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Things The Lower Classes Do

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Eat in a restaurant with a baseball cap on.

Have more than one ring on their finger(s).

Have the audacity to call Aberdeen fans "sheep", when they themselves are from Montrose  or some other non-descriptive place and follow Celtic/Rangers and toe the party line singing, posting up shite about THE RAH or Rool Britannia.

Put their feet up on public transport usually whilst blasting out some shite music.

Sing Oasis songs loudly in a pub whilst waving their hands up.

Laugh at shite like Mrs Brown. 

Think Kasabian are good.

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Change their minds about buying something and just dump it anywhere in a shop. Usually a frozen item that's been chucked next to kids' toys to go to waste before a member of staff notices it.

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Walk on the road

With new lights on the A96 creating long gaps in traffic, I enjoy taking the longest possible diagonal walk across the dual carriageway to a crossing point, essentially waltzing up the road with one of the region's key transport links all to myself.  It gives me a sense of enormous power and well-being until a wave of Scania trucks comes pelting towards me.

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17 hours ago, glassnahalf said:

That's how I voted. "Subhuman scum"? , welcome to democracy. Get over it.

Do you need proof, my friend?



In the European referendum, the lower your social class, the higher the probabaility that you voted leave.

The 2014 referendum was longer ago, but interestingly, a 2017 report concludes

"Since 2014 there has been a steady decline in support for independence among voters within the C2DE social grades. The ABC1 social bracket has been largely static."

Accordingly, I stand by my previous assessment. Would you feel better if I called you "Mr Subhuman Scum"?

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