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BBC bias

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Laura K isn’t biased. She’s just easily swept up in the theatre of it all, much like almost everyone who is a lobby journalist at Westminster. They aren’t well equipped institutionally to critique complex and aggressive disinformation in real time.

A lot of the time they’re looking for gotcha moments too because they’re good tele. But usually not of any actual consequence.

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12 minutes ago, Ad Lib said:

Laura K isn’t biased. She’s just easily swept up in the theatre of it all, much like almost everyone who is a lobby journalist at Westminster. They aren’t well equipped institutionally to critique complex and aggressive disinformation in real time.

A lot of the time they’re looking for gotcha moments too because they’re good tele. But usually not of any actual consequence.

You asked her out yet?

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1 hour ago, dirty dingus said:

In May 2019, Brexitcast was the recipient of the Listeners’ Choice Award at the British Podcast Awards


A bit like winning the egg and spoon race at a village fete.

I get the impression that Laura and Adam might be slightly right leaning and Katya and Chris are slightly left, as in leave/remain as well. But it has to be a game for them all to play impossibly neutral characters 24/7 and still try to make interesting comments, maybe they share out slagging off parties to even it out. I'd be shite at it. Imagine having to neutrally interview or discuss Farage.

Edited by welshbairn
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53 minutes ago, Ad Lib said:

Laura K isn’t biased. She’s just easily swept up in the theatre of it all, much like almost everyone who is a lobby journalist at Westminster. They aren’t well equipped institutionally to critique complex and aggressive disinformation in real time.

A lot of the time they’re looking for gotcha moments too because they’re good tele. But usually not of any actual consequence.

Aye, OK. To the outsider, and that's 99% of the population, there appears to be a bit too much of a Venn diagram at Westminster involving politicians, their spin-doctors, journalists and broadcasters.  As a consequence it becomes easy to believe that there is insufficient detachment in this overheated bubble, and an associated doubt that we the electorate are ever receiving a truly accurate account of what is going on.  

Add to this an overweening sense of self-importance on the part of many commentators - Kuenssberg  literally running around Whitehall on occasion; Nick Watt with his insufferable perma-smirk, for example  - and you begin to think that too many in the media see themselves as complicit members of of the play's cast rather than critical observers.  The BBC has serial form here, especially since the Andrew Gilligan imbroglio.

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12 hours ago, welshbairn said:

I get the impression that Laura and Adam might be slightly right leaning and Katya and Chris are slightly left, as in leave/remain as well. But it has to be a game for them all to play impossibly neutral characters 24/7 and still try to make interesting comments, maybe they share out slagging off parties to even it out. I'd be shite at it. Imagine having to neutrally interview or discuss Farage.

Both Laura and Adam went to Glasgow private schools.

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2 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

Bias doesn't have to be intentional. Compare her to someone like Stephen Bush who manages to be suitably dispassionate.

I don't think she displays greater bias than Stephen Bush.

Everyone knows for certain how Stephen Bush votes and that he's of the centre-left.

I would not feel confident attempting to predict what LK's political leanings were.

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1 hour ago, Ad Lib said:

I don't think she displays greater bias than Stephen Bush.

Everyone knows for certain how Stephen Bush votes and that he's of the centre-left.

I would not feel confident attempting to predict what LK's political leanings were.

She comes from such a high-achieving family that she probably has no need for political leanings in the conventional sense.  Like Sarah Smith and some others, Fiona Bruce for example, Laura K inhabits that rarified strata where impeccable connections perhaps often count for much more  than personal qualities.  That's not to say she is not a fine journalist and broadcaster, because she is, but some people's career paths to the top are magisterially enhanced along the way.


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26 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

She comes from such a high-achieving family that she probably has no need for political leanings in the conventional sense.  Like Sarah Smith and some others, Fiona Bruce for example, Laura K inhabits that rarified strata where impeccable connections perhaps often count for much more  than personal qualities.  That's not to say she is not a fine journalist and broadcaster, because she is, but some people's career paths to the top are magisterially enhanced along the way.


She's probably quite happy with things as they are so takes a centrist position, and is wary of anything vaguely extreme that might upset the apple cart.

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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

Kuenssberg will happily trade off getting inside info in return for not asking difficult questions.

Prefer Sophia Ridge’s more confrontational style any day.


Different strokes for different holes, Granny.

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17 hours ago, welshbairn said:

I get the impression that Laura and Adam might be slightly right leaning and Katya and Chris are slightly left, as in leave/remain as well. But it has to be a game for them all to play impossibly neutral characters 24/7 and still try to make interesting comments, maybe they share out slagging off parties to even it out. I'd be shite at it. Imagine having to neutrally interview or discuss Farage.

They're all insufferable c***s and I'd rather eat one of my legs than watch the adverts for Brexitcast never mind the programme itself.

Edited by Miguel Sanchez
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ITV now at it. They reported from North East Fife as it's the UK's most marginal seat... so they speak to a couple of cretinous fisherman and half a dozen old duffers at a golf club, all of whom said they wouldn't vote for independence. Zero shame. iZT8ghc.png

Oh, they did chuck in a token mother with her new born saying she supports the SNP, though.

Genuinely cannot wait until the baby boomers are worm food.

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1 hour ago, Elixir said:

ITV now at it. They reported from North East Fife as it's the UK's most marginal seat... so they speak to a couple of cretinous fisherman and half a dozen old duffers at a golf club, all of whom said they wouldn't vote for independence. Zero shame. iZT8ghc.png

Oh, they did chuck in a token mother with her new born saying she supports the SNP, though.

Genuinely cannot wait until the baby boomers are worm food.

There was one lass who said she did not understand any of this; it was too difficult. It was not Kirstene Hair.  

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I also noticed on Politics live today that JoCo announced they would have senior people from all the main parties on today. Quelle surprise-no SNP politician. To be fair to the producers they were only discussing the UK spending plans of Tory/Labour parties. The rest was largely on "devolved" issues for England and Wales and the Liberal remain alliance in England and Wales. Gina Milllar was quite good but the failure that is Gavin Barwell, who was cast out by the voters in 2017, was allowed to pontificate on Labour from the comfort of his well paid sinecure in No 10 with May, and a warm seat in the Lords.

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I rarely watch much regional news or BBC Scotland, like many people in Scotland probably, so don't know if the SNP have had any coverage there, but there's been practically zero on UK wide TV. Their excuse for not mentioning the 3rd biggest party is that they're not UK wide, but neither are the other parties. Nothing on Northern Ireland or Wales really either. I'll make a point of watching The Nine tonight.

P.S. Seems from the headlines it's about Hillary Clinton's whingefest about the Russians and Andy Murray's comeback so I think I'll give it a miss.

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On 11/11/2019 at 22:10, Ad Lib said:

Laura K isn’t biased. She’s just easily swept up in the theatre of it all, much like almost everyone who is a lobby journalist at Westminster. They aren’t well equipped institutionally to critique complex and aggressive disinformation in real time.

A lot of the time they’re looking for gotcha moments too because they’re good tele. But usually not of any actual consequence.

Bullshit she's as Tory as they come and so are you.  

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