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BBC bias

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55 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Again, probably agree, until your last sentence.

I think context does matter and, in the case of Hancock, I may be wrong but I thought the NAO were happy with the contracts but that his department were a few weeks late in putting the details into the public domain. If that is the case, then it’s a very minor matter, but tell me if I’m wrong. I presume that’s what Piers Morgan was pounding him on a few days ago. Certainly seemed piffling to me especially as it happened right at the start of the pandemic.

I think there's more similarity than your characterisation. Yeah, in both cases you could say that there are rule/law breaches that in actual fact nobody really cares about and a rap on the knuckles is all you'd expect. But there are fairly serious allegations that the BG were awarding huge contracts to Tory party donors, friends and connections in what would absolutely amount to the most blatant corruption you can imagine. The fact that details of the award of these contracts were not made public in the time frame that the law requires adds a fairly big stink to the whole thing. I certainly don't see that as "minor rule breach because it slipped his mind, nothing to see here".

In both cases, you've basically got evidence of technical incompetency / rule-breaking with significant allegations of much more serious stuff behind that. If there was no skin in the game for anyone involved, I'm not sure I see the reasoning for S/S to be plastered all over the front of the main UK politics page and to take front and centre of every news story whereas the Hancock story is now nowhere to be found and is quietly disappearing.

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Negative publicity, false reporting. 
I don't believe that the BBC are biased against Indy or Rangers but by some peoples standards on the BBC being against Indy by their reasoning the BBC are also biased against Rangers. Just intrigued if anyone thinks this is the case and if not why not. 
Here's a video Rangers fans would use showing blatant misrepresentation, I find this one crazy but not part of a wider conspiracy 
They are two entirely different situations imo. I believe the BBC have an anti-SNP bias, not for dark nefarious reasons, but simply because it's essentially their job. They are the British Broadcasting Corporation after all. Another dimension to the bias thing is to ask who benefits from negative publicity, dodgy editing and reporters making the same 'mistakes' repeatedly: obviously the other main parties.

Ask yourself the same re Rangers and the BBC. If there was a bias, who benefits? Basically no one. I can't think of any examples that set Rangers fans off other than Chris McLaughlin's doc about 8 years ago.
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Remember when everyone pointed-and-laughed at Celtic's greeting faced fans cause they thought the World and it's dug was against them - the Rangers fans at least seemed to have some sort of perspective on the duopolies grip over everything from fixture lists to tv coverage, reporting, referees, prize money ... every-fucking-thing

And then the blue dafties went tits up and decided the world was against them as well

The two most pampered clubs in the entire fucking world supported by the most utterly deluded fans in the entire World


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Don't know if anybody just watched the BBC Scotland the Sunday Show on between 10 and 10.30am. After seeing this it is little wonder that many SCots feel the BBC is biased towards the Union and against Independence.

Martin Geissler put it the question to Kirsten Campbell BBC  Scotland political correspondent "was Alex Salmond's appearance really the game changer we had been told"

She then spent the next 3 mins going on about how incredibly composed and credible he had been and that he didn't look like a man making false allegations and that his story of an organised conspiracy against him sounded genuine and that he lloked like a man telling the truth (and by implication the FM lying). Now she presented this as though it was fact rather than her own opinion. She then gleefully couldn't wait to talk about latest Sunday mail opinion poll showing fall in support for Scottishindependence and that the issue now might be cutting through.

This is the same Kirsten Campbell who was (i think still is) married to the EX Scottish Lib Dem leader Tavish Scott and ardent NO voter. He has also been allegedly involved in some murky affairs in the past.


The thing is a quick Google search will reveal that Kirsten Campbell appears to have form for misleading stories involving Scottish Govt in past.

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The BBC is a westminster owned media conglomerate, it doesn't take a genius as to where it's primary loyalties lie and how it's controlled.

It is no different from any state owned organisation, it will always lead with it's owners ideals.

The BBC is established under a Royal Charter and operates under its Agreement with the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport. 

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Credit where it's due, really good report on Yemeni education from the BBC today.
Introduction to the report states that the UK has cut aid to Yemen by 50%.
Still supplying the Saudis with weapons to blow the shit out of the place though.

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Guest Bob Mahelp

I don't believe that the BBC is institutionally biased. It has a leaning towards the status-quo, but you would expect that from such a long-standing national organisation that is effectively part of the British state. 

Individual commentators do display bias though, especially on Scottish political events where the country is utterly polarised and opinions entrenched. 

Major Scottish political reporters such as Kirsty Wark, Alex Neil and Sarah Smith have such deep-seated and well-known political views, that it's impossible for them not to be biased. I think that comes through quite clearly. 

I don't know what can be done about that, other than start of each of their reports with a disclaimer that the reporter's political views are tainted. 

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26 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

I don't believe that the BBC is institutionally biased. It has a leaning towards the status-quo, but you would expect that from such a long-standing national organisation that is effectively part of the British state. 

Individual commentators do display bias though, especially on Scottish political events where the country is utterly polarised and opinions entrenched. 

Major Scottish political reporters such as Kirsty Wark, Alex Neil and Sarah Smith have such deep-seated and well-known political views, that it's impossible for them not to be biased. I think that comes through quite clearly. 

I don't know what can be done about that, other than start of each of their reports with a disclaimer that the reporter's political views are tainted. 

Kirsty Wark holidaying with Jack McConnel en famille, Sarah Smith's father John leader of the labour party and Alex Neil's open strong dislike of NS, with these backgrounds and if the BBC wants to be seen as neutral in their commentary they should not be employing these people as political commentators.

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4 hours ago, Bob Mahelp said:

I don't believe that the BBC is institutionally biased. 

It is.  It's an utter disgrace of an organisation and is shown for what it is by the likes of C4 News who are not beholden to Downing Street. 

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3 hours ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

No- a comic!!

aware this is partly in jest but no one describes the Daily Mail or the Express as a comic or looks at them with the same derision or disdain that is attached to The National. Each of those two are as partisan as the National yet for some reason they are afforded the same level of respect that other tabloids and broadsheets are afforded - whether that be their inclusion in a newspaper review on radio/TV or headline snippets in newspaper summaries. 

It just goes to show that rabid right wing hate newspapers are much more in line with mainstream views in the UK than a newspaper actively promoting self determination. 

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15 Minutes of Goebbelesque anti SNP/SC propaganda tonight.

It's what we have come to expect in the run up to the May elections.

If some scandal on Murdo Fraser or DougLas Ross  came up in the next couple of weeks guaranteed it would be a footnote in the BBC news or more likely not reported on at all.

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