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C**** on a Train

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Moaning about being called "honey". Seriously?!

I'll probably receive a complaint at some stage then. I call everyone pal.
The professionaly offended strike again. It'll be discussed endlessly in the media by those who give a f**k and saddos who live their lives on twatter and the like.
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Normally I agree that people are desperate to be offended, but she is right enough IMO as the train manager was obviously being a flippant w****r, and for Virgin in this day and age to reply like that on social media is stupidity on a fantastic scale. They deserve all they get purely for thinking that they would get away with that.

That Twitter post is asking for trouble and that c**t Branson deserves any trouble he gets.

I feel a bit sorry for the poor harassed guard who is just trying to work in a terrible system, was probably stressed to the max and getting regular negative comments from pissed off passengers.
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11 hours ago, 19QOS19 said:

Moaning about being called "honey". Seriously?!

I'll probably receive a complaint at some stage then. I call everyone pal.

She was probably a Rangers fan and took it the wrong way.

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I was in Tesco tonight and the woman serving me called me "honey" twice and "darling". I had to stop myself from laughing thinking about this.

Folk are so precious or is it they're just bored? Given I've worked a lot with the general public and worked in mental health for about 7 years, I'm more than happy to be referred to in those terms of endearment. It's far better than the horrible things I've been called.

The tweet was indeed daft by Virgin as she was clearly incapable of taking a joke. But rather than Like her tweet, folk who know her should have told her to get a fucking grip.

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2 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

It's context though isn't it. On the face of it, the guy on the train fucked her off in a pretty condescending way, then followed it up by using a term that he would never have said to a man. In that way, he gave her an absolute open door to slaughter him for his chauvanistic behaviour, since she can rightly assume he treated her in this because she is female.

This. She had a legitimate (presumably) point to make and he responded in a "Don't worry your pretty little head about it" kind of way. The twitter guy couldn't tell the difference between private social media teasing and representing his employers.

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It's context though isn't it. On the face of it, the guy on the train fucked her off in a pretty condescending way, then followed it up by using a term that he would never have said to a man. In that way, he gave her an absolute open door to slaughter him for his chauvanistic behaviour, since she can rightly assume he treated her in this because she is female.

Only he'll know if that's the case but I bet he calls every woman "Honey" and she'll have taken issue with it.

When I worked at the hospital 'Dolly' was the favourite term and again I didn't care.

'Son' is probably the male equivalent of her "honey". I'm nearly 30 with a 1 year old daughter and cringe when I'm referred to as 'Son'. It can be quite a condescending word in itself. I don't get offended with it even if I don't appreciate it. We seem to live in a world now where folk can't wait to be outraged at the daftest wee thing.
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Aye but when you are a customer and someone working for the service provider treats you in such a way, you have every right to take exception to it, and thats before we address the staggering stupidity of the c**t on the end of the Twitter account. Only judging what we have read about and it might be like you say, but she is presenting it ina way that suggests he totally fucked her off and disrespected her on the basis that she is a young female. 

The Twitter is indeed shamefully bad. I don't think we'll really know how the situation was but I would give the guy the benefit of the doubt on the word thing. I've never called anyone 'Honey' and I wouldn't choose a hostile situation to first say it! So he either uses it all the time or is in actual fact just a massive c**t [emoji38]
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I was in Tesco tonight and the woman serving me called me "honey" twice and "darling". I had to stop myself from laughing thinking about this.

Folk are so precious or is it they're just bored? Given I've worked a lot with the general public and worked in mental health for about 7 years, I'm more than happy to be referred to in those terms of endearment. It's far better than the horrible things I've been called.

The tweet was indeed daft by Virgin as she was clearly incapable of taking a joke. But rather than Like her tweet, folk who know her should have told her to get a fucking grip.

Twitter seems to give insufferable c***s an instant way to have a wee tantrum and get support from like-minded c***s over some minor slight.
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12 hours ago, 19QOS19 said:


The Twitter is indeed shamefully bad. I don't think we'll really know how the situation was but I would give the guy the benefit of the doubt on the word thing. I've never called anyone 'Honey' and I wouldn't choose a hostile situation to first say it! So he either uses it all the time or is in actual fact just a massive c**t emoji38.png


People are just stupid c***s in general. When I worked for Network Rail the amount of complaints and abuse the Twitter account received that should’ve been directed at Scotrail or Virgin was off the scale.

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3 minutes ago, Tom Paris said:

People are just stupid c***s in general. When I worked for Network Rail the amount of complaints and abuse the Twitter account received that should’ve been directed at Scotrail or Virgin was off the scale.

Like what?

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13 hours ago, 19QOS19 said:

 We seem to live in a world now where folk can't wait to be outraged at the daftest wee thing.


Yep...not so much outraged as looking to be outraged so they can get their few minutes of fame and likes on social media - just IMO.

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  • 4 weeks later...

2 rows of 3 seats facing each other with hardly enough leg room between. We arrive at the final destination, the aisle is full of folk standing to get off. The guy at the window seat decides he'll stand up and push between the rows to be first out. He quickly realises he has nowhere to go and nobody has moved a muscle to help him get through the miniscule gap betwwen the knees. Cue an exasperated, "excuse me.". 


That was met by  "we're all getting off here, why don't you just wait your turn."

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2 minutes ago, whiskychimp said:

2 rows of 3 seats facing each other with hardly enough leg room between. We arrive at the final destination, the aisle is full of folk standing to get off. The guy at the window seat decides he'll stand up and push between the rows to be first out. He quickly realises he has nowhere to go and nobody has moved a muscle to help him get through the miniscule gap betwwen the knees. Cue an exasperated, "excuse me.". 


That was met by  "we're all getting off here, why don't you just wait your turn."

This happens constantly. Idiots in at the window who are separate to be first off - if you’re that desperate then stand by the fucking door with the other losers.

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20 minutes ago, trainspotter said:

Now, I may not have seen this right, but I'm about 99% certain that the woman in front of me in the queue at the barrier today was holding up an annual season ticket which had been laminated.

For the amount it probably cost that seems like a good idea. Save it getting ruined if she spilt something on it.

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