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Massive fire at high rise flats in London

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21 hours ago, jupe1407 said:

What has your completely pointless link got to do with any of this? 

Just that the reason for the "Tory Au8sterity" that the left keep banging on about is the total and utter f**k up that Labour made of the economy during the Blair Brown years.

21 hours ago, Cerberus said:

Fucking hell. Imagine being so blinkered that you're still a Tory fan boy after all that's gone on.

Better than being an utter c**t who try s to make political capital out of a tragedy.

21 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:


The Tories are in charge.

They have the responsibility to deal with this.


And they're dealing with it, they are not however responsible for it, no matter how hard the snowflakes and sjw's try and claim that they are.

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1/ Naturally enough
2/ They cannot use "inferior materials". Materias have to be up to spec. If the spec isn't right that's a different argument.

Sorry what I meant was the contractor may in his mind want to use a better product. But again due to the pressures of winning the contractor and keeping guys employed there hand is forced to use a cheaper alternative, but still within the specification asked for.
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44 minutes ago, Al666 said:

Just that the reason for the "Tory Au8sterity" that the left keep banging on about is the total and utter f**k up that Labour made of the economy during the Blair Brown years.

Riiiiiiiiight, because the only way to correct that "total and utter f**k up" was to give tax breaks and handouts to the rich while hammering everyone else but especially the poor for the crime of simply being poor. It's the Tory way. When the millionaires and billionaires start feeling the effect of austerity, you can come here and lecture us on how the Tories are simply trying to fix things. 

45 minutes ago, Al666 said:

Better than being an utter c**t who try s to make political capital out of a tragedy.

Are you referring to the type of utter c**t who would post a years old link in a lame attempt to divert the blame to the party that hasn't held power for 7 years. At what point does an utter c**t like you think the Tories should start being accountable for things that happen under their governance? 10 years? 15 years? 20? Or will it still all be Labour's fault then? 

45 minutes ago, Al666 said:

And they're dealing with it, they are not however responsible for it, no matter how hard the snowflakes and sjw's try and claim that they are.

Well of course not. Tories are never "responsible" for anything. They don't know the meaning of the word, other when they're shouting "It's Labour to blame!" 


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1 hour ago, Jamaldo said:

In a couple of weeks this won't be getting talked about and the government will be out of the woods, sorry to say.

People saying the government will collapse because of this are going to be disappointed.

I think you're very wrong. 

A prime minister who doesn't want to be seen anywhere near victims.Ministers who suddenly can't be found, and certainly decline 

to be questioned.....

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Al insisting that you shouldn't politicise the deaths of dozens of people that came as a result of criminal negligence on the part of landlords, politicians and ministers is it? Didn't realise fires like this were an occurrence of nature like an earthquake lol.

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1 hour ago, Al666 said:

Just that the reason for the "Tory Au8sterity" that the left keep banging on about is the total and utter f**k up that Labour made of the economy during the Blair Brown years.

Oh, and remind me again how many millions of pounds your beloved Tories gave Big Liz to renovate her central London digs not 8 months ago? Austerity my arse.

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4 hours ago, Jacksgranda said:

A "competent and experienced" contractor should have pointed out the inadequacy of the proposed cladding. Whether he should have then installed what was proposed would be between his conscience and his bank balance, unfortunately.

No doubt but those seeking and taking public office are supposed to protect the public from morally bankrupt individuals. 

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Fire breaks out at high-rise flats in Glasgow

Fifteen people had to evacuate their homes after a fire broke out at high-rise flats in Glasgow.

Emergency crews were called to the 24-storey Cheviot Court building in Knightswood at about 05:50.

One man was treated for concussion at the scene but did not require hospital treatment.


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3 hours ago, Zen Archer said:

Fire breaks out at high-rise flats in Glasgow

Fifteen people had to evacuate their homes after a fire broke out at high-rise flats in Glasgow.

Emergency crews were called to the 24-storey Cheviot Court building in Knightswood at about 05:50.

One man was treated for concussion at the scene but did not require hospital treatment.


It's scary how these things can happen with just the wrong set of circumstances.

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On 6/14/2017 at 12:18, williemillersmoustache said:

Quite, anything to kick the can down the road. Despicable

Wonder if this has any bearing on today:

Full list of landlord Tory MPs who voted against making properties 'fit for human habitation'

A proper who's who of who's a b*****d that list. 

Just to expand on that list of landlord MP's, here is the full list of MP's who voted. Scroll down.

Every single member*  of the current Cabinet voted against forcing landlords to ensure that properties

they rent out are fit for human habitiation.         *bar Liam Fox, not present (?)


That is...

Theresa May, Damian Green, Philip Hammond, Amber Rudd, Boris Johnson, David Davis, Michael Fallon, Jeremy Hunt, David Mundell, Alun Cairns, James Brokenshire,

Pritti Patel, Karen Bradley, David Gauke, Patrick McLoughlun, David Lidington, Justine Greening, Greg Clark, Michael Gove, Chris Grayling, 



Edited by beefybake
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9 hours ago, dorlomin said:

She was home secretary for 6 years. She will have attended many training sessions for incidents like this, she will have been involved in the planning for them. This is her bread and butter. Yet the site of the relief operation was chaos for days and mostly dependent on volunteers. She could have been onsite early on then hauled the council head to the site with a phonecall to get him cracking at organizing the relief and been making it blindingly clear that if something was needed she would bulldoze the obstacles. 


This should have remade her reputation.

Her looking like an out of touch tourist seeking to do the minimum to mollify the press has instead been the breaking of it. 

She is a career politician. Doesn't make her stand out from the other 317 Tory MP's (or indeed the rest of Parliament). Yes, she's inept as Prime Minister, but given the damage limitation that had to be done after the Brexit referendum she was the only choice for leader as far as her party was concerned. And of course her days as Prime Minister are numbered, and she won't be remembered fondly.  

Absolutely no sympathy for her, but she's just the current incumbent, towing the party line. Anything to cling to power (D.U.P.) and anything to save and accumulate money. 

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9 minutes ago, oldbitterandgrumpy said:

She is a career politician. Doesn't make her stand out from the other 317 Tory MP's (or indeed the rest of Parliament). Yes, she's inept as Prime Minister, but given the damage limitation that had to be done after the Brexit referendum she was the only choice for leader as far as her party was concerned. And of course her days as Prime Minister are numbered, and she won't be remembered fondly.  

Absolutely no sympathy for her, but she's just the current incumbent, towing the party line. Anything to cling to power (D.U.P.) and anything to save and accumulate money. 

Glass cliff.


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