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It's completely pointless. Getting a hard on over their car's horsepower as if they do anything other than drive for 40 minutes down the motorway at the national speed limit every day. f**k off. Weird c***s.

Dick waving contest for losers.

My car has x horse power just means you amassed enough money to buy one. You haven’t actually achieved anything fuckwit.
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Dick waving contest for losers.

My car has x horse power just means you amassed enough money to buy one. You haven’t actually achieved anything fuckwit.
A car is a tool. Granted its nice if its comfortable etc. In the same way as its nice if my lawnmower does a really effective job on the grass.

To consider it in terms other than those is for virgins.
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3 hours ago, Stellaboz said:

Start a football club in somewhere like Pitlochry, or Crainlarich and take them up through the pyramid, paying a bunch of guys stupid wages and secret envelopes of caah under the desk, to the anger and jealousy of everyone. Then when it all got boring, let them fly to the wind.

Maybe I'd buy Sevco and instantly liquidate this new club, own all the name rights and hold them so that there wouldn't be a "Rangers".

I'd buy the other one and do the same.

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2 hours ago, Estragon is a fud said:

For me it's the c***s that spend a grand fitting out their pishy wee Puntos and Saxos. £500 alloys, tinted windows, spoilers and fartcan exhausts. Awful human beings


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I'd be out the door before the money was even in my account. Not that I don't like my job, but no way would I be working a second longer than I have to if I could afford not to.
At a previous place of work a colleague used to regularly tell me of his plan for if he won the lottery. He absolutely detested the boss and the pinnacle of his plan was to do a big jobby on the boss's desk before he fucked off. There was also talk of a baseball bat being used on him but when I mentioned he'd be in the jail and wouldn't get to enjoy his money he was about greeting.
Good few years ago now at an office i used to work in but we arrived at work one morning to find there had been a break in. Nothing had been taken or damaged apart from someone had left a big jobby on the boss's desk.
One guy had left shortly before after a bit of an argument with the boss but the police put it down to students having a carry-on. Whoever broke in must have climbed up the external fire escape stair to the top floor and clambered round the roof verge before breaking the office window to get in, which avoided the burglar alarm. They would have set the alarm off if they'd broken the glass door which led onto the fire escape which would seem the obvious way to get in (if you didn't know the alarm system).
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17 hours ago, RGV said:

I tried explaining that the challenges/races couldn't be genuine as the shots with the cars flying past have all to be set up in advance but no, not a fucking hope, totally away with the fairies.

To be honest their are people who genuinely believe we are Better Together.

Some people are best just cut loose.

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A few guys I work with are really into cars, I don’t have a problem with it tbh. I can see why fixing up cars and tinkering with them could be interesting.

I also work with at least one guy who likes to boast about his cars while knowing absolutely f**k all about them. He is an idiot, drives a top of the line Range Rover while living in a suburban house and insists he is a Range Rover purist, it’s laughable. Some of the guys who know about cars have asked him about made up things that his car should do and he tries to reply. He once sent me a YouTube video of someone revving the engine of a make of car he was thinking of buying. I’m still at a loss about it.

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22 hours ago, Dons_1988 said:

Against the grain here, I would obviously quit my job but I wouldn't give up working forever.

I'd start my own charity or business etc, f**k just doing nothing for the rest of my life.

See when you leave work and go home, do you just sit doing nothing?  At weekends when you're not working, you just sit there doing f**k all? I don't understand why you'd need a business or charity to run to give you something to do.

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Few highlights this past week from youngster :

He thought Judas was a religion. When corrected he acted like he meant Judaism. Fair enough. Was asked what else he learnt in RE.. "Just about what Nelson Mandela done". 

Grated cheese isn't real cheese because it doesn't come in a block. 

Asked how much gas it took to "drown the Jews" during the war. "Like, did they have to fill the chambers right up?" 

Also thought it was only called a Bunsen Burner in Dundee and something else everywhere else. "I thought Bunsen was just Dundee people being oary" 


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5 minutes ago, Dele said:

Few highlights this past week from youngster :

He thought Judas was a religion. When corrected he acted like he meant Judaism. Fair enough. Was asked what else he learnt in RE.. "Just about what Nelson Mandela done". 

Grated cheese isn't real cheese because it doesn't come in a block. 

Asked how much gas it took to "drown the Jews" during the war. "Like, did they have to fill the chambers right up?" 

Also thought it was only called a Bunsen Burner in Dundee and something else everywhere else. "I thought Bunsen was just Dundee people being oary" 


My daughter (13) said one of her school friends asked yesterday "What are Hearts and Hibs? Biscuits?". 

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