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England's Glorious Failure

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16 minutes ago, Pampered Adolescent said:

Can I get one for pointing out that 'Deonouments' shouldn't start with a capital letter as it is not a proper noun.

Try spelling it properly and aye, maybe.

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A 0-0 draw and 3-4 cheap bookings for fringe players - wouldn’t surprise me at all if both England and Belgium try to go down that route. If Scotland were in that position I’d be all for it.

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20 minutes ago, Raidernation said:

I was ambivalent about this game, but that fucking anthem and the England band have me wishing hell-fire and damnation on England now!

^^^^ seething


3 minutes ago, DrewDon said:

I see The England Band are still alive, with all their limbs intact. Disappointing. 

It wouldn't be as bad if they knew more than 2 songs


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I'm enjoying following a conversation on Facebook right now. My English Godson, who to his credit seems to know his football, is making the case that England shouldn't be happy either with tonight's performance or the result.  His mates are busy shouting him down, trotting out the shite about 'It was our 2nd team', 'obviously we weren't trying' and 'this was the result we wanted.' I'd go to his defence but I've learned from experience, it rarely ends well when I express Facebook opinions on England. 

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England plotting their route to the final when they haven't reached it in over 50 years is even more cringey than if we were sitting around guessing which teams we'd be drawn with in the group stages of WC 2022.

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