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10 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

Ok, asking for advice.

Have got a serious grievance against promotion and interview process that's been going back five years now.
I know that I need to leave but its something that needs talked about.
Upcoming appraisal and I've mentioned what happened in it.

Not mentioned in review document
Colleague was borderline alky on a warning for timekeeping. Wouldn't do his job and was a square peg in a round hole. Tried to apply for job and got blocked by manager who wanted to keep him in our department.
Next thing he gets given lots of extra roles and responsibilities and some taken from me and others depsite doing nothing wrong.
All of a sudden a job is announced (that hes been groomed for). Interview process goes wrong because they need to justify it to HR. Two week delay in selecting him.
Very dodgy reasoning given to me why I didn't get it. Completely contradicted what supervisor had told me a week before.
He was also told to apply for the role by the interviewers.
Told that if the role came up again I would be fast tracked and no need for interview just informal chat.

For context this supervisor is notorious for picking yes men and favourites who back his schemes of failure and lots of overtime.

Mentioned in review document
Next role supervisor is off sick for a few months. He pre selects his two juniors by telling them they should apply in advance.
One is his pal he sits with at break. Other one seems odd but has been sychophantic and two faced behind the scenes. (Not mentioned obviously)
I apply for it, its completely informal. No job description and knocked back.
Smoke blown up arse and told my skills are actually much higher technically than the two new supervisors. It is true actually in terms of what we do. I'm also more qualified than both put together. Neither has excelled at leadership but one has little experience before. The other was actually moved for causing issues with staff and tried to bully a female colleague.
Again told that thanks for stepping up and this time the top of the business has been made aware so if any job comes up you will be in line.

Next step, few months later (two/three) the first job comes up again because the original guy is leaving. I ask the supervisor what's happening. He tells me he doesnt know. At the same time another colleague tells me that hes told someone else if they still want this job. (He also applied for first role, we were both close)
Next thing email comes out last thing on a friday saying that the colleague the supervisor asked if he wanted it has got the job. No interview, no discussion, nothing said to me.
I know that I'm more qualified and can output twice what this guy does every day. Hes been called lazy by quite a few colleagues.

Spoke to supervisor asked why I wasnt even spoken to. He tells me it was another department that made the decision.
This seems to be a lie considering the history plus hes a notorious liar and bully.
He threatened me once and I mentioned this to his boss. So.....

And that's pretty much present day, this is where all my moaning comes from. Sorry it's a long read and if anyone can bear reading it all can you advise?

Appraisal coming up soon from one of the junior yes men so I'm assuming they will be told to sweep it under the carpet.
Should I push it with hr?

Genuinely, leave that job ASAP. It's doing you no good at all. It seems to be really getting to and seemingly has done for years. 

You're doing yourself no good staying there. What good will pushing it with HR really do at this point, unless you plan to stay? If you do plan to stay you're absolutely mental. Please don't take that as an insult as I don't mean it to be, but you've posted many times about the environment of that job and it sounds like it's killing you man.

It isn't your problem. You need to move from there and stop caring about it. Sounds like you've tried and sadly the structure won't allow you to make the changes you want. Tough break, but sometimes you just have to accept that and move on. 

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4 minutes ago, RH33 said:

Do you actually do anything to change job or just post on here?!

Signed up for email alerts from sites, applied for several jobs in the last five years. Got to interview stage once, turned down interviews due to conditions another three times. Problem is I’m paid well and it’s very close so I’m not going to lose lots of cash but I’ve also saved lots after I was threatened and could easily afford a few months off. Have also thought about, but not looked into, open uni or online learning with part time job involving a hobby. I’m not saying I’m special or I’m the only one going through shit at work but I’ve genuinely put so much into it and it was going really well until this fucking idiot took over and turned reality on it’s head. It feels like myself and all the other good workers get punished and all the chancers or sycophants get rewarded. It’s hard to explain, sometimes when you’ve invested so much you want to see it through and push for what’s right even when it’s a bit daft to others looking in. 
I know what the solution is but with covid it’s going to be tough. Personally I think the best one for me is studying full time and taking a break from work unless some great job comes up.

Dont mean to go on about it in here but to see the total farce that’s unfolded and not be able to talk about it is infuriating. As said maybe taking it the whole way is the answer?

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20 minutes ago, parsforlife said:

Got an office wide email today from someone asking for their chair back immediately as it had been moved. 

