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Alcohol Consumption


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13 minutes ago, throbber said:

You must have still been around a fair amount of alcohol in your life though? Loads of social events when i was a kid revolved around adults drinking and us kids playing outside or on the computer etc, lots of parents would get drunk around their children without it having to cause the children to be upset by it. Obviously if its happening on a regular occurrence and the children are witnessing concerning behaviour from their parents its a different kettle of fish.

My parents never got drunk - my dad doesn't drink and my mum would have a glass of wine with a meal.  I don't remember any social events where I was aware of people being drunk, although I suppose they could've been.  

My dad lived in Ireland for a while and I remember going to the pub there with my parents and getting a Sunday dinner.  There were loads of kids in with their families, who were all drinking but they didn't seem drunk.  Obviously that's different from getting pished.

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Just now, throbber said:

That would be disgusting. Although they do compliment one another no matter what anyone who claims they never mix the grape with the grain. 

solid advice there I'll be sure to include it in the s1 advice sheet I make ever year

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1 minute ago, throbber said:

You're still doing well to not be subjected to alcohol in your childhood, whether its your parents, their friends, an older relative or just some village drunk who's behaviour is constantly confusing you. By the time you're 16/17 you will likely have had a beer or a wine as well so it just depends how you take to it then that can determine your attitudes to it in your future life. 

dk what age ICTChris is but currently in my year at school (S5) pretty much everyone has drunk some alcohol and the majority have been drunk so he is very lucky to not have been surrounded by it when he was younger. Furthermore, even the S1's at my school go out drinking but that might just be because Fife is a dive

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35 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

I asked the bairn the other day, on a scale of 1-10 what was the drunkest she thought I was on holiday.

I scored 4, the wife got an 8.


She's sat by the pool watching you devour mushroom suppers and Moray Cup. I don't blame her for sinking the Sangria.

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Sometimes go out for a few beers after work on a Friday but its becoming less as less that it escalates into a night out these days with the likelihood I will be home by 8-9. Do drink before the football on a Saturday maybe 4-5 pints from 12-3 but I don't tend to stay out afterwards unless there's a decent game on the tv and I want to catch the second half after getting off the train in Edinburgh

I don't tend to drink in the house much, and I maybe go out twice a month during the week for some food and a couple of beers after work but again these don't escalate into nights out with work being the next day. I miss sunday sessions but really cant handle the work on Monday that it brings

The happy hour question in the survey is an interesting one, I think the banning of these is something that's killed the pub scene a bit. When they had them people used to go out earlier and then go round the pubs depending on the times the drinks deals were on in different places. Now younger folk seem to drink in the house until about 11/12 and then head to a nightclub

Some places in Edinburgh Like Establishment now sadly gone used to have 50p a vodka from 5pm to 7(or 8) so people used to go out straight after work and the place was mobbed. Also I have noticed pubs have less and less bouncers on doors on a Friday and Saturday night. Dunfermline for example used to always have bouncers in the smaller pubs from about 7.30 onwards, I don't think many of them have them at all any more.

Its strange how over the border they can drink fine at football games, on buses(I think) going to a sporting venue and get happy hours yet we for some reason we can't.


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16 hours ago, planbiffy said:

I've already posted this link on the things you want to share with P&B thread, but thought I would share it here as well to try and get more responses, it only takes 1-2 minutes and would be a great help1 



I was going to wait until I was sober to complete this but didn't think you could wait that long.

The question about how long ago you were drunk could have done with a further line.

Good luck.


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5 minutes ago, throbber said:

I had no idea happy hour was banned in Scotland until now.

Quite right, pubs are not for being happy in. The rot set in when pubs were marketed as places for ordinary people to go. Before we knew it there was windows and women's toilets.

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I had no idea happy hour was banned in Scotland until now.

They just banned happiness in Scotland, time of day is irrelevant.
I’ve not had any alcohol since Saturday 14th. Don’t think I’ll be drinking this weekend either. Pretty often though I do like to just unwind and get hammered. Usually it’ll be a Friday, pub after work then up to my mates. If it wasn’t for football training I would probably have gone up the pub and had a few pints watching the football tonight.
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