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Local Council c***s


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Oil reserves are finite and the easily exploited ones that give you a good energy returned on energy invested are running out. That's why prices are a lot higher than they used to be. We don't live in a cornucopia where cheap and affordable fossil fuel use can keep expanding to fuel economic growth in the decades to come.

At some point in the not too distant future market forces will dictate that lithium ion batteries are the way to go for transportation rather than the internal combustion engine. This won't be happening by choice or because people were tricked into it.

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7 hours ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Oil reserves are finite and the easily exploited ones that give you a good energy returned on energy invested are running out. That's why prices are a lot higher than they used to be. We don't live in a cornucopia where cheap and affordable fossil fuel use can keep expanding to fuel economic growth in the decades to come.

At some point in the not too distant future market forces will dictate that lithium ion batteries are the way to go for transportation rather than the internal combustion engine. This won't be happening by choice or because people were tricked into it.

That would be true if the water powered engine hadn't been invented decades ago, before swifting being covered up.

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ACC doing what they do best.  Spending money on their pet projects - with overspend and delays of course and then complain that the Scottish Goverment didn't hand them cash for it.


Aberdeen City Council’s co-leader has hit out at the Scottish Government for failing to support the £34.6 million revamp of Aberdeen Art Gallery.



But Ms Laing said, unlike the design museum in Dundee, Aberdeen City Council did not receive any cash from the Scottish Government to help deliver the refurbishment of the Art Gallery. She said: “The V&A had help from the Scottish Government. I would have liked that help here.

“It has been a project that the city council has had to push forward on its own with help from the National Lottery.


Except this is a good case of if you don't ask, you don't get as the Scottish Government said they were never asked to help finance the project.



A Scottish Government spokeswoman said: “The Scottish Government was not approached by the local authority during the planning or business case phase of the project.

“We understand that Aberdeen City Council discussed funding with Historic Environment Scotland (HES) in 2016 after project works had already begun, but chose not to pursue an application for a Building Repair Grant.

“While it was not able to assist directly in this case, HES has previously provided significant funding to projects in Aberdeen, including £1.4m to Aberdeen Music Hall, a project which was also supported by £286,000 from Creative Scotland.



Edited by NorthernLights
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What's even better is that the idiots at the CoEC have agreed to give Underbelly a 2 year extension to the contract to provide these Christmas markets yet they weren't given any idea of what Underbelly were planning to do.

Worth pointing out the Christmas market is actually quite shite. Far too busy and there are about 3 or 4 of the exact same shops selling hats, scraves and other crap.

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I see Edinburgh Council are also trying to change the bus lane times to 12 hours a day, 7 days a week rather than the current midweek peak only.

I literally cannot fathom the need for this, and I’m a million miles away from one of the perma-raging Tories in the EEN comments going on about the ‘crusade against the motorist’.

The ‘consultation’ (eg here are some loaded questions about a decision we’ve already made) is here for anyone interested: http://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/news/article/2775/bus_lane_hours_consultation_launches_in_edinburgh

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12 hours ago, NorthernLights said:

A bit of rain/frost and things could get awkward.

We certainly wouldn't have got away with that on any of the sites we had.

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On 01/11/2019 at 07:11, MixuFixit said:

Plus isn't it an extraordinary coincidence that this huge scaffold seems to be right over those fine old trees they chopped down in the name of disabled access?

Aye but I'm sure it is just a coincidence as you say :lol: 

3 hours ago, Paco said:

I see Edinburgh Council are also trying to change the bus lane times to 12 hours a day, 7 days a week rather than the current midweek peak only.

I literally cannot fathom the need for this, and I’m a million miles away from one of the perma-raging Tories in the EEN comments going on about the ‘crusade against the motorist’.

The ‘consultation’ (eg here are some loaded questions about a decision we’ve already made) is here for anyone interested: http://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/news/article/2775/bus_lane_hours_consultation_launches_in_edinburgh

I actually support the idea of changing the bus lane times but there is no need for it to be 12 hours a day. Extend the AM and PM peaks for sure and maybe enforce it at weekends (especially on a Sunday - York Place is blocked up with cars parking in the bus lanes there) that's it.

Lothian themselves might want to look at rerouting some services as well. Princes Street gets far too clogged in the evening rush due to the sheer number of buses and having some stops almost alongside junctions which blocks everything up.

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I actually support the idea of changing the bus lane times but there is no need for it to be 12 hours a day. Extend the AM and PM peaks for sure and maybe enforce it at weekends (especially on a Sunday - York Place is blocked up with cars parking in the bus lanes there) that's it.

Lothian themselves might want to look at rerouting some services as well. Princes Street gets far too clogged in the evening rush due to the sheer number of buses and having some stops almost alongside junctions which blocks everything up.

Agree. I think extending the peak a bit is a reasonable suggestion, but the council say buses are 8% slower than in 2006, as a rolling average across the whole city, and thus 7-7 7 days a week is necessary. I’d like to see an equivalent comparison for private transport, as the city population has grown exponentially in that time, the tram undoubtedly slows traffic including buses along its route, bus passenger numbers are up hugely meaning longer wait times at stops, tourists are fucking everywhere, etc etc etc. There are a million reasons that this is the case and I doubt shutting half of Milton Road at 1pm on a Tuesday will really help much, if at all.

It’s just yet another seemingly helpful decision, that I believe comes with good intentions, that isn’t based on any meaningful data. Change for the sake of change.
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