The office is 99% empty, surely you can find another chair?

In fairness, I do know people with health problems, it can be quite important to have a chair set up in particular way.

if that is the case then it is fair enough. 

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Signed up for email alerts from sites, applied for several jobs in the last five years. Got to interview stage once, turned down interviews due to conditions another three times. Problem is I’m paid well and it’s very close so I’m not going to lose lots of cash but I’ve also saved lots after I was threatened and could easily afford a few months off. Have also thought about, but not looked into, open uni or online learning with part time job involving a hobby. I’m not saying I’m special or I’m the only one going through shit at work but I’ve genuinely put so much into it and it was going really well until this fucking idiot took over and turned reality on it’s head. It feels like myself and all the other good workers get punished and all the chancers or sycophants get rewarded. It’s hard to explain, sometimes when you’ve invested so much you want to see it through and push for what’s right even when it’s a bit daft to others looking in. 
I know what the solution is but with covid it’s going to be tough. Personally I think the best one for me is studying full time and taking a break from work unless some great job comes up.
Dont mean to go on about it in here but to see the total farce that’s unfolded and not be able to talk about it is infuriating. As said maybe taking it the whole way is the answer?
If you have learned absolutely nothing else from your time on this job, it should be that it is not going to change. Stop beating yourself up as if it's something within your power to change. The only things in your power are to leave or accept the way it is. I am saying this to be nice, not to be a dick, you are absolutely flogging a dead horse. The dead horse being any prospect of improvement.
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39 minutes ago, Turkmenbashi said:

In fairness, I do know people with health problems, it can be quite important to have a chair set up in particular way.

if that is the case then it is fair enough. 

I do understand that,  however the email made no mention of any particular  changes the chair might have not any mention of why they might need that particular chair back.  Baring the mention of the standard company colour their was no identifiable mention made. I doubt  someone  looked around an empty office a  chose to move an adapted chair when there was hundreds of standard chairs to take. Even if they had I doubt they’d have moved it far, look around. And if they had, it may have been one of the 5 percent currently office based, of not how long are you  the office for? Just pick up what you need and go home to finish off your work.

i don’t know the sender but it looked severely unnecessarily given the other options. 

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1 hour ago, D.A.F.C said:

Signed up for email alerts from sites, applied for several jobs in the last five years. Got to interview stage once, turned down interviews due to conditions another three times. Problem is I’m paid well and it’s very close so I’m not going to lose lots of cash but I’ve also saved lots after I was threatened and could easily afford a few months off. Have also thought about, but not looked into, open uni or online learning with part time job involving a hobby. I’m not saying I’m special or I’m the only one going through shit at work but I’ve genuinely put so much into it and it was going really well until this fucking idiot took over and turned reality on it’s head. It feels like myself and all the other good workers get punished and all the chancers or sycophants get rewarded. It’s hard to explain, sometimes when you’ve invested so much you want to see it through and push for what’s right even when it’s a bit daft to others looking in. 
I know what the solution is but with covid it’s going to be tough. Personally I think the best one for me is studying full time and taking a break from work unless some great job comes up.

Dont mean to go on about it in here but to see the total farce that’s unfolded and not be able to talk about it is infuriating. As said maybe taking it the whole way is the answer?

To be honest if the place is so toxic and getting to you to this level, for your own sake you either need to learn how to block out all the "stuff", get the head down and continue to pick up the sweet wage or just leave.

If you stay you probably also need to take two steps back and look at things with a fresh pair of eyes...I'm not in any way disputing things have happened to influence your way of thinking, but in my experience these types of issues are rarely the cut and dried one-way streets that those involved would like to portray them as. If you come off at work as bitter and judgemental as you sometimes do on here the chances are you're not a complete walk in the park to either manage or work beside.

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Got a mate like you, everywhere he works everyone is always "picking" on him and he does 10x more than everyone else, you really need to get out of that mindset.

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Everyone isn’t picking on me at all. It’s a top down culture that’s toxic and there’s massive problems that don’t or can’t get talked about.

By asking awkward questions or asking for fair treatment you get attacked by management and their flying monkeys. They like individuals who hide the truth regardless of what their output or contribution is. It’s not exactly a phenomenon that’s hard to grasp and it happens in lots of workplaces.

