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BBC bias

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Isn’t Reporting Scotland, a bespoke Scottish news programme, on at 10:30?

I agree to an extent about some English-centred affairs taking up much of the ‘national’ news but it’s not like they don’t report Scottish/Welsh/Northern Irish items at all either.

Last night was a bit weird though. The news was broadcast live from the stadium at 6pm. I’m not sure there’s ever a sporting occasion where that’s necessary.

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1 minute ago, Paco said:

Isn’t Reporting Scotland, a bespoke Scottish news programme, on at 10:30?

I agree to an extent about some English-centred affairs taking up much of the ‘national’ news but it’s not like they don’t report Scottish/Welsh/Northern Irish items at all either.

Last night was a bit weird though. The news was broadcast live from the stadium at 6pm. I’m not sure there’s ever a sporting occasion where that’s necessary.

Probably partly to do with them bigging up one of the few sporting events they've got the rights for. Expect wall to wall Wimbledon stories for the next fortnight, especially when Scottish Andy is playing.

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I suspect they're more concerned about being accused of not giving the Women's world cup sufficient coverage compared to the men's than pissing off Scots talking about England.
I'd agree with that, and over 11m viewers suggests that there is definitely an appetite. I enjoyed last night's game and I genuinely hoped that England would win, as the chauvinism that goes with American sport chokes in the craw. 'Military Veterans' football scarves ? WTF is all that about ? I live in hope that they fail in the final.

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12 hours ago, Colkitto said:

May I respectively disagree.

The 10 is for National and International news. The headline and perspective was mainly from an England viewpoint. By all means mention England's defeat as an news item, but not headline it as it was an irrelevance to the other nations within the UK.

This also happens in stories regarding the English NHS, Police, Transport etc. They treat the main National news to as to relate to England, rather than the UK as a whole.

It's just not good enough from the BBC


They do that because the fuckwits within our population don't know the difference, our NHS is nowhere near the disaster down south, most up here think it is.

Edited by ayrmad
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5 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

C'mon you know how inertia works. Folk don't drink coke, eat white sliced bread and f**k missionary because these are objectively the best

I generally eat really, really healthy bread of the finest , hand picked mixed grain.... ( etc.. ).

But just occasionally, I buy white bread. Just because toasted white bread with butter is far and and away the best.

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1 minute ago, beefybake said:

I generally eat really, really healthy bread of the finest , hand picked mixed grain.... ( etc.. ).

But just occasionally, I buy white bread. Just because toasted white bread with butter is far and and away the best.

Please don’t respond to the rest of his post!

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58 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

In the context of their senior political editor coordinating with a shadow cabinet minister to resign on air I tend to view most of that sort of thing from that sort of person as a window into BBC internal culture. Balance of probabilities.

Is that not just getting a scoop in the world of competitive news outlets? Would any other news organisation handle it differently? 

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1 minute ago, MixuFixit said:

That's how it was defended at the time. In my view it's not something I'd expect an impartial news organisation to do. You'd never see Reuters doing that.

Reuters don't compete in the live TV market. Any news broadcaster would be delighted to have a major political event happening live on their show. The BBC are constantly hammered for perceived bias from all sides, if there's a real one it's probably towards the centre ground so they upset as few people as possible. 

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1 minute ago, MixuFixit said:

I don't view competition, for a tax funded corporation with a notionally impartial mission, to be an acceptable reason to do ethically dubious things.

What's important about that story, that someone quit the shadow cabinet, or that Laura Kuenssberg engineered the scoop? I can't remember the guy's name. Doesn't seem like the journalism worked there.

I don't get why, if a politician had decided to resign, it's wrong to get him to do it on your show. 

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18 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

I'm glad you agree irresponsible journalism ethics aren't worth the scoop.

I honestly don't understand where ethics were broken in this example. Journo finds out a politico is about to resign. Suggests to him/her he/she does it on his/her show. Politico says ok. News is out.

Edited by welshbairn
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I've just watched Gordon Brewer interviewing Colin Clark and Drew Henry, and I'm wondering if I'm the only person who is pissed off with every facet of contemporary Scottish politics being viewed thro a filter called 'fishing'.

The Tories, rejected by the vast majority of the Scottish electorate, are obviously keen to focus on their NE enclave, but the BBC needs to stop playing their game. I suspect it's because the know that the likes of Ross Thomson and Kristine Hair really have f**k all knowledge of anything.

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1 minute ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

I've just watched Gordon Brewer interviewing Colin Clark and Drew Henry, and I'm wondering if I'm the only person who is pissed off with every facet of contemporary Scottish politics being viewed thro a filter called 'fishing'.

The Tories, rejected by the vast majority of the Scottish electorate, are obviously keen to focus on their NE enclave, but the BBC needs to stop playing their game. I suspect it's because the know that the likes of Ross Thomson and Kristine Hair really have f**k all knowledge of anything.

I was more pissed off at Brewer allowing the "having to join the Euro" comment to pass unchallenged, unfortunately the less engaged just lap up the shite as fact.

As usual the SNP rep was too busy bumping his gums about his own agenda, why didn't he just ask "Gordon why did you allow that lie to pass unchallenged?", time to put independence left right and centre instead of self or party interest.

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1 hour ago, ayrmad said:

I was more pissed off at Brewer allowing the "having to join the Euro" comment to pass unchallenged, unfortunately the less engaged just lap up the shite as fact.

As usual the SNP rep was too busy bumping his gums about his own agenda, why didn't he just ask "Gordon why did you allow that lie to pass unchallenged?", time to put independence left right and centre instead of self or party interest.

How do you know he didn't and they didn't just cut it out of the broadcast? They have previous for doing this. Think Nick Robinsons interview with Alex Salmond.

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