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C**** on a Train

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2 hours ago, whiskychimp said:

Im with Chicken wing. Don't mind some scuffed up brogues

Look like decent leather too, and a nice worn in look. f**k these Nike/Adidas/Loafers wankers.

Edited by welshbairn
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10 hours ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

This happens constantly. Idiots in at the window who are separate to be first off - if you’re that desperate then stand by the fucking door with the other losers.

This bugs the shite out of me. They try to oblige you to get up a mile or more from the station.  What's the fucking point of this. You're only joining a queue of other c***s who don't seem to realise that the days of opening the doors yourself and jumping off have long since passed. There's an excuse for punters who have luggage to sort but they're few and far between going from Edinburgh to Linlithgow at 5:15. Arseholes - sorry c***s.

Edited by HTG
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19 hours ago, trainspotter said:

Now, I may not have seen this right, but I'm about 99% certain that the woman in front of me in the queue at the barrier today was holding up an annual season ticket which had been laminated.


19 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Would it still work at the gate?

No it wouldn't. When Scotrail installed the automatic barriers they told people who had laminated their ticket to get a replacement.

I had an annual ticket which I had to get replaced every two or three months because the ink gradually wore off when it went through the scanner. 

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So there I am on the train back from Uni, bag on the seat beside me (it has my laptop in it, and I'm not putting that out of sight), and it's relatively quiet. A few folk get on somewhere in Paisley, and this woman starts making a fuss to her wee pal as she sits down beside her in the empty two seats in front of me. Starts loudly giving it the 'can't believe how selfish some people are putting bags on seats, do they pay for two tickets' patter. 

Part of me feels a little bit ashamed. The other part of me couldn't care less because there are hunners of seats, so it makes no difference to her whether my bag is on one.

Anyway, we head towards Glasgow and she starts nattering about the NHS, and out she hits with this line: "I'm starting to hate what the NHS has become, too many foreigners and you don't know what they're saying."

Totally changed my mood. Delighted she was seething about missing out on the seat, and I'd have been even more delighted if she'd been forced to stand.

Anybody else heard any casual racism on trains recently?

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6 minutes ago, Sonsteam of 08 said:

So there I am on the train back from Uni, bag on the seat beside me (it has my laptop in it, and I'm not putting that out of sight), and it's relatively quiet. A few folk get on somewhere in Paisley, and this woman starts making a fuss to her wee pal as she sits down beside her in the empty two seats in front of me. Starts loudly giving it the 'can't believe how selfish some people are putting bags on seats, do they pay for two tickets' patter. 

Part of me feels a little bit ashamed. The other part of me couldn't care less because there are hunners of seats, so it makes no difference to her whether my bag is on one.

Anyway, we head towards Glasgow and she starts nattering about the NHS, and out she hits with this line: "I'm starting to hate what the NHS has become, too many foreigners and you don't know what they're saying."

Totally changed my mood. Delighted she was seething about missing out on the seat, and I'd have been even more delighted if she'd been forced to stand.

Anybody else heard any casual racism on trains recently?

So, what did you say to her, Sonsteam?

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