Wouldnt say I work x10 harder than anyone, there’s a group of us who carry the department and get little reward or acknowledgement. 
In a previous workplace I did get promoted and kept on after temping so please don’t try and gaslight me again into thinking that I’m making this all up. That’s exactly what these type of people do to cover their tracks. Don’t want to go into psychology too much but if you research narcissism and toxic workplaces it’s all identical.  You tried this before with the everyone hates me bullshit. I really wish it was Walter Mitty type stuff and I was doing it for attention. Work is bad enough even without this shit.

The selection process and crazy selections has been going on since before I was there and others have been bullied as well. Racist, homophobic, sexist and also triangulation, pitting others against each other all backed up and encouraged by some senior staff who act as if they’re god and untouchable. Each department is like this and they all backstab and try to f**k each other up. Like others have said I can’t change it but I could certainly prove all of it but I’m sure HR would just circle the wagons and tell me I was too sensitive or making it up. Have certainly experienced lots of selective amnesia already. All of my work and everyone else’s has been logged since I started, it’s all there black and white if anyone wanted to check. They actually told us in a meeting that the difference was shocking then did nothing about it. Could write a book about it tbh.

Sick of it.

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4 hours ago, D.A.F.C said:

Appraisal coming up soon from one of the junior yes men so I'm assuming they will be told to sweep it under the carpet.
Should I push it with hr?

Just my opinion from places I've worked in but there are tonnes of places where promotions etc are somewhere ranging from an absolute nepotistic joke to just plain incompetent decision making. In a lot of places folk will just reward people they like or those whose face fits regardless of how suited they are to the job. There's probably very little you can do about it in most cases. HR are unlikely to give a shit unless there's some actual rules or laws broken which there very rarely are in these cases.

I was at a job a few years ago where out of the blue I was told by my manager that she was being promoted and that someone on my team who'd been in the job less than a year was now going to fill her position. It was an absolute joke, I was essentially still training this person more or less and they were going to make her my manager because her face fitted with the right people (this is a company where friends and family of the owner are hired and motor up through the ranks and then pull all their pals up behind them). I was raging and told my boss that if they did that I'd be straight out the door with no notice period and spent the best part of an hour convincing her what an idiotic decision it was. She eventually backed down and agreed not to promote her. it felt good for a while but I'd fucked all chances of getting anything at that place and was straight home firing out CVs and was gone within a few months.

The latest news from there is they've appointed a new manager of that team who has no experience of that role, who's pals with the department head, which has resulted in everyone else on that team deciding to leave as well.

I think it comes to a point where you either have to swallow that rage and just get on with things knowing they won't change or put everything into getting something new. if you haven't been on the market in a while, I would definitely recommend getting some advice / reading up whatever on putting together a CV and interviewing. That helped me enormously.

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2 hours ago, Hillonearth said:

To be honest if the place is so toxic and getting to you to this level, for your own sake you either need to learn how to block out all the "stuff", get the head down and continue to pick up the sweet wage or just leave.

If you stay you probably also need to take two steps back and look at things with a fresh pair of eyes...I'm not in any way disputing things have happened to influence your way of thinking, but in my experience these types of issues are rarely the cut and dried one-way streets that those involved would like to portray them as. If you come off at work as bitter and judgemental as you sometimes do on here the chances are you're not a complete walk in the park to either manage or work beside.

Have been told that my appraisals are easy and a pleasure and have never got anything other than positive comments this is from the same person who told me I was getting fired completely out of the blue. I’ve never experienced anything like it, he did it to others as well. Not in a jokey way either.

One guy left because of it and went into another department and has completely transformed it and shown them all up. Not saying I’m perfect but I’ve never had one bad review officially.

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4 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

If you’re so sick of it then fucking do something about it and leave. If even 10% of the stuff you come out with is true, then why would you even contemplate staying?

You seem really upset about something that doesn’t concern you. Maybe I was a bit too close with how you like to gaslight people? You could always not read it. Why would you get upset about what’s said on a workplace discussion when people are talking about work?


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3 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

You seem really upset about something that doesn’t concern you. Maybe I was a bit too close with how you like to gaslight people? You could always not read it. Why would you get upset about what’s said on a workplace discussion when people are talking about work?


Given you’re the one posting page long rants, I don’t think I’m the one who’s upset. I do find compulsive liars/exaggerators annoying though.

Edit: And those who moan relentlessly without ever taking any action to rectify the focus of their incessant whining.

