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5 hours ago, thistledo said:

There's a post on this thread somewhere about a Christmas night out I actually helped organise, it's an alright read if you can be arsed. 

On that very Christmas night out a lass from the office, who in the weeks previous to this had made certain advances which I turned down, more or less got fingered at the bar whilst a good few of us were standing around mid conversation with her and the lad involved. 

I actually quite like works Christmas nights out*

*If the people you work with aren't total c***s, can be rare. 

Why turn her down when she was a 9?


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16 hours ago, V.Aye.R said:

Ive had quite a few different workplaces over the last 10years. Results in giving the first xmas night out at each place the benefit of the doubt....

They're all tragic and rammed full of folk who never actually go out. They get pissed after 3drinks and talk about work and their weans. Boring bastvrds.

Far better just having a few drinks with a few of the good guys/girls you actually like on another day.

We used to just have them on a section basis or just informal groups of folk who actually got on with each other - a few years back it was decided from on high that from now on there was going to be a take-it-or-leave-it one size fits all event or nothing.

Given the amount of middleaged punters involved who only get out three times a year, the general effect is much like a school disco where the weans have been spirited away and replaced with their drunk parents.

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Guy left our work last week and we went out for pints on the Friday. There was a mention of the folk who clearly never go out earlier in the thread and sitting at the table when I walked in was two of these middle-aged-but-verging-on-auld women who had already sank a bottle of wine between them in the first 20 minutes. It was a good day, I sat and sank a few pints before wisely taking myself home around 7pm. Arrived at work on Monday, one of the aforementioned women has a peach of a black eye and some pretty severe scrapes down her face, poorly covered by 3 tonnes of make up. Turns out they were turfed out closing time, she's cowped it onto the pavement and smashed her face, the other women then tried to get her home by dragging her along the road. 

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Last place I worked, each location was given £50 to cover any Christmas celebration, which would need to be split among up to thirty-odd people at some places, most of whom were volunteers. Thanks for giving us so much of your free time this year - here's our contribution towards half a shandy.

They stopped it last year because "it's becoming too expensive in these Covid times" (approx. £1,000 in total from an organisation with a multi-million pound turnover).

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I was recently assigned to a project in another area of our business along with 4 of my colleagues, we all had exactly the same training from one of the actual trainers in the company, we also have the boss of the other department and three other more experienced colleagues that we were told to direct questions towards. Instead 3 of the 4 people assigned to the project with me have decided I’m the one they should ask all their (often stupid) questions to. Apart from questions about the new work we are doing, which they could answer themselves if only they had paid attention in training, I’ve been asked how to search for something in Excel, is a phone number out of service if I get a message telling me it is out of service? How do I copy the contents of an email onto a word document? How do I move documents from one folder to another? Why can’t I see the date in Excel? (the column was too small) and Why can’t I get these two documents to sit beside each other in the folder like yours?

I sometimes wonder if they just pulled all the morons from our department to work from this other one, and how much of a moron that makes me.



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5 hours ago, BFTD said:

Last place I worked, each location was given £50 to cover any Christmas celebration, which would need to be split among up to thirty-odd people at some places, most of whom were volunteers. Thanks for giving us so much of your free time this year - here's our contribution towards half a shandy.

They stopped it last year because "it's becoming too expensive in these Covid times" (approx. £1,000 in total from an organisation with a multi-million pound turnover).

Companies should never underestimate the message stuff like this gives out. 

My work, who are a fairly large company, have a Xmas fund (thousands) which one of the managers need to apply for. But none of the managers are "fussed" so don't do it. 

They then complain that the office atmosphere is not good and communication needs to improve, i've worked there 5 years and know about 20 out of 100 people that work there.

Equally i had a job where everyone paid in £5 in per month for nights out/xmas etc - the only one was the xmas night out and we got a £20 bottle of wine shared between 5 on the table. I asked the question where the money had gone and was told to stop complaining and be grateful. Later found out the boss who was on 100k plus was helping himself to it.

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18 hours ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

Anyone that goes to a Christmas night out is a pure fanny.



13 hours ago, hk blues said:

Ach, I've been to many over the years - some good, some just OK.  I've never been to a bad one but then again I've given a swerve to a few as I knew they'd be shite.  

aye They are ok if you go and hang with folk who are ok. Avoid the weirdos.

Saying that, I hardly go to them

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13 minutes ago, red23 said:

Companies should never underestimate the message stuff like this gives out. 

My work, who are a fairly large company, have a Xmas fund (thousands) which one of the managers need to apply for. But none of the managers are "fussed" so don't do it. 

They then complain that the office atmosphere is not good and communication needs to improve, i've worked there 5 years and know about 20 out of 100 people that work there.

