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The Ultimate Super Ayr Thread

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11 minutes ago, HMIP said:

Nope.  Typical home crowd at Ayr is less than 2k in a stadium that can hold over 10,000.  Out in the open air, wearing a face mask if required.  It’s an insult to people’s intelligence to say that’s less safe than being in a crowded pub, a sweaty gym or sealed inside an aeroplane. 

Pubs and restaurants shouldn't be crowded just now. If they are then they aren't following the guidelines. Its like trying to compare a banana to a goat, two completely different entities. There are extremely strict hygiene policies in place for any eateries that are open. The test events are being used to iron out issues and learn a new best form of practice. For one I'd rather wait and return to the football when the pandemic is under control with a means of preventing spread in place, so I'm glad they are taking these steps. 

Air travel mandates wearing of masks, temperature checks, they are deep cleaned between flights, have HEPA filters in place for the air conditioning etc etc. Your also not likely to go absolutely mental when the plane lands like when someone scores a 90th minute winner. 

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1 minute ago, diegomarahenry said:

They are doing test events, like every other country. They are not allowing people to congregate on mass in any setting apart from a test event. Like every country. 


Pubs have a limit of patrons they can host, they have to follow guidelines on service and movement around their establishment. Gyms have a set of guidelines to follow, airplanes have distancing rules, the air is circulated, passenger numbers are reduced. 

Football is being treated exactly the same as other industries in terms of risk and protocol for public safety. 


There was a flight flew into Cardiff from Zante just last week with half the folk on board infected and passengers on the flight confirming there was little social distancing or face mask wearing.  The idea that breathing recirculated air in a sealed metal tube is safer than being outside in the fresh air is just not credible.  
By the governments own admission, the COVID spike in Aberdeen was centred around multiple pubs.   Outside of the city centre where you might get a visit from the plod, it’s pure fantasy to imagine that pubs are following the rules to any great extent.  
As was mentioned above, this isn’t about risk, it’s about economics.  There is clearly a perception that football isn’t valuable to the economy therefore there is no need to get it opened up.  This couldn’t be further from the truth.  Football employs thousands of people and generates hundreds of millions for the economy every year.  Someone needs to point that out to Sturgeon before she takes a wrecking ball to our game,

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38 minutes ago, HMIP said:

Sick and tired of Sturgeons attitude.  Her government is driving our game towards disaster.  How the hell can it be safe to open pubs and restaurants but not safe to have limited crowds at football?  How long can clubs like Ayr realistically survive with no match day income?

Not that long probably. But "clubs like Ayr" had every opportunity to vote for a longer closedown and to wait to 2021 to restart football and "clubs like Ayr" decided they could deal with it and wanted to restart as soon as possible. There's therefore no real point in "clubs like Ayr" whining about it now and claiming it will be the death of them.

I'm not having a particular go at Ayr more than any other lower division side (and nor have they done any whining) but it would be enormously hypocritical for lower division Scottish clubs to complain about unfairness now. They knew when they voted to go back that there was a prospect of having no attendances for the foreseeable future and should be budgeting accordingly. If they can't make that work then they shouldn't have been voting to restart now in the first place. The Govt did not make them do that. At the time they voted to go back there was no indicative date for crowds and the general belief was it was likely to be 2021. It's currently only been pushed back 3 weeks!

Edited by Skyline Drifter
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20 minutes ago, HMIP said:

Nope.  Typical home crowd at Ayr is less than 2k in a stadium that can hold over 10,000.  Out in the open air, wearing a face mask if required.  It’s an insult to people’s intelligence to say that’s less safe than being in a crowded pub, a sweaty gym or sealed inside an aeroplane. 

pubs etc shouldnt be crowded at the moment and should all have strict precautions put in place. 2k fans in a stadium is still a large number considering we arent able to meet up with more than six people currently.  Its fairly easy to understand how a virus could spread easily in this situation when fans will be queuing for a pie/ going to the toilet at half time. The only insult to peoples intelligence here is your idea that opening the gates to football stadia for thousands of fans is safer than going for a pint in a pub where strict protocols have been put in place

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3 minutes ago, HMIP said:

As was mentioned above, this isn’t about risk, it’s about economics.  There is clearly a perception that football isn’t valuable to the economy therefore there is no need to get it opened up.  This couldn’t be further from the truth.  Football employs thousands of people and generates hundreds of millions for the economy every year.  Someone needs to point that out to Sturgeon before she takes a wrecking ball to our game,

No, THIS couldn't be further from the truth. Football opened up way before it really should have precisely because it's so important to the economy. In case you missed it the Premiership was back training in June and has been playing for over a month. That wasn't allowed for other sports even. The public weren't allowed into a gym until last week. The Govt was under enormous pressure to get football, at least top level football anyway, playing as soon as possible both from an economic and pr point of view. The last thing they want to do is irritate millions of voters more than they have to.

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Just now, Skyline Drifter said:

Not that long probably. But "clubs like Ayr" had every opportunity to vote for a longer closedown and to wait to 2021 to restart football and "clubs like Ayr" decided they could deal with it and wanted to restart as soon as possible. There's therefore no real point in "clubs like Ayr" whining about it now and claiming it will be the death of them.

I'm not having a particular go at Ayr more than any other lower division side (and nor have they done any whining) but it would be enormously hypocritical for lower division Scottish clubs to complain about unfairness now. They knew when they voted to go back that there was a prospect of having no attendances for the foreseeable future and should be budgeting accordingly. If they can't make that work then they shouldn't have been voting to restart now in the first place. The Govt did not make them do that.