Edited by Honest_Man#1
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43 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

Everyone isn’t picking on me at all. It’s a top down culture that’s toxic and there’s massive problems that don’t or can’t get talked about.

By asking awkward questions or asking for fair treatment you get attacked by management and their flying monkeys. They like individuals who hide the truth regardless of what their output or contribution is. It’s not exactly a phenomenon that’s hard to grasp and it happens in lots of workplaces.

Wouldnt say I work x10 harder than anyone, there’s a group of us who carry the department and get little reward or acknowledgement. 
In a previous workplace I did get promoted and kept on after temping so please don’t try and gaslight me again into thinking that I’m making this all up. That’s exactly what these type of people do to cover their tracks. Don’t want to go into psychology too much but if you research narcissism and toxic workplaces it’s all identical.  You tried this before with the everyone hates me bullshit. I really wish it was Walter Mitty type stuff and I was doing it for attention. Work is bad enough even without this shit.

The selection process and crazy selections has been going on since before I was there and others have been bullied as well. Racist, homophobic, sexist and also triangulation, pitting others against each other all backed up and encouraged by some senior staff who act as if they’re god and untouchable. Each department is like this and they all backstab and try to f**k each other up. Like others have said I can’t change it but I could certainly prove all of it but I’m sure HR would just circle the wagons and tell me I was too sensitive or making it up. Have certainly experienced lots of selective amnesia already. All of my work and everyone else’s has been logged since I started, it’s all there black and white if anyone wanted to check. They actually told us in a meeting that the difference was shocking then did nothing about it. Could write a book about it tbh.

Sick of it.

idk if it's something you're interested in (don't fret, there's not a Peep Show style "the first thing to tell you is it's *not* pyramid selling" moment coming) but I've been toying with going part time and doing some sort of professional qualification (AAT, ACCA, ICB, CIPD, there's loads of Chartered X of Y stuff available across a surprisingly wide range of professional fields out there).

Alternatively, there might not be any harm in registering with a recruitment agency to see what they can find for you?

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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51 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

Everyone isn’t picking on me at all. It’s a top down culture that’s toxic and there’s massive problems that don’t or can’t get talked about.

By asking awkward questions or asking for fair treatment you get attacked by management and their flying monkeys. They like individuals who hide the truth regardless of what their output or contribution is. It’s not exactly a phenomenon that’s hard to grasp and it happens in lots of workplaces.

Wouldnt say I work x10 harder than anyone, there’s a group of us who carry the department and get little reward or acknowledgement. 
In a previous workplace I did get promoted and kept on after temping so please don’t try and gaslight me again into thinking that I’m making this all up. That’s exactly what these type of people do to cover their tracks. Don’t want to go into psychology too much but if you research narcissism and toxic workplaces it’s all identical.  You tried this before with the everyone hates me bullshit. I really wish it was Walter Mitty type stuff and I was doing it for attention. Work is bad enough even without this shit.

The selection process and crazy selections has been going on since before I was there and others have been bullied as well. Racist, homophobic, sexist and also triangulation, pitting others against each other all backed up and encouraged by some senior staff who act as if they’re god and untouchable. Each department is like this and they all backstab and try to f**k each other up. Like others have said I can’t change it but I could certainly prove all of it but I’m sure HR would just circle the wagons and tell me I was too sensitive or making it up. Have certainly experienced lots of selective amnesia already. All of my work and everyone else’s has been logged since I started, it’s all there black and white if anyone wanted to check. They actually told us in a meeting that the difference was shocking then did nothing about it. Could write a book about it tbh.

Sick of it.

I'd say being attacked by flying monkeys is a serious h&s violation. 

I have a lot of sympathy for your situation, having worked under cliquey regimes previously. If you're not in, you're out. I knew it was a short term issue though so never felt trapped like you clearly do. 

From your greivances though it sounds like you think you should get promotion as a reward for being really good at your current role. That's just not how it works. You only have to demonstrate that you haven't totally screwed your current role. You do have to demonstrate that you can do a different job. Sounds like you need to be less conscientious and more mercenary. 

Hope things improve for you. 


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12 hours ago, NotThePars said:

Put your energy into finding a new job and resign in an absolute blaze of glory. Give this fine website your notice period and we'll plot your exit.

I'm plotting no exit. I'm taking a litre of vodka, a litre of soco, some orange juice and a shite load of blue WKD's to outside his work on his last day and absolutely venoming the fucking life out of everybody. 

White slugs optional. 

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