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The Aberdeen Mega-Hyper New Stadium Thread

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As for the distance argument, well I looked on Google maps this morning it turns out that I've been commuting 9 miles from Culter to Pittodrie, and the recommended route is NOT along either the North or South Deeside roads, but is in fact via...                   wait for it...                KINGSFORD! [emoji4]  Even though that is a full 4 miles further in distance.  If I managed 9 miles for 40 odd years, I'm sure I'll manage 6.

I honestly read this and waited for the punchline to come at the end of this, it never did.

“I live outside of Aberdeen so if it cuts my journey time then I’m alright, who cares about decades upon decades of history and my team staying in its spiritual home among its local community?”

The Dons fans who are pro Kingsford absolutely deserve the fucking train wreck that this stadium move would be, I just feel sorry the ones who are smart enough to see through Milne.
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12 minutes ago, HibsFan said:


I honestly read this and waited for the punchline to come at the end of this, it never did.

“I live outside of Aberdeen so if it cuts my journey time then I’m alright, who cares about decades upon decades of history and my team staying in its spiritual home among its local community?”

The Dons fans who are pro Kingsford absolutely deserve the fucking train wreck that this stadium move would be, I just feel sorry the ones who are smart enough to see through Milne.


Presumably there were some Hibs fans out in Tranent  or Gorebridge who liked the idea of Straiton


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1 hour ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:

For someone who was earlier complaining about non-Dons fans parading their ignorance of Aberdeen it's a bit foolhardy of you to spout off about  Hearts.




Perhaps read it again, I'm talking about the suggestion of redevloping Pittodrie, ALL of Pittodrie, for a little more than Hearts just paid for one stand. If that's "spouting off about Hearts", then no wonder this topic is full of so much shite

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2 hours ago, HibsFan said:


I honestly read this and waited for the punchline to come at the end of this, it never did.

“I live outside of Aberdeen so if it cuts my journey time then I’m alright, who cares about decades upon decades of history and my team staying in its spiritual home among its local community?”

The Dons fans who are pro Kingsford absolutely deserve the fucking train wreck that this stadium move would be, I just feel sorry the ones who are smart enough to see through Milne.


Most have seen through this. But what can they do?  Anyone against Kingsford gets slagged off.

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When I was up in Aberdeen for the Thistle match on 27 December (mad b*****d, I know) I was talking to a Dandy Fan who I know quite well, and during some pre-match football banter he initially said he was against moving to Kingsford. I asked him why, and he said it was too far away as it was outside the new by-pass (!).  I had a map of Aberdeen in my pocket (as you do) and showed him where it was, just about an inch east of Westhill. This was a surprise to him as he thought it was on the west side of Westhill, and would be near an exit from the new by-pass. Anyway, no matter where it was, as it was still too far away, and he would need to get 2 buses at least to get there, instead of only one to get to Pittodrie. (He stays in Dyce). 

Maybe the details are still lost on some of the Dons Fans?

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Tom Widdows has a linked In profile for cross checking, he's not "claiming" anything, he is what he says and has mocked up a stadium rebuild and can't get away from the figures that AFC quote as reasonable. 
Still, maybe the guy above plucking figures and assertions out of thin air is more credible eh? 
His design is shite mate. Exaggerated as much as he could to produce a limited capacity. Probably paid for by Milne.

Plenty of people have shown how modern stands can fit in the existing footprint of Pitoddrie. It isn't hard to see how Aberdeen fans are being hoodwinked into thinking they can't renovate the current stadium.
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5 hours ago, fatshaft said:

It's quite astonishing that anyone reads the above couple of pages and thinks that. He's putting over sensible points, and against that a guy pulling figures out of thin air to justify his "points". Christ Hearts just rebuilt ONE stand for £14m, apparently the whole of Pittodrie could be done for £20m, and people are applauding that idiocy? Gimme a break. 

We've just built a very high spec stand with all the corporate stuff for 14m.

Nobody is suggesting rebuilding the whole of Pittodrie but keep plugging away champ. Monty Oh Well

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44 minutes ago, Jimbo Jagsfan said:

When I was up in Aberdeen for the Thistle match on 27 December (mad b*****d, I know) I was talking to a Dandy Fan who I know quite well, and during some pre-match football banter he initially said he was against moving to Kingsford. I asked him why, and he said it was too far away as it was outside the new by-pass (!).  I had a map of Aberdeen in my pocket (as you do) and showed him where it was, just about an inch east of Westhill. This was a surprise to him as he thought it was on the west side of Westhill, and would be near an exit from the new by-pass. Anyway, no matter where it was, as it was still too far away, and he would need to get 2 buses at least to get there, instead of only one to get to Pittodrie. (He stays in Dyce). 

Maybe the details are still lost on some of the Dons Fans?

Just need to tell him the Spiders Web run buses to Pittodrie so they will run to Kingsford. 

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1 hour ago, Jimbo Jagsfan said:

 Anyway, no matter where it was, as it was still too far away, and he would need to get 2 buses at least to get there, instead of only one to get to Pittodrie. (He stays in Dyce). 

There will be direct buses from Dyce park and ride, so he wouldn't  need two buses.

1 hour ago, Jim McLean's Ghost said:

Plenty of people have shown how modern stands can fit in the existing footprint of Pitoddrie. 


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5 hours ago, fatshaft said:

Can you do a mock up of this to current building regs like Tom Widdows has done on DT? Be good to see the comparison. Cheers. 

He's used a 3 metre wide grass run off and 5 metre wide track. It only needs 6 metres at the side and 7.5 behind each end for the very top category games. He's also knocked down and rebuilt the Merkland which isn't required or mentioned in any safety certificates. This has taken around 3000 off his estimate alone. 

He's used the steepest gradient permitted which, as I explained, means it reaches the maximum height quickly and reduces the capacities of the stands. Unsure why a professional architect would suffer such a failure of logic.

He has used the minimum widths like Tynecastle.

His repasting onto a 10 pixels picture of Pittodrie makes it very hard to work out where he's tried to locate things.  It looks like he's moved the front of the south stand back 6 or 7 metres which takes off more thousands. 

He's used the same access that I would say behind the south stand, although he seems to use Duntyish language to make the most basic things seem complicated.

Why his main stand is 2 rows is anyone's guess with the poor quality picture. I'm not sure he understands some things. He's repeatedly referenced the RDS being built where it is to have such a large concourse behind it for evacuations. It was built where it is because that's where behind the goal is...

Anyway, you've got right there a 99.99999% accurate map of Pittodrie with an approved and built 7220 capacity stand, with indoor concourses. I asked far more qualified architects about it and they see nothing wrong with it at all.

Your turn, what current building regs do you and Dunty see preventing it?

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4 hours ago, HibsFan said:


I honestly read this and waited for the punchline to come at the end of this, it never did.

“I live outside of Aberdeen so if it cuts my journey time then I’m alright, who cares about decades upon decades of history and my team staying in its spiritual home among its local community?”

The Dons fans who are pro Kingsford absolutely deserve the fucking train wreck that this stadium move would be, I just feel sorry the ones who are smart enough to see through Milne.


It's almost clear to me that there should be a separate club around that Kingsford area for the out of towners to go to football there. Drive from their homes outside of Aberdeen and indulge in the full modern football theatre experience next to a bypass. That seems exactly what half the support want. The other half should have another team in Aberdeen to be able to go the pub and walk to games at 2:55. 

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4 hours ago, fatshaft said:

Perhaps read it again, I'm talking about the suggestion of redevloping Pittodrie, ALL of Pittodrie, for a little more than Hearts just paid for one stand. If that's "spouting off about Hearts", then no wonder this topic is full of so much shite

:lol: Another Duntyish crack smoker.

We're talking about redeveloping the south stand and a very, very small main stand. Not ALL of Pittodrie.

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It's almost clear to me that there should be a separate club around that Kingsford area for the out of towners to go to football there. Drive from their homes outside of Aberdeen and indulge in the full modern football theatre experience next to a bypass. That seems exactly what half the support want. The other half should have another team in Aberdeen to be able to go the pub and walk to games at 2:55. 

Good guys = Pittodrie

Wanks = Kingsford United

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It's almost clear to me that there should be a separate club around that Kingsford area for the out of towners to go to football there. Drive from their homes outside of Aberdeen and indulge in the full modern football theatre experience next to a bypass. That seems exactly what half the support want. The other half should have another team in Aberdeen to be able to go the pub and walk to games at 2:55. 

Good guys = Pittodrie

Wanks = Kingsford United

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45 minutes ago, COYR said:

:lol: Another Duntyish crack smoker.

We're talking about redeveloping the south stand and a very, very small main stand. Not ALL of Pittodrie.

Yeh, your plan is to spend £20m on reducing the capacity of Pittodrie and therefore the club's ability to make money? And it doesn't include the cost of a separate training ground.

And we're the crack smokers?

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5 hours ago, KingswellsRed said:

Pittodrie certainly isn’t an attractive prospect for those outwith the core support. I think attendances will increase at the new stadium but nobody really knows one way or the other.

The one way to reduce our revenue is to build a stadium like Tynecastle that doesn’t even have any boxes. 

Pittodrie is a more attractive prospect than Kingsford because it is actually in the city of Aberdeen and not on the outskirts of a commuter village. Location is the absolute number one factor here. Kingsford will be a pain in the arse to get to and that will put people off. We'll get a bounce in attendances for a season or two but it'll drop off after that, IMO.

You can slag off Tynecastle all you like but we would kill for a ground like that. Hearts may not have boxes but they'll have a huge corporate offer once the stand is finished. You don't need to put rich people behind glass to extract money from them at the football, just look at most English stadiums. Their stadium is also in a good location with multiple existing transport links because it's within a city, much like Pittodrie (and not like Kingsford).

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It's almost clear to me that there should be a separate club around that Kingsford area for the out of towners to go to football there. Drive from their homes outside of Aberdeen and indulge in the full modern football theatre experience next to a bypass. That seems exactly what half the support want. The other half should have another team in Aberdeen to be able to go the pub and walk to games at 2:55. 

On the downside neither side would be as big and generally successful as the current side

On the upside you'd have a cracking local derby
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