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The *joint* decision taken in November last year by both the UK and Scottish Govts to withdraw a £30m contract guarantee for BiFab is now being reported by BBC Scotland as just a Scottish Govt decision. The first image is from Nov 24th last year. The second image is from today.



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1 hour ago, Snafu said:

On a Tory scale of one to five, five being staunch, where would Neil Oliver be?


The BBC now have competition for being the Government mouthpiece, our very own Fox News. They deny it but they will be.

I wonder how many from the BBC will jump ship?

The shuffle further to the right continues.

Oliver's anti Independence views is obviously aligned to his new Boss Andrew Neil's anti Independence stance, it was probably the only asset that Oliver has as far as Neil is concerned. He'll  Be joining that arch unionist Piers Morgan.

At least GB news will be up front with their take on Scottish Independence, unlike the BBC who prefer to surreptitiously slip some anti referendum/Independence sentence in on their output.

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1 hour ago, SandyCromarty said:

Oliver's anti Independence views is obviously aligned to his new Boss Andrew Neil's anti Independence stance, it was probably the only asset that Oliver has as far as Neil is concerned. He'll  Be joining that arch unionist Piers Morgan.

At least GB news will be up front with their take on Scottish Independence, unlike the BBC who prefer to surreptitiously slip some anti referendum/Independence sentence in on their output.

Whilst your last line is correct, I find it's what the Beeb don't mention that marks them out as anti independence. 

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Absolute shite like moaning about flags undermines legitimate complaints about articles like this, where the BBC manage to get through an entire article of the Prime Minister moaning about an agreement that he negotiated, agreed to and signed without mentioning that the Prime Minister negotiated, agreed to and signed the agreement.


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11 hours ago, Stormzy said:

Perhaps the most important element of the overall Unionist strategy. This goes deeper than any of us could have imagined. 

I briefly forgot we were below the UNITED Kingdom and am now reassured. Rule Britannia. Thank you BBC.

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23 hours ago, Paco said:

Absolute shite like moaning about flags undermines legitimate complaints about articles like this, where the BBC manage to get through an entire article of the Prime Minister moaning about an agreement that he negotiated, agreed to and signed without mentioning that the Prime Minister negotiated, agreed to and signed the agreement.


I bet the 51% that would vote for a United Ireland would be the first to complain at replacing the subsidy provided to NI from the UK which was nearly £5000 per person..

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3 hours ago, John Lambies Doos said:
6 hours ago, strichener said:
I bet the 51% that would vote for a United Ireland would be the first to complain at replacing the subsidy provided to NI from the UK which was nearly £5000 per person..

I'm sure Europe would help cover that bill

If you believe that Europe is a benevolent, charitable institution then you should really watch this program - BBC Two - Inside Europe: Ten Years of Turmoil, Series 1, Going for Broke

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Nice handling of the interviews there by Marr, I thought.

The Minister from Her Majesty's Government was allowed to brush over her boss being corrupt, and her utterly shite trade deal with Australia, while the separatist was DESTROYED with the same poorly researched question repeated again and again.

Bumper pay rise for that man.

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