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BBC bias

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Your garden idiot from Coventry that was arrested for being a dick in Kavos wouldn't be afforded such privileges as a PR puff piece like Maguire has had. That he's an England International naturally means his arrest carries a greater amount of attention, but save he should save his pleas for the appeal judge rather than embark upon a PR campaign. 
Someone else has already said it - client journalism. Release a statement through your lawyer protesting your innocence and be done with it. 
Don't know who is advising him but if they think it's going to help they are extremely misguided.

It might win him some PR with moronic United fans but is more likely to piss off the Greeks even more.
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The new Tory Director General is promising to make BBC comedy more right wing. The Tories are fighting back against snowflakes and cancel culture by err being snowflakes and cancelling stuff they don't like.

I wonder if this new philosophy will also extend to their political output? Farage and Andrew Neil could finally get some airtime on the BBC. Laura K to be replaced by Marine Le Pen as political editor.

Tim Davie believes the BBC’s comedy output is seen as too one-sided, and unfairly biased against the Tories, Donald Trump and Brexit

The BBC’s new director-general is planning to tackle perceived Left-wing bias in the corporation's comedy shows, The Telegraph can disclose.

Tim Davie believes the BBC’s comedy output is seen as too one-sided and needs a radical overhaul in the coming months, senior sources revealed.

The BBC has long faced accusations that its comedy shows on radio and television are unfairly biased against the Tories, Donald Trump and Brexit.

In his first speech as director general on Thursday, Mr Davie will set out plans to restore “trust and confidence” in the BBC by better reflecting all sides of the political divide.

Part of the measures could see a number of shows axed, but senior sources at the BBC stressed that no decisions had yet been made, adding that Mr Davie would only set out a “direction of travel” in his speech.

However, it is expected that some of the worst-offending shows will be taken off the schedules in the longer term, senior sources said.

As well as cancelling shows altogether, BBC programme makers will be expected to find a better balance of satirical targets rather than constantly aiming jokes at the Tories.

Meanwhile, comedy panel shows will be told to book guests with a wider range of views on issues like Brexit, it is understood. There is also concern that too many BBC comedy shows promote a “metropolitan” London-centric and Left-wing view of the world.

Conservative MPs welcomed Mr Davie's drive to make BBC comedy more representative of views across the country.

Tory MP Ben Bradley said: "In recent years lots of BBC comedy shows are just constant Left-wing rants about the Tories and Brexit. If the BBC is to truly represent all licence fee payers, that needs to change.

"I'd like to see more right-leaning comedians given a chance rather than being effectively blacklisted for their views.

"Tim Davie appears to be talking a good game on sorting bias at the BBC, but whether it'll lead to real change, time will tell."

Mr Davie is understood to have made the issue of impartiality a priority following accusations of institutional bias from ministers and even the corporation’s own presenters.

In 2018, the BBC broadcaster Andrew Neil complained that the corporation's comedy output was too Left-wing, singling out The Mash Report, BBC Two's satirical late night show, as "self satisfied, self adulatory, unchallenged Left-wing propaganda”.

“It's hardly balance,” he said. “Could never happen on a politics show. Except this has become a politics show."

The Now Show on Radio 4 was "contrived ideological commentary" while the BBC One show Have I Got News For You "is on its last legs", Mr Neil added.

"When it comes to so-called comedy the BBC has long given up on balance, on radio and TV. Nobody seems to care. And I don't want Right-wing comedy, whatever that is. I'd just like comedy. Which is in really short supply. On TV and radio," he tweeted.

That same year, the producers of Radio 4 show The News Quiz were rebuked after the BBC upheld a complaint that the show was biased against the Conservatives.

Last June, the BBC initially defended the comedian Jo Brand after she joked about throwing “battery acid” in Nigel Farage’s face on Radio 4 comedy show Heresy. The corporation later decided Ms Brand had gone "too far” but denied her remarks had amounted to incitement.

Earlier this year the BBC provoked outrage by screening an “anti-British” comedy children's programme on the day the UK left the European Union. Hosted by the Left-wing comedian Nish Kumar, Horrible Histories Brexit suggested Britain had failed to produce anything of note, relying instead on imports and ideas taken from other countries.

