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Other clubs are already shaping up good squads and we are yet to sign a player should we be worried, this isn't a dig at McCall just a general question?
Absolutely no need to worry.

Other teams are having to sign a bucket load of players. McCall can duck and dive with the best of them (maybe he's waiting to see how the left backs and keepers look in the world cup).

Our biggest signing was shanks, and it's in the bag.
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Other clubs are already shaping up good squads and we are yet to sign a player should we be worried, this isn't a dig at McCall just a general question?

Not worried really, there’s still players out there that we can sign.

I think McCall will be careful to make sure he gets the right people rather than jump in and get the first person that becomes available.
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19 minutes ago, Ayrfan1910 said:

Other clubs are already shaping up good squads and we are yet to sign a player should we be worried, this isn't a dig at McCall just a general question?

Yeah I’m pretty worried. We’re the only team in the league yet to bring in any players and it’s looking like we may only get two additions which as I’ve already said I don’t think is enough. 

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Starting to get a bit worried about going up with pretty much the same team as last year.

Team has got some real quality in it though and some of them probably shouldn't have been in league 1 last season.

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If we’re sitting here at the start of July with no new players then I’ll start to worry but I’m content at the moment.

As someone said there’s a lot of teams in this league that will require a lot of re-building. We’ve kept our big hitters from last year (McDaid will hopefully sign) so it’s really just about replacing the players that have left.

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We need to remember the unbridled joy amongst our support (me as much as anyone) when that lazy b*****d harkins signed on.

Compare that to the subdued reaction to shankland joining us.

We'll have to just trust McCall and hope that he's learned from the mistakes of last time.

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Last season we picked up Shankland on the eve of the start of the season so good business can be done any time.

If we weren't going to have Hart as first choice this season I'd have hoped that a keeper or keepers would have been identified by now, I'd rather have gone for a top part time keeper than a loan or average full time one personally. 

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9 hours ago, Ayrfan1910 said:

Other clubs are already shaping up good squads and we are yet to sign a player should we be worried, this isn't a dig at McCall just a general question?


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I'd actually say the opposite, I reckon we're well ahead of most other teams so far as asembling our squad is concerned. Remember, it's not just us that hand out 6 month and 1 year deals as we're all pretty much in the same boat.

Ultimately, we're maybe 3 - 4 players away from our final squad and as far as we're aware a LB & GK have already been identified so personally I reckon we're doing ok.

Now, being honest, who thought we'd have held on to Shankland, Crawford & Rose ??

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8 minutes ago, ayrunitedfw said:

Big Jean Yves Mvoto has left Dunfermline, was POTY for Raith and earned a move to the pars and by all accounts done fine there.


Bring him in McCall :wub:

Everyone took the piss when we signed him from Raith after horror displays in the playoffs but he barely put a foot wrong when called upon last season.

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Big Jean Yves Mvoto has left Dunfermline, was POTY for Raith and earned a move to the pars and by all accounts done fine there.
Bring him in McCall :wub:

Would definitely take him. Absolute unit of a centre half and we could do with a no nonsense defender if Bell won’t play every game.
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He's an absolute donkey. Being the best player in a relegated squad isn't anything worth bragging about either tbh.

He did ok at Dunfermline by all accounts. Not just Raith.
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