Equally i had a job where everyone pays in £5 in per month for nights out/xmas etc - the only one was the xmas night out and we got a £20 bottle of wine shared between 5 on the table. I asked the question where the money had gone and was told to stop complaining and be grateful. Later found out the boss who was on 100k plus was helping himself.

Similar to this, I used to be in the local Wetherspoon fairly often as my son liked to go there for a meal - that's my excuse, and I'm sticking to it. Some of the staff started remembering him and were very nice to the wee boy, so I'd leave a tip when we left. Ran into one of them in the street after they'd found another job, and he told me not to bother with the tips, as it was company policy that staff have to hand it all over to the manager, and it was all kept in the safe and (supposedly) divided up as a 'bonus' at the end of the year. If you worked there from February 'til November, you ended up with hee-haw apart from your basic wage. Haven't been able to confirm that with anyone, but it's an odd thing to have made up.

I think these companies know exactly what message they're sending out TBH.

Edited by BFTD
Too much supposedly
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Used to work in a supermarket as a student and all us guys who were around the same age, we just organised our own Xmas night out. Cheap meal in the pub then out in Edinburgh, easy enough and everyone had a good time. 

The “store-organised” one was a party night at a local hotel that was £50 a seat and they had some daft tribute act playing. They wondered why none of us wanted to go….

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19 minutes ago, V.Aye.R said:

In fairness to the 'once a year' types, sometimes the booze helps them open up a little.

Ive worked with folk who you wonder can't just be more fun all the time. Sad really.

I'm not talking about pumping them

Some people think they have to be a different way at work. Like you have to show hoe much you "care" to be effective at your job. These c***s, along with the c***s who are rude/disrespectful/bullying et cetera in a work context are societies worst. One of the things I hate most is when folk validate these types with "oh but see if you get him/her out of work they are brand new". Nope, if fulfilling your contractual obligations means you can't be civil, then you are an arsehole. Being at work doesn't mean you get a pass for cuntishness. 


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Some people think they have to be a different way at work. Like you have to show hoe much you "care" to be effective at your job. These c***s, along with the c***s who are rude/disrespectful/bullying et cetera in a work context are societies worst. One of the things I hate most is when folk validate these types with "oh but see if you get him/her out of work they are brand new". Nope, if fulfilling your contractual obligations means you can't be civil, then you are an arsehole. Being at work doesn't mean you get a pass for cuntishness. 
Agree mostly, but theres the introverted types who maybe aren't that confident rather than being a c*nt. Its amazing how an out of work social thing can really help bring folk out their shell in the long run.
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40 minutes ago, Central Belt Caley said:

Used to work in a supermarket as a student and all us guys who were around the same age, we just organised our own Xmas night out. Cheap meal in the pub then out in Edinburgh, easy enough and everyone had a good time. 

The “store-organised” one was a party night at a local hotel that was £50 a seat and they had some daft tribute act playing. They wondered why none of us wanted to go….

There’s always somebody p***k who doesn’t wants to make it and event or is bored just going to the pub.

For £50 I’d want more than a tribute act. I’d want some drinks with that and a 9 out of 10 to finger.

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3 minutes ago, V.Aye.R said:
12 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
Some people think they have to be a different way at work. Like you have to show hoe much you "care" to be effective at your job. These c***s, along with the c***s who are rude/disrespectful/bullying et cetera in a work context are societies worst. One of the things I hate most is when folk validate these types with "oh but see if you get him/her out of work they are brand new". Nope, if fulfilling your contractual obligations means you can't be civil, then you are an arsehole. Being at work doesn't mean you get a pass for cuntishness. 

Agree mostly, but theres the introverted types who maybe aren't that confident rather than being a c*nt. Its amazing how an out of work social thing can really help bring folk out their shell in the long run.

Oh aye, im only really on a specific sort there, and the ranting is because its a massive bugbear of mine. Of course there are folk who for one reason or another just aren't their full selves in a work enviroment

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34 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Oh aye, im only really on a specific sort there, and the ranting is because its a massive bugbear of mine. Of course there are folk who for one reason or another just aren't their full selves in a work enviroment

I’ve met a few people at work who I felt were wearing some kind of mask the entire time. You never saw the real them and it was just shifty and odd. Tended to be ones for the watching.

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59 minutes ago, Thorongil said:

I’ve met a few people at work who I felt were wearing some kind of mask the entire time. You never saw the real them and it was just shifty and odd. Tended to be ones for the watching.

I tend to find that introverted and shy people are preferable in a workplace environment to oversharers who make a point of telling anybody and everybody their business/daily dramas.

There’s obviously a balance though. 



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