the renovation. Any links to this?

Whether flammable material is allowed by the building regs or not, you can always spec higher/better. There is no excuse for covering a building in what was basically solid petrol and hoping nobody would ever drop a match on it.

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6 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

They should have thought of that before they approved the cladding and cut the maintenance budget. They'd save save more lives by banning golf for a month in case of lightning, probably.

I agree but that's very much, " if your aunty had baws....."

Now its done, they have to move people out. 

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9 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

If the building regs allow it, suppliers, designers and contractors will use it. Not a lot of morals further up the food chain in construction/building (bottom line is everything in housing). There are plenty test houses out there (no idea if this product was BBA approved) but it comes down to whether the regs allowed it as the test houses will test to pass/fail criterion. Interesting to see how the contract worked on the renovation. Any links to this?

I just find it unbelievable that methods of cladding a tower block in Britain haven't been tested for flammability. You would have thought a new product coming on the market wouldn't be legal until it had been passed. Maybe the system had been tested in a lab, but without a perfect storm of ambient temperature, wind conditions and exploding fridge on the 4th floor with the window open. Really shit when the system had been banned everywhere else though.

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I agree but that's very much, " if your aunty had baws....."
Now its done, they have to move people out. 

They really, really don't.

This smacks of councillors absolutely shiting themselves.

Take extra precautions, and get the cladding off asap. Done.
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2 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:


Sadly standards are all over the place across Europe and the world. You would think best practice would easily transfer from country to country but having seen standards bodies in action, no fucker will agree on anything for months/years. There's a lot of politics played out also and it does take an incident like this to make the technical professionals on the standards committees realise things have to change. Quite often, suppliers of materials wangle there way on to such committees which in my mind is wrong, but in some cases not wholly avoidable.


Hopefully the Public Enquiry will have the right people running it, scope and independence, and be fairly quick. This seems like such a simple f**k up that it shouldn't take too long after the police have dealt with the criminal enquiry. How hard can it be?

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22 hours ago, whiskychimp said:

The 2009 fire wasnt anything to do with cladding, but it was 2006 the Camden flats were clad.

Yes but a lot of what went wrong in 2009 appears to have went wrong here.

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2 hours ago, whiskychimp said:

Though ironically, I'll bet they didnt do a fire risk assessment on the hotels they've moved people to.

I hope they haven't moved them to Premier Inns...


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9 hours ago, Lofarl said:

So from a area that voted to remain in the EU and voted in a Corbyn led Labour party.  So that everyone can see how progressive and liberal they are whilst munching on canapes at Oliver's and Jemima's party.  Suddenly it's turned to being unfair that poor brown skinned people will be right on their doorstep.  They probably bought the charity song.  They've suffered enough.

They'll be fuming that they have to even set eyes on working class folk within their home proximity

9 hours ago, trainspotter said:

That's the bit I don't get. He's more concerned about the value of other people's property than the fact that 79 people are dead. What about the value of human lives?

£0.00. To scum like that those people aren't even people


6 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Panicky councillors worried about getting blamed for an incredibly small chance of another fire while the work's getting done. Risk assessment gone mad when it's too late.

My pishy fridge's light broke a year ago and the flap (chuckle) on the freezer compartment is held on by blu tac. It's just a matter of time till I'm minted

2 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Depends on how much Teresa et al, "hide" when setting the parameters of the Public Enquiry I suppose.

See: Hillsborough

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15 hours ago, pandarilla said:


They really, really don't.

This smacks of councillors absolutely shiting themselves.

Take extra precautions, and get the cladding off asap. Done.


If politicians are shitting themselves and overreacting that can only be a good thing.

Its when theyre comfortable that they are c***s

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A few copy pastes to highlight the/lack of similarities between 2009 & 2017 and some of the recommendations that appear to have been undertaken/ignored.

Senior managers at Southwark Council were warned by staff that Lakanal House needed a fire risk assessment - they were ignored. People carrying out fire risk assessments were given little or no training, and then expected to go out and decide if a tower block was fire safe or not. 

The inquest into that fire found that panels fitted to the outside of the block in 2006-07 burnt quicker than the original materials. 

At Lakanal House the fire spread inside and out. You can see from the pictures Grenfell Tower has been engulfed in flames. How quickly it must have spread here. 

Another issue experts are likely to look at when investigating here is the fire "compartmentalisation" of the building. Regulations say buildings should be designed so that if a fire does break out, it doesn’t spread to other flats for at least an hour. 

After the Lakanal House fire, I did a big freedom of information request investigation into what attention fire brigades and councils were placing on fire safety of tower blocks. The results revealed the answer - very little. It gradually improved in the intervening years. 

I led the calls for a public inquiry after the Lakanal House fire in Camberwell, south London, that killed six people in 2009. I said then that we couldn’t allow a similar tragedy to happen again, that action had to be taken to stop flammable panels being put on the outsides of buildings, that the advice to residents to sit tight might be sensible in the majority of cases but clearly wasn’t a universal rule. I said that the confusion between layers of planners, contractors and subcontractors was going to lead to further mistakes if the monitoring wasn’t carefully done. 

The Lakanal House fire highlighted the lack of coordination between contractors and the local authority. The complaints of Grenfell Tower residents indicate similar problems may have hindered the refurbishment process and this too must be looked at. The inquiry must not only put the tenants centre stage and give them a voice, but also ask whether tenants across the country need to be given new rights to access information and be part of the decision-making and monitoring processes regarding their homes.

A lack of fire resistance around doors meant the fire could not be contained for long enough.


Coroner Frances Kirkham has written to communities secretary Eric Pickles and Southwark Council with a list of recommendations.

In her letter to Mr Pickles, she has recommended the government publishes national guidance on fire safety for residents in high-rise buildings and urged local authorities to install sprinkler systems.

recommended that it reviews its policies concerning fire risk assessments of its high-rise buildings, that it trains staff and liaises with emergency services about access to property.


"And we understand that there are around 4,000 tower blocks that don't have fire sprinklers fitted into them.


"That was a recommendation, which was down to each local council and landlords to determine the appropriateness of this.

"We were strongly recommending this as the fire at Lakanal House spread within four minutes to the flat above and went on to kill six people regrettably.

"Our group recommended that due to the speed that the fire spread in Lakanal House, that building regulations should be reviewed. It's nearly 11 years since it has been reviewed.

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