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1 hour ago, nsr said:

I am currently in the sweet position of being the only programmer on a project for clients who know nothing about IT. All my time estimates are doubled or even tripled and I get through the work before lunch then just sit and waste time online in the afternoon.

That's the dream


1 hour ago, nsr said:

There is talk of us being moved to new super-secure PCs without Internet access

That's the nightmare

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On 24/11/2018 at 13:27, Bairnardo said:

 9 to 5, 5 days a week in an office is an atrocious existence.


3 hours ago, The Moonster said:

I work 8-5 through Monday to Thursday and 8-12:30 on a Friday and my existence is fucking excellent, thank you very much.

I spent decades avoiding 9-5 and doing all sorts of random shifts. When I finally did it, it was bliss. Football on Saturday's, evenings, and a normal social life mainly. I'd still prefer it not to be in an office though.

Edited by welshbairn
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8.30 to 4.30 Monday - Friday and do the odd homer on a Saturday when theres no football and when I can be arsed.

Used to work for a company where in Winter, it would be a case of get to the yard for 6am, then drive somewhere to work till dark about 90 miles away then get home around 7 or 8 oclock after an hour in traffic. Which my boss refused to pay me for. c**t.

Wouldnt change my hours for anything now. Even a pay rise.

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I have no set hours in my contract. Usually go in about 9 and try my best to stay until 5 when possible. Whilst I’m office based, I can piss off and go work somewhere else when I want. Sit in a lab. Sit in a library. Sit on the bog. Pester the office lovelies.  Interact with people half my age (no perv).

Motivation is the problem a lot of the time.

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3 minutes ago, port-ton said:

I always wonder what these office jobs that have staff on half days on Fridays are. I work in an office that I have to work until 5 in all week so I'd like to find these magical places and move there.

I think most of these ones work either 8.30-5 or 9-5.30 Monday to Thursday then finish at 2 on a Friday or whatever. I’d take that sort of pattern.

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1 hour ago, port-ton said:

I always wonder what these office jobs that have staff on half days on Fridays are. I work in an office that I have to work until 5 in all week so I'd like to find these magical places and move there.

From my experience this is the case in many businesses in the science / tech / engineering sectors. I work in Engineering and you'd struggle to find  anyone in the office after 2 of a Friday. Many offices are completely closed on a Friday afternoon.  Your best bet is to go somewhere it's an industry norm - there's little point in people being in work is all their contacts, suppliers, clients etc. are all out of office.

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2 hours ago, port-ton said:

I always wonder what these office jobs that have staff on half days on Fridays are. I work in an office that I have to work until 5 in all week so I'd like to find these magical places and move there.

Nissan in Sunderland do this.

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08.00 to 16.30 Mon to Thur, and a 15.30 finish on a Friday.

Had 9/40 for a bit, US office still has, and want it back. (Instead of doing 40 hours a week over 10 days in a fortnight, do the hours over 9 days and half the office off every 2nd Friday).Every 2nd weekend being a long weekend was brilliant.

Office is open all public holidays bar 25/26 December and 1/2 January

At start of year public holidays are just added to your annual leave and it your choice if you use it on the Monday holidays or when you actually want to use them . Working the Monday holidays is good as it quiet from suppliers and a good catch up on stuff, and prefer to have the holidays when I want.

Edited by MEADOWXI
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Leaving survey time!

Was hard to get it right because my direct managers in E&F and Support Services in the Trust are amazing. Couldn't find better bosses.

The bosses in the Trust HQ might be the Brains of Britain but, whatever decisions they seem to make, they seem unable to communicate it to anyone who it's going to affect until we get an e-mail saying "From tomorrow a massive change in your daily work life is going to happen!"

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3 hours ago, port-ton said:

I always wonder what these office jobs that have staff on half days on Fridays are. I work in an office that I have to work until 5 in all week so I'd like to find these magical places and move there.

I could work 9-5 Monday - Friday if I wanted to, but coming in at 8am each day allows a lunch time finish on a Friday, so it's worth it.  I can essentially work any hours I like as long as I complete my contracted hours (38.5).  Not much magical about the job itself, it's just that the MD is a cool guy and appreciates that everybody wants an early finish on a Friday.

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21 minutes ago, MEADOWXI said:

Had 9/40 for a bit, US office still has, and want it back. (Instead of doing 40 hours a week over 10 days in a fortnight, do the hours over 9 days and half the office off every 2nd Friday).Every 2nd weekend being a long weekend was brilliant.

A lot of BT engineers worked that cycle - they called it the nine-day fortnight. An alternative was the fourteen-day three-week which gives you a slightly shorter day but one fewer day off.

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Not my work but another reason the missus appears to be right to quit her job.

She works for a charity and is fundraising manager. One of the ways they try and get a few extra bob in is doing quiz nights. They've always used this pub round the corner from their office.

Now this pub is prime locale for after work drinks for a lot of companies and it has an upstairs bar/function room that they only open on weekends or for functions which, from what I gather, is only once every coupla weeks. Earlier this month the bar manager said that, instead of renting out the space for whatever it was (£180 I think) the new rule is the function room is free IF the bar/food takings from the function room reach £500 and anything under £500 is paid in cash.

Seeing as most of the events there make about £350-500 for the bar the management decided this was a decent deal and went ahead with it. Now their quiz night that is supposed to be on tonight has been derailed because a lot of folk who were going (and taking friends/family) are sick so, if they aint going, their pals aint going. Of the folk going there are a lot of folk who don't drink or only lower end of they payscale. The bar will be lucky to take £200.

Despite this charity working with this bar for years, making them thousands of pounds, they wont revert back to the £180 function hire for a one off or let them cancel the event without paying the full £500. Bar manager's a c**t it seems. So why is this the charity's fault?

When she first got the job she invited me to a quiz night to make up some numbers and she, fresh off the boat from NZ, was telling me about the deal and I laughed in her face. I told her there were dozens of bars within a coupla miles with function rooms that lay empty from Sunday to Thursday and if you asked them, on behalf of a charity, to take one over on a quiet night like a Tuesday, they'd give you the space for free and maybe even offer a coupla drinks as prizes as it's better than nothing. So she makes some calls, sends some e-mails, and finds three pubs that are more than happy to offer space for free. She takes this to management and they're like "Oh no. We've got a good relationship with this pub so we'll stay as we are."

Now that they've found out tonight's "fundraiser" is gonna cost them about £300 they're giving her shit for not finding other suitable venues.

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40 minutes ago, AsimButtHitsASix said:

Despite this charity working with this bar for years, making them thousands of pounds, they wont revert back to the £180 function hire for a one off or let them cancel the event without paying the full £500. Bar manager's a c**t it seems.

Get the press along to take a photo of your wife handing over the cheque to the pub manager. He may have second thoughts.

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