In one scene, an actress playing Queen Victoria sang: “British things, British things, I thought that they were many. British things, British things, afraid there's hardly any.” Her servant then added: “Your British things are from abroad and most are frankly stolen.”

The long-running panel shows Have I Got News For You and Mock the Week have also attracted scores of complaints over perceived bias against the Tories and Brexit.

During his speech on Thursday, Mr Davie will set out broader plans to improve impartiality at the BBC.

BBC journalists and presenters will be reined in on social media from airing their political views, while there will be a crackdown on stars making money on the side by moonlighting for private companies.

Mr Davie will argue that the BBC needs to offer better value for money to licence fee payers across the country by better reflecting their views, it is understood.

It comes after the Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden accused the BBC of providing a "narrow urban outlook" and failed to reflect the mindset of millions of British voters. An Ofcom report from late 2019 also revealed that the BBC is seen as too white, middle class, and London-centric.

In his first speech since taking up the role, Mr Dowden said in March that the corporation lacks "diversity of thought" and failed to understand the strength of pro-Brexit feeling or concerns about immigration.

His remarks were seen as an attack on the BBC's perceived Left-wing bias, and a warning that the Government plans to overhaul it when a new chairman is installed next year.

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Bit weird for a right winger to include this bit in bold. Maybe he's in touch with his populist fucking up the elites side.


BBC journalists and presenters will be reined in on social media from airing their political views, while there will be a crackdown on stars making money on the side by moonlighting for private companies.

Posted this on another thread:  "Never heard of him but at least he has relevant experience, former acting Director General and head of BBC Worldwide. I thought they were going to appoint some halfwit from the Spectator like Toby Young."

As far as BBC comedy goes, it's been shite and predictable for years. There definitely is a sense that they meet in a North London pub somewhere and decide on what line to take, or just breathe it in subliminally. Maybe all the good stuff is on BBC Three. Must be hard to do satire when the prominent politicians are doing it themselves. I'd love to see a spitting image puppet of Starmer doing his oh so reasonable and lawyerish caving into the Tories and brexiteers.

There's a big thing amongst the ERG wing of the Tory party for doing away with the BBC and letting Murdoch and Co taking over UK broadcasting unhindered. For people like myself who value the BBC  despite its obvious faults and see it as incredible value compared to the alternatives, it might not be such a bad idea to have someone who can send the right dog whistles to them while hopefully doing fuckall about it.

Edited by welshbairn
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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

Bit weird for a right winger to include this bit in bold. Maybe he's in touch with his populist fucking up the elites side.

Posted this on another thread:  "Never heard of him but at least he has relevant experience, former acting Director General and head of BBC Worldwide. I thought they were going to appoint some halfwit from the Spectator like Toby Young."

As far as BBC comedy goes, it's been shite and predictable for years. There definitely is a sense that they meet in a North London pub somewhere and decide on what line to take, or just breathe it in subliminally. Maybe all the good stuff is on BBC Three. Must be hard to do satire when the prominent politicians are doing it themselves. I'd love to see a spitting image puppet of Starmer doing his oh so reasonable and lawyerish caving into the Tories and brexiteers.

There's a big thing amongst the ERG wing of the Tory party for doing away with the BBC and letting Murdoch and Co taking over UK broadcasting unhindered. For people like myself who value the BBC  despite its obvious faults and see it as incredible value compared to the alternatives, it might not be such a bad idea to have someone who can send the right dog whistles to them while hopefully doing fuckall about it.

I'd like you to be right but he's probably a genuine c**t. 

There probably is a slight metropolitan socially liberal bias to most bbc comedy but i'm not sure that's a left/right issue. 

I assume if he's sorting out the bias on comedy he'll be checking the tory slant on all news and current affairs so it's all good. 


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Seems a bit unfair. The Right got BBC News and now they want the other stuff too. Imagine thinking stuff like HIGNFY is left wing though.

It's a pretty blatant attempt to supress criticism of the government.

