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Flat Earth theory

DA Baracus

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25 minutes ago, Sweet Pete said:


You never meet a conspiracy theory believer who believes in just one conspiracy. They're all into loads of them. My wife's pal has a South African husband (my experience of them is that they are a conspiracy mad lot) and since getting with him she now believes in a global Jewish bank, artificial sweeteners causing cancer and sweets causing ADHD in kids.


There is research to suggest that artificial sweeteners are linked to an increase in cancer and that the increase in diagnosis of ADHD is linked to the rise in kids eating more sweets/'full fat' drinks, I don't know if they fall under the conspiracy umbrella, unless I've maybe got the bug, best don the tin foil, just in case.


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There is research to suggest that artificial sweeteners are linked to an increase in cancer and that the increase in diagnosis of ADHD is linked to the rise in kids eating more sweets/'full fat' drinks, I don't know if they fall under the conspiracy umbrella, unless I've maybe got the bug, best don the tin foil, just in case.

The artificial sweeteners as cancer causers myth was debunked ages ago. And sweets causing ADHD is guff too. There has been some link between e numbers and hyperactivity, but not sweets and ADHD generally.
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1 minute ago, Sweet Pete said:


The artificial sweeteners as cancer causers myth was debunked ages ago. And sweets causing ADHD is guff too. There has been some link between e numbers and hyperactivity, but not sweets and ADHD generally.


Not sure that's the case but I really can't be arsed to trawl the internet to back the point but my wife who works in cancer research reckons there's something there, good enough for me.  I can't claim the same level of wisdom on the sugar/ADHD but I see a difference in a friends kid now that he's had his sugar intake reduced. 

People believe what they want to believe and justify it, we can all take our pick on our various logics, Gods will being a prime example.

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4 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Clearly a ludicrous load of absolute bollocks that only staggeringly stupid folk believe. The arguments for it are comical and easily torn apart.

Does anyone on here believe the Earth is flat?

Have you tried the Juniors?

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5 hours ago, Wee Willie said:

You are up in space in a space ship and you are far enough away that you can see the whole of Earth as a globe.
You have a very powerful telescope and you can see me in Perth, Scotland, waving.
You also have another very powerful telescope and you can see a guy in Perth, Australia, waving.
Is he standing on his head?
If no, why no?


Can't be easy to wave while standing on your head...


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It's getting a bit out of hand the amount of morons getting into it. Seen a few "research flat earth" tags on motorway signs around the M8. Even saw the fuckers below setting up a stall in Glasgow.


Someone has taken it upon themselves to graffiti “EARTH IS FLAT” all over Perth Recently.

They wrote it on the slabs outside my girlfriends flat, I was pissing myself laughing at it.
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35 minutes ago, mrcat1990 said:

It's getting a bit out of hand the amount of morons getting into it. Seen a few "research flat earth" tags on motorway signs around the M8. Even saw the fuckers below setting up a stall in Glasgow.


They're not all bad. One on the M8, Under "Earth is Flat" says "RIP Rangers" too.

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8 hours ago, chomp my root said:

There is research to suggest that artificial sweeteners are linked to an increase in cancer and that the increase in diagnosis of ADHD is linked to the rise in kids eating more sweets/'full fat' drinks, I don't know if they fall under the conspiracy umbrella, unless I've maybe got the bug, best don the tin foil, just in case.


Aspartame is a carcinogenic substance if ingested in high enough quantities for a long enough period. 

The kicker though - and this is the one that the 'diet soda gives you cancer' brigade always fail to mention - is that you'd have to be taking Aspartame in quantities similar to Tony Montana with his big table of charlie for it increase your cancer risk.

A can of diet coke a day will not put you at risk. Christ, 2 x 3litre bottles a day won't even increase the risk of cancer (though will likely lead to several other health issues). 

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