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Saying Goodbye To John Barleycorn

Sweet Pete

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2 minutes ago, Sweet Pete said:


I just have. I started a thread about it because I thought it was a more interesting topic than word association or hot corpses. If you don't want to read the thread then don't.


Have you had any phantom hangovers? I'd always wake up feeling fuzzy headed on a Saturday morning then have to remind myself I'd not been boozing the night before. 

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Have you had any phantom hangovers? I'd always wake up feeling fuzzy headed on a Saturday morning then have to remind myself I'd not been boozing the night before. 

Only stopped drinking yesterday [emoji23]

It's something I've been considering and decided after a three beer hangover yesterday that enough is enough.
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13 hours ago, ICTChris said:

I'm glad the world economy is fucked, if that's their attitude to things.

I don't really get hangovers, more the feeling tired and lethargic for a day or so, and generally only after a heavy one. What constitutes a heavy one seems to reduce over time though. Used to be 15 beers, now around 8 or 9 and I'm done.

I'm pretty much a binge drinker. Can do weeks/months without touching a drop then hammer it for a weekend or longer depending on work. I don't see that changing at any point, though I guess if I ever get her pregnant I'll need to start thinking about things a bit more. Years back I went 6 months off the drink after making a bet with a friend. Found it easy enough most of the time but nights out usually ended up horrific after a certain point. I also found I felt worse the following day if I'd drunk 3 or 4 cans of coke/irn-bru than 3 or 4 pints.

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1 minute ago, Bairnardo said:

I think the binge drinking culture of which I am a more than willing participant kind of died a death after 2008 and the financial crash. From that point onwards it seems pubs and city centres have got progressively quieter and shifted in attitudes. To the best of my knowledge, the Saturday nights out I used to have in Falkirk dont actually exist anymore where we moved from one mobbed pub to another then queued to get into a club. IMO there was a point where that night out became much too expensive for the generation that were reaching 18-21 and they must have looked to other, much more boring things.



I think there's a variety of factors that have lead to younger people drinking less.  Certainly cost would be one but I think that young people are more health conscious now - when I was a student we maybe played fives but nobody really went to the gym or did anything like that.  Young people interact in different ways, they have social media and can connect to their friends there rather than in person.  People, young and old, are now more interested in things like coffee and food now than they were when I was a student or teenager and maybe prefer socialising in coffee shops or restaurants than a crammed, noisy pub filled with drunks.

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3 hours ago, throbber said:

I am a major piss pot and have been since the age of 18, find it hard to not want to drink every weekend and when I drink I have about a half bottle of red and 4 or 5 beers at least. I am hungover every Monday with it fail and have gotten quite fat with it at various stages of life but I'm quite thin just now because I have been working. Hopefully this child I'm having acts as the swift boot in the balls i need but I can't be sure.

Throbber stop making out that you are some sort of mad alki. Half a bottle of red and half a dozen beers is f**k all.

i was at a gig at broadcast last night, working today and I feel fucking awful. There was a time when drinking on a school night could be brushed off with ease. Although I had a great night the boozing right now just doesn't seem worth it. 

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Throbber stop making out that you are some sort of mad alki. Half a bottle of red and half a dozen beers is f**k all.
i was at a gig at broadcast last night, working today and I feel fucking awful. There was a time when drinking on a school night could be brushed off with ease. Although I had a great night the boozing right now just doesn't seem worth it. 

It's still a fair amount to drink but I'm glad you're saying it's f**k all and to man up about it! I just find that I have a desire to drink all the time though.

Was at a wedding last night and hanging today myself, should never touch whisky!
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Throbber stop making out that you are some sort of mad alki. Half a bottle of red and half a dozen beers is f**k all.
i was at a gig at broadcast last night, working today and I feel fucking awful. There was a time when drinking on a school night could be brushed off with ease. Although I had a great night the boozing right now just doesn't seem worth it. 

It's still a fair amount to drink but I'm glad you're saying it's f**k all and to man up about it! I just find that I have a desire to drink all the time though.

Was at a wedding last night and hanging today myself, should never touch whisky!
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I remember reading an article a few years back about things that people predicted would no longer exist and one commentator said "gay bars".   The combination of greater public acceptance of homosexuality meaning gay people wouldn't require as many of their own spaces and the growth of apps like Gindr and Tinder would mean that you didn't have to go out on the pull anymore.  The same would apply to everyone I suppose.

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8 minutes ago, throbber said:


It's still a fair amount to drink but I'm glad you're saying it's f**k all and to man up about it! I just find that I have a desire to drink all the time though.

Was at a wedding last night and hanging today myself, should never touch whisky!


You probably needed the dutch courage to say "I do" 

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2 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

I remember reading an article a few years back about things that people predicted would no longer exist and one commentator said "gay bars".   The combination of greater public acceptance of homosexuality meaning gay people wouldn't require as many of their own spaces and the growth of apps like Gindr and Tinder would mean that you didn't have to go out on the pull anymore.  The same would apply to everyone I suppose.

I'm not convinced things like that will go out of existence, but certainly you would expect reduced numbers.  Pubs in general though will always serve a purpose.

A lot of the folk I know who are in their late teens and early 20's don't really go to the pub now, they tend to bevvy in the house and head straight to a club. When I was that age we would bevvy in the house, head to the pub and then head to a club. I think the price difference between a carry out and a shift in a pub has changed massively though. 6 cans still costs roughly the same where 6 pints costs about double what it did 15 years ago.

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