There's no such thing as right wing comedy anyway. Unless you count Malky McKay's text messages.


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Seems a bit unfair. The Right got BBC News and now they want the other stuff too. Imagine thinking stuff like HIGNFY is left wing though.

It's a pretty blatant attempt to supress criticism of the government.

There's no such thing as right wing comedy anyway. Unless you count Malky McKay's text messages.



You’ve obviously not been reading Alliance for Unity Twitter it’s hilarious, a shoe in for the BAFTA comedy award.

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Never been a fan of Speaker, Lindsay Hoyle but credit to him for allowing a Point of Order for Ian Blackford right in the middle of today's PMQs. Unfortunately Jo Coburn (or her producer) decided to revert to the bores in the BBC studio before his point of order could be heard.

It was an interesting P of O in that it revealed that the source of the leak that Johnson hos holidaying in Applecross, came from the PM's office, and was nothing to do Blackford. It was in fact a ludicrous attempt by Number 10 to smear Blackford and the SNP, and which has now given rise to several death threats causing considerable concern to his family.

PM's answer to the question?  "I think we need to move on from this now"





Edited by ICTJohnboy
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14 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:

Never been a fan of Speaker, Lindsay Hoyle but credit to him for allowing a Point of Order for Ian Blackford right in the middle of today's PMQs. Unfortunately Jo Coburn (or her producer) decided to revert to the bores in the BBC studio before his point of order could be heard.

It was an interesting P of O in that it revealed that the source of the leak that Johnson hos holidaying in Applecross, had its sources in the PM's office, and was nothing to do Blackford. It was in fact a ludicrous attempt by Number 10 to smear Blackford and the SNP, and which has now given rise to several death threats causing considerable concern to his family.

PM's answer to the question?  "I think we need to move on from this now"



Not so sure if this is genuine.


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4 hours ago, MixuFruit said:

very suspicious of the 'not funny enough' reason when Andy Townsend and Russell Howard continue to get work.


4 hours ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:


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36 minutes ago, Londonwell said:

Wester Ross is quite a large area tbf.

Not that many likely venues for the intrepid Tintins of Fleet Street to narrow it down to though. The barman at the Applecross Inn would be one of my first tries, I can't see Boris straying too far from a decent restaurant.

I'm sure it was common knowledge before Blackford sent that tweet, but it was a bit daft sending a public nudge and wink to the Daily Record Westminster hack.

Edited by welshbairn
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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

Not that many likely venues for the intrepid Tintins of Fleet Street to narrow it down to though. The barman at the Applecross Inn would be one of my first tries, I can't see Boris straying too far from a decent restaurant.

I'm sure it was common knowledge before Blackford sent that tweet, but it was a bit daft sending a public nudge and wink to the Daily Record Westminster hack.


Bringing back memories now of a bygone age. I was camping in Applecross back in the days when the Inn was just a pub rather than the restaurant it is now. From memory this was an age when it was still 10 o'clock closing (at least for most pubs this side of civilisation)

Anyway, approaching midnight one night, the pub was in full swing much to bemusement of an English visitor.  

"When do you close" he asked of the barman. 

"Close?" says the barman....  "We don't close until October"

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I never got to go to the Applecross Inn the other night, we had a table booked at 7 and they had to close just before it due to drainage issues.  

Wee takeaway pizza in the car hiding from midges instead 🥰




Mmmm pineapple on pizza


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6 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:


Bringing back memories now of a bygone age. I was camping in Applecross back in the days when the Inn was just a pub rather than the restaurant it is now. From memory this was an age when it was still 10 o'clock closing (at least for most pubs this side of civilisation)

Anyway, approaching midnight one night, the pub was in full swing much to bemusement of an English visitor.  

"When do you close" he asked of the barman. 

"Close?" says the barman....  "We don't close until October"

Remember sitting at the bar I think in Cruden Bay or nearby after 10 one night when I was about 15/16, and asked the guy next to me when they were likely to stop serving, and he said I'd be fine so long as he was there. He was the local bobby. True story before that did ye aye dog pops up.

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