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Everyday scummy behaviour


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Beginning to think this was in Forfar [emoji38]
Three pram-pushing hatchet faced harridans simply decided to cross the busiest street in Forfar right in front of me, regardless of traffic, just assuming everyone would stop for them. There's a fucking pedestrian crossing about 50 yards along the road. Obviously blasting the horn was met with various hand gestures and expletives. 
Scheme rats do seem to develop a quite stunning sense of entitlement when they knock out a c**t turd though. The same sort of fuckers that will slag off a shop all over social media because someone asked their devil child to stop wrecking things, or rant about not getting immediate access to a GP because said devil child coughed a couple of times yet all these foreigners come in to the country and are seen immediately.
Absolute arseholes. 

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This has the potential to be more of a PTTGOYN but die to the brazen, lack of giving a f**k even after the fact, I think it’s scumbag behaviour.

I live in a street with on street parking that gets fairly crowded at night and got back quite late one night so was circling to find a space. Found the only one even remotely close, so pulled up past it and indicated to go in. At this point noticed a car sitting round the corner in the next street ahead and before I started reversing also noticed a middle aged woman walking beside the car round the back, so assuming she was crossing the road behind me I waited until she finally stopped... right in the middle of the space. Not even acknowledging my existence. Utterly flabbergasted at what was going on (I’m fairly sure her husband was in the other car and had seen me getting the only space so had told her to get out and run across to stand in it :lol: ) I open the window and look round to see what’s she saying but just stares away oblivious. I just reversed incredibly slowly into the space and she eventually stood down and moved before being nudged out by the car. Afterwards it was actually quite funny just how bold it was, but still a scumbag move.

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I seriously fear what kind of generation my kid will grow up with. These scumbags don't give a f**k what their kids do. This country will be down the pan in the next couple of decades!

A generation of kids who’ve never heard the word no, who’ve never used the word please.
The scumbags are outbreeding us and soon they will outnumber us.
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Can't disagree with any of whats been mentioned already. The people who throw litter out their car windows are the most scummy for me though. I have to drive by all the crap thats been thrown onto the roadsides everyday just because the fat wankers cant be arsed actually getting off their arse to walk to a bin or just take it home. If I witnessed someone throwing an empty can out the window then found them crashed into a tree round the corner, Im not sure Id stop to help them.

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1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:
1 hour ago, Jimmy85 said:
Kids have always been arseholes. This isn’t a new phenomenon. 

We should probably consider hitting them more as a society then.

Make it illegal to smack your own kids but perfectly OK to hit other peoples'. This would encourage scummy parents to keep them in check in public to avoid some bloke in the queue in McDonalds giving them a shoeing.

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Make it illegal to smack your own kids but perfectly OK to hit other peoples'. This would encourage scummy parents to keep them in check in public to avoid some bloke in the queue in McDonalds giving them a shoeing.
YES!!! A true incentive to keep your wee ratbags in line in public!
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Adults riding BMXs, it just looks so stupid. Buy a bike which fits you.

Kunts who can't keep their dugs on a lead/ under control. 

Checkout operators gossiping and putting through one item every 25 seconds.

Wee prlcks who smash bottles on pavements.

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Make it illegal to smack your own kids but perfectly OK to hit other peoples'. This would encourage scummy parents to keep them in check in public to avoid some bloke in the queue in McDonalds giving them a shoeing.

There should be a 1 for the kid, 2 for the parent rule.

Inconsiderate parking deserves a shout, double parking, on double yellows, right at the junction, in disabled bays, dumped outside shops at times stopping in the middle of the road so their sprogs don't have to walk more than 5 meters to go into school/leisure center etc.
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People parking their Chelsea tractor in the only EV Charging space at the train station.

There's literally hundreds of normal spaces, but as the EV space is closest to the platform these fat, lazy, ignorant c***s batter in there, completely fucking it up for anybody that needs to charge their motor whilst at work.

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People who don't bother checking their lottery numbers, but proceed to take a clutch of tickets to the supermarket kiosk to have them tell them whether there's a winner can f**k. Right. Off.

It's a very petty thing I know, but I just think this is the height of laziness - for folk to value other people's time so little to hold them up for such a thing is just so rude.

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2 hours ago, Zetterlund said:

Make it illegal to smack your own kids but perfectly OK to hit other peoples'. This would encourage scummy parents to keep them in check in public to avoid some bloke in the queue in McDonalds giving them a shoeing.


11 minutes ago, parsforlife said:

There should be a 1 for the kid, 2 for the parent rule.

Ah .  .  . in a perfect world . .

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