Do you honestly believe clubs took that decision without guidance from the government?  There has been regular consultation with them for months now.  “Clubs like Ayr” made it clear from the outset that there is no business model that allows them to operate without crowds getting back in.  Without the furlough scheme, multiple clubs would be gone already.  Premier League clubs were press ganged into restarting due to the Sky deal, but I would still worry for smaller clubs like Hamilton if this goes on much longer.  

This is just BS politics.  Sturgeon pursued a bonkers zero COVID strategy and is now panicking because it is going wrong.  Football seems to be an easy target at a time when she is content to let people engage in far riskier activity in other areas of society. 

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5 minutes ago, Skyline Drifter said:

No, THIS couldn't be further from the truth. Football opened up way before it really should have precisely because it's so important to the economy. In case you missed it the Premiership was back training in June and has been playing for over a month. That wasn't allowed for other sports even. The public weren't allowed into a gym until last week. The Govt was under enormous pressure to get football, at least top level football anyway, playing as soon as possible both from an economic and pr point of view. The last thing they want to do is irritate millions of voters more than they have to.

Rubbish.  Football is being played behind closed doors all over Europe with no evidence that it is fuelling transmission rates in the wider community.  The Scottish government simply followed a model that was already working and in place in other countries.  The premier league clubs evidently believed there was a sustainable business model for them due to a TV revenues.  That clearly does not apply to lower league clubs.  As I say, I do not believe the mid October restart date was agreed without discussion with the Scottish Government. 

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6 minutes ago, HMIP said:

Do you honestly believe clubs took that decision without guidance from the government?  There has been regular consultation with them for months now.  “Clubs like Ayr” made it clear from the outset that there is no business model that allows them to operate without crowds getting back in.  Without the furlough scheme, multiple clubs would be gone already.  Premier League clubs were press ganged into restarting due to the Sky deal, but I would still worry for smaller clubs like Hamilton if this goes on much longer.  

This is just BS politics.  Sturgeon pursued a bonkers zero COVID strategy and is now panicking because it is going wrong.  Football seems to be an easy target at a time when she is content to let people engage in far riskier activity in other areas of society. 

The problem has been people not adhering to the guidance, hence the sudden spike. There are plenty of people where I stay that have had house parties and all sorts over the past few weeks. Absolutely obvious why there is no a spike in Glasgow and the surrounding areas. There is absolutely no issue with an erradiction policy, it makes perfect sense to reduce the chances of the virus mutating and wiping out large sections of the population. Have a look at the stats for Brazil (which are atleast more than double the official figures due to massaging of the figures.) to see what a policy of no lockdown does. 

Anyway if there is no signing news. Lunch today - Macaroni Pie, wee bit of ketchup on the side. 

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12 minutes ago, Hawk89 said:

The problem has been people not adhering to the guidance, hence the sudden spike. There are plenty of people where I stay that have had house parties and all sorts over the past few weeks. Absolutely obvious why there is no a spike in Glasgow and the surrounding areas. There is absolutely no issue with an erradiction policy, it makes perfect sense to reduce the chances of the virus mutating and wiping out large sections of the population. Have a look at the stats for Brazil (which are atleast more than double the official figures due to massaging of the figures.) to see what a policy of no lockdown does. 

Anyway if there is no signing news. Lunch today - Macaroni Pie, wee bit of ketchup on the side. 

Just the one? Lightweight. 

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55 minutes ago, HMIP said:

Rubbish.  Football is being played behind closed doors all over Europe with no evidence that it is fuelling transmission rates in the wider community.  The Scottish government simply followed a model that was already working and in place in other countries.  The premier league clubs evidently believed there was a sustainable business model for them due to a TV revenues.  That clearly does not apply to lower league clubs.  As I say, I do not believe the mid October restart date was agreed without discussion with the Scottish Government. 

Exactly, so what's your point ??

Are you saying that the whole of the world is wrong and you're outraged because NS is following the same advice as all other Government leaders ??

I'm really not understanding your argument at all.

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The problem has been people not adhering to the guidance, hence the sudden spike. There are plenty of people where I stay that have had house parties and all sorts over the past few weeks. Absolutely obvious why there is no a spike in Glasgow and the surrounding areas. There is absolutely no issue with an erradiction policy, it makes perfect sense to reduce the chances of the virus mutating and wiping out large sections of the population. Have a look at the stats for Brazil (which are atleast more than double the official figures due to massaging of the figures.) to see what a policy of no lockdown does. 

Anyway if there is no signing news. Lunch today - Macaroni Pie, wee bit of ketchup on the side. 
Or how about instead of using a developing country like Brazil for an example, we look at a comparable developed country like Sweden. They have pretty much nailed it. Instead of mass lockdown restrictions, they went for heard immunity and the figures are now showing that it worked.

We cannot keep imposing restrictions each time there is a rise in cases, otherwise it's going to be this way until there is a vaccine (which could be never).

We all know that if there's another lockdown, dozens of clubs will go under, and the hospitality industry will die too. Thousands will lose their jobs, economy crashes, different illnesses are missed, and mental health problems rise.

I wear a mask and follow the rules, but I'm really starting to lose faith, and I'm sure a lot of others are too. Get us back at Somerset Park which is absolutely a lot safer than many pubs, restaurants, and gyms.
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Seems a bit early for folk to be at the beating-your-fists-on-the-ground-and-crying-let-me-in stage, but there you go. 

However, it would be good to have a bit more clarity - from all Championship clubs (preferably a unified approach) - around streaming of games etc. if fans aren't allowed into  grounds by the time the season starts, which looks increasing